Originally posted by Daemon SinWho said 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'?
You question wrongly assumes that all Christians have a premeditated intent to fool people into accepting their religion. For most, their faith is based on belief. When they spread the proverbial 'word' they're doing so with no underlying malicious intent, they believe it is right and are passing on the truth. They may be right, they may be wrong; it's up to you to decide if you want to believe or not.
It doesn't matter if 2000 years later everyone is ultra sincere, they are still as full of shyte as a christmas turkey. Sincerity is not the key to truth. TRUTH is the key to truth and there is none in christianity or Islam or Judaism or any other so-called religion referancing some god or other. One big problem: They cannot, being in a lot of cases, diametrically opposed to one another to the point of death, all be right. Therefore SOMEONE is wrong and it is clear the best course of action is to believe they are ALL wrong. There was no god 2000 years ago and there is non now. It's quite simple really, these religions were designed by men to control men and specifically to put down women and thereby raise men to a higher plane. That is the effect whether you like it or not. Millions and millions of people killed all in the name of some made-up god made up by deluded power hungry men like Paul or Mohammed or L Ron Hubbard.