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Beyond OSAS

Beyond OSAS


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03 Jan 13
28 Oct 15
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The springing up of God's life within the born again man is like a fountain. It is springing up unto saturation of our being with divine life. He is springing up into eternal life.

" Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again,

But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall by no means thirst forever but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life." (John 4:14)

We should not think of this gushing up fountain of life as just resulting in living forever. We must think of this fountain as the Triune God saturating His people permeating them for the mingling of God and man - deification.

Once saved we are destined to have the God within gush up into the deification of man mingling man "organically" with God.

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08 Dec 04
28 Oct 15

Originally posted by KellyJay
I fail to see Jesus giving everyone go sin its no big deal message at any time ever.
I think for those that wish to remain in their sins and not follow God this message OSAS will
without a doubt tickle their ears.
Do you know someone who believes that? I don't know of anyone who believes that.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Oct 15
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It is time we actually get into what Deification is.

Now some are fearful that to speak of deification is a repeat of the temptation the serpent put before Adam and Eve saying - "You will become like God ,,," (Gen. 3:5)

But it is the way in which Satan proposed that man become like God. That is possessing "the knowledge of good and evil" yet in rebellion to God and allegiance to His enemy - the serpent.

Over against the choice of taking in the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil was "the tree of life" .

The former was to take something of God in rebellion to God ,resulting in death.

The latter was to take in God Himself, and all the is communicable in God to man comes into man with God. Man was created to live God.

Deification therefore is seen in man being placed before the tree of life.

" And out of the ground Jehovah God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, as well as the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Gen 2:9)

Just by reading Genesis we could not figure out what the tree of life signifies. By the end of the Bible we can see that the tree of life speaks of God imparted into man for the deification of man.

In short that is to mass produce Christ. Christ being the standard model of the Godman. The church and the New Jerusalem as the duplication of the Godman via His full salvation.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
28 Oct 15
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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Do you know someone who believes that? I don't know of anyone who believes that.
Getting saved isn't just a get out of Hell free card, but it has become so watered down in
modern days that for some getting saved is just mouthing a few words someone tells them
to say. It doesn't mean God enters into their lives and they into His, so you couple that
message with your in good with God now no matter what, then you have just given
people the reason to think they can follow their sinful nature and not God.

I do believe if you turn your life over to God as we have discussed that you really are born
again, filled with God's Spirit, repenting of your sins as you follow the Holy Spirits lead you,
you are and will be saved and will have no fear of damnation because Jesus took your
sins upon Himself. You cannot earn it, it is all a gift from God, from the grace God gives to
the faith we have to believe in Him.

I think having the Christian community filled with people who do not know God, that do not
follow God's Spirit has left a nasty taste in mouth of those looking in from the outside, and
it should. It will not excuse them of their own sins since they are responsible for them, but
they now justify their bad behavior by looking at other bad behavior.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Oct 15
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I wrote above:

In short that is to mass produce Christ. Christ being the standard model of the Godman. The church and the New Jerusalem as the duplication of the Godman via His full salvation.

Some are fearful that the teaching of Deification or Apotheosis is a thrust again of Satan as in Isaiah 14 to be like the Most High. Or they are concerned it is a repeat of the serpent's temptation to Adam and Eve.

It would be blasphemy to say that we become God in the sense that the enemy of God sought to usurp God and become like the Most High.

It is Christ's salvation though, that He duplicates what He is in millions of those saved by Him.

" Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)

In other words it is God's will that the divine life concealed within the shell of Christ's humanity would through His death, break forth and spread into millions of others. The one grain is duplicated.

We have dumbed down the meaning of the church. The church is for the deification of man. The church is for the mass reproduction of Godmen. The church is for the one grain to multiply to become many grains.

This is why also He fell into the ground to die, so to speak, in His death and burial. He died to redeem sinners with His blood. And He died to duplicate God and man mingled together for the formation of His Bride and Wife in eternity to come.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
28 Oct 15
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Originally posted by sonship
I wrote above:

In short that is to mass produce Christ. Christ being the standard model of the Godman. The church and the New Jerusalem as the duplication of the Godman via His full salvation.

Some are fearful that the teaching of Deification or Apotheosis is a thrust again of Satan as in [b] Isaiah 14
to be like the Most High. ...[text shortened]... licate God and man mingled together for the formation of His Bride and Wife in eternity to come.[/b]
I understand what you are saying, but it is confusing. How is "Deification" possible?
Isn't mankind eventually going to be here on earth? That is, the "new heavens and the new earth".
It is going to end as God began, in the "garden of delights." A place where there will be peace, no more sin, no more tears, an abundance of food, etc.
And won't we hold different positions in the Kingdom depending on rewards earned in the here and now?

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
29 Oct 15
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I do not understand the moral value of a code which looks only at the point where someone accepts a fact (or an untrue fact if Christianity has it wrong) to judge someone, as opposed to looking at their entire life. Why do the Christians here think that they are absolved from all future sin?



04 Apr 04
29 Oct 15

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I understand what you are saying, but it is confusing. How is "Deification" possible?
Isn't mankind eventually going to be here on earth? That is, the "new heavens and the new earth".
It is going to end as God began, in the "garden of delights." A place where there will be peace, no more sin, no more tears, an abundance of food, etc.
And won't we hold different positions in the Kingdom depending on rewards earned in the here and now?
The reign of Christ on David's throne is here on earth. The New Jerusalem is not.



04 Apr 04
29 Oct 15

Originally posted by sonship
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for [b]Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to H ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
Your are referring to regeneration. This happens at the return of Christ and Paul called it getting a glorious body fashioned after Christ. The saints of Christ will all be spirit beings..

The regeneration has not yet happened.

Grampy Bobby
Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
29 Oct 15
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Originally posted by sonship (OP)
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
Today is Wednesday, October 28, 2015. One day in the foreseeable future each of our physical bodies will cease to exist on planet earth. By then each of us will have made the most important decision of our lives: the uncoerced choice to accept or reject God's grace gift of salvation and eternal life by the simple exercise of faith alone [nothing added] in Christ alone. At that moment in time God the Holy Spirit imputes a Human Spirit with the instantaneous results that we are spiritually alive and members of Christ's Royal Family. The singular aspect that might be termed "eventual" is the extent to which believers in Christ grow in grace and acquire the Mind of Christ. How? By systematically exposing themselves to the accurate teaching of the Word of God by their own pastor/teachers. Having done so, God is glorified and the believer will receive rewards in heaven. Period.


28 Oct 05
29 Oct 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
By then each of us will have made the most important decision of our lives: the uncoerced choice to accept or reject God's grace gift of salvation and eternal life by the simple exercise of faith alone [nothing added] in Christ alone.
I don't want to hear evasive waffle about "privilege" or "volition" or about whether a choice is "uncoerced", if you don't mind. I am interested in a straight answer. Do you seriously believe ~ psychologically speaking, philosophically speaking, spiritually speaking ~ that people can somehow make a "decision" to believe something that they simply do not find to be believable?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
29 Oct 15
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Originally posted by DeepThought
I do not understand the moral value of a code which looks only at the point where someone accepts a fact (or an untrue fact if Christianity has it wrong) to judge someone, as opposed to looking at their entire life. Why do the Christians here think that they are absolved from all future sin?
Why would you think your absolved from all future sin, if that were true we would not be
going to Jesus as we commit a sin and ask for forgiveness. You may as well shoot all the
sinners for future sins...difficult to forgive what has not happen.

Grampy Bobby
Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
29 Oct 15
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Originally posted by FMF
I don't want to hear evasive waffle about "privilege" or "volition" or about whether a choice is "uncoerced", if you don't mind. I am interested in a straight answer. Do you seriously believe ~ psychologically speaking, philosophically speaking, spiritually speaking ~ that people can somehow make a "decision" to believe something that they simply do not find to be believable?
Question: "What do you believe?" ----------------------------------> Thread 166124


28 Oct 05
29 Oct 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Question: "What do you believe?" ----------------------------------> Thread 166124[/b]
This is just evasion, Grampy Bobby. As long as you dodge the question, you are demonstrating your inability to substantiate your assertion about "choice".

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
29 Oct 15
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Originally posted by FMF
I don't want to hear evasive waffle about "privilege" or "volition" or about whether a choice is "uncoerced", if you don't mind. I am interested in a straight answer. Do you seriously believe ~ psychologically speaking, philosophically speaking, spiritually speaking ~ that people can somehow make a "decision" to believe something that they simply do not find to be believable?
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