Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?

Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Jan 19
1 edit

Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?
Are these questions beyond the scope of science?
Can we know all there is only using science?


28 Oct 05
05 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?
Are these questions beyond the scope of science?
Can we know all there is only using science?
The word that pertains to notions about supernatural causality is "superstition". The word" science" pertains to natural phenomena ~ not supernatural phenomena.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Jan 19

@fmf said
The word that pertains to notions about supernatural causality is "superstition". The word" science" pertains to natural phenomena ~ not supernatural phenomena.
So it isn't that there is no evidence for God in science, it is that science refuses to
see even the possibility of God. That sort of makes it very circular don't you think?


28 Oct 05
05 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
So it isn't that there is no evidence for God in science, it is that science refuses to
see even the possibility of God. That sort of makes it very circular don't you think?
It's your prerogative if you want to choose superstition over science to arrive at your worldview but you can't commandeer the word "science" in order to pretend that your God stuff is knowledge about the natural world that is based on facts learned through experiments and observation.

14 Mar 15
05 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
So it isn't that there is no evidence for God in science, it is that science refuses to
see even the possibility of God. That sort of makes it very circular don't you think?
Science discounts things that are not scientific. And rightly so.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Jan 19

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Science discounts things that are not scientific. And rightly so.
That is all fine and good!

If God isn't found in science it is not because God isn't real, it is because of how we
now define science, it now refuses to accept the possibility!

The blinders are put on to refuse the possibility then it will always be a circular
logic that denies God. You cannot have it both ways, if evidence points to God
than that evidence has to be rejected out of hand because of how science is now
defined, it wasn't always that way. So with modern science not because the truth
doesn't show us only that a refusal to see it does.

If science were purely to go where the evidence leads, then there can be nothing
that can be rejected before the search begins. Yet today, the "not scientific" is
there before the search begins, again very circular not an honest search.

Didn't you just say a little while back that if you accepted God, you'd have to
throw out science or something along that line? I submit that the only thing you'd
have to throw away would only be "the blinders" that keep you from truth! Science
without blinders would still remain without preconceived notions.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Jan 19
1 edit

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Science discounts things that are not scientific. And rightly so.
Just watched something interesting that even the scientific things are not looked
at as they should be. Short talk I think you will find it very thought provoking.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
06 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?
Are these questions beyond the scope of science?
Can we know all there is only using science?
You probably are referring to the Abrahamic god.
Science has proven your creation story is a fairy tale.
Science has proven the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 6,000 years.
Science has proven Noah's ark story is a fairy tale also.
If there is a god, it is certainly not yours'.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Jan 19

@caissad4 said
You probably are referring to the Abrahamic god.
Science has proven your creation story is a fairy tale.
Science has proven the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 6,000 years.
Science has proven Noah's ark story is a fairy tale also.
If there is a god, it is certainly not yours'.
Okay, sure!
Does science have something it can point to where we can see where everything
came from, you know the something from nothing? I will not hold my breath
on you getting back to me on this. I'm not tied to an age of the earth being
anything, I believe its around 6K but it isn't a make or break issue with me. You
have proof that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, not 15 billion, not 14.5, not
21 billion years old? I will not hold my breath waiting on you to produce this
either. Science has proven Noah's ark story is a fairy tale, okay how did that

I will not hold my breath on Noah's ark story either, you guys are really tricky when
I say I will. 🙂

If there is a god it isn't mine, you that because you know who the God I serve
is and know the real one?

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
06 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Can Science see God or acknowledge the possibility of God?
Are these questions beyond the scope of science?
Can we know all there is only using science?
Science really has no limits as to its scope.
If gods exist they would be a legitimate field of enquiry for science.

As to knowing all there is ... if it is possible it will be possible with science.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
06 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
So it isn't that there is no evidence for God in science, it is that science refuses to
see even the possibility of God.
Do you think it logical for science to accept the possibility of all things?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Jan 19

@wolfgang59 said
Do you think it logical for science to accept the possibility of all things?
All things could be possible, but likely no.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
06 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
All things could be possible, but likely no.
Do you think it logical for science to accept the possibility of all things?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
06 Jan 19

@wolfgang59 said
Do you think it logical for science to accept the possibility of all things?
It's not logical for science to accept anything until tested.

Science can't test the existence of God.

That seems logical to me.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
06 Jan 19

@secondson said
It's not logical for science to accept anything until tested.

Science can't test the existence of God.

That seems logical to me.
That was not the question, was it?

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