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Christ vs a High  Moral Code

Christ vs a High Moral Code


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Originally posted by KellyJay
I love starting each morning in the Word and prayer.
What a useful practice. What a life long beneficial good habit to have.

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A proverb a day.
On the 13th, I'll read the 13th proverb.
On the 30th I'll read the 30th.
After the last day of the month, I start over on the with the 1st.
There is one for each day of the month.
I read more each morning, but I always make sure I get in the proverbs.
At first I was changing out the translations after each month, but I thought I would stick
with KJV for a year.

With this plan it stops me from doing reading just to attempt to prove a point or teach
someone else something. It allows God to teach me without me telling Him what I already
know, by trying to get my facts laid out for someone else. I admit I can do that too without
trying to.

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What does Jesus mean that here?

"For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens." (Matt. 5:20)

We may think He was speaking of the hypocrisy of the of the scribes and Pharisees. But He does not say we must surpass their hypocrisy but surpass their "righteousness".

Their righteousness was of the Law. Philippians 3 tells us this. as a persecutor of Christ Paul was himself a Pharisee keeping the Law. Then he learned to live Christ and the Pharisee's righteousness according to the law was forsaken by him to live the surpassing righteousness of oneness with Christ.

"And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is out of the law, but the righteousness which through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith." (Phil. 3:9)

This is just the positional righteousness of justification by faith for redemption.
This is the daily, hourly, and moment by moment dispositional righteous living out of having faith that Christ lives in him. This is the surpassing righteousness from faith that Christ can be everything.

Because of the dispensing of the life of Christ into man - Christ's becomes "your righteousness." . Christ mingles Himself into your living. And then Lord does not speak of "His righteousness" but "your righteousness". That is became Christ becomes our living.

" ... unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and the Pharisees ..."

I said above that Christ had confidence in His own life. And Christ also had utter confidence that He could become our righteousness as He blends His living and available Person with us who believe into Him.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
A proverb a day.
On the 13th, I'll read the 13th proverb.
On the 30th I'll read the 30th.
After the last day of the month, I start over on the with the 1st.
There is one for each day of the month.
I read more each morning, but I always make sure I get in the proverbs.
At first I was changing out the translations after each month, but I thought I would ...[text shortened]... trying to get my facts laid out for someone else. I admit I can do that too without
trying to.
Yes, whenever I get into reading and thinking "This is what so-and-so needs to hear" I realize I am on the wrong track.

Your method of going for the word in the morning is interesting - tying the date to the Proverb number.

One year we had a turmoil in the local churches. We were all encouraged to get into reading the Bible - three chapters in the Old Testament and one chapter in the New Testament each day.

Those were golden times of a great healing calm and peace among the brothers and sisters - three chapters of the Old Testament and one chapter of the New Testament.

Of course eating strengthens one for abiding and walking in the Spirit. It also helps us to TASTE the Lord. And it helps us to GROW in the Lord.

" As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that you may grow into salvation.

If you have TASTED that the Lord is good." (1 Peter 2:2,3)

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Originally posted by sonship
What a useful practice. What a life long beneficial good habit to have.
I watch the sunrise everyday over the sea from my balcony for mornings.
At night I lay on my back and try to go through all the things that happened that day, which I think is a Hindu thing.

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Originally posted by sonship
Yes, whenever I get into reading and thinking "This is what so-and-so needs to hear" I realize I am on the wrong track.

Your method of going for the word in the morning is interesting - tying the date to the Proverb number.

One year we had a turmoil in the local churches. We were all encouraged to get into reading the Bible - three chapters in the Old ...[text shortened]... grow into salvation.

If you have TASTED that the Lord is good." (1 Peter 2:2,3)
I read more than Proverbs, but that book sort of anchors my devotion time for me.
Psalms, and a chapter out of the NT or OT as well.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I watch the sunrise everyday over the sea from my balcony for mornings.
At night I lay on my back and try to go through all the things that happened that day, which I think is a Hindu thing.
Sounds like you have a really nice place to live.

Poor modern man though. Poor modern man. He has been so influenced to think that he has not meaning and is just an accident, that he cannot see this is our Father's world. I was before so empty and confused - thinking I was no more than a roach. The planet was second rate. The sun was second rate. The galaxy was second rate. And man was only a accident soon destined to die out in the blackness of the eventual frozen ashes of space

The beauty, the splendor is a personal thing, a gift from a living heavenly Father.
It expresses something of the love of God for man. But since man has fallen away and joined the opposition party against God, God has to include in that creation reminders that all things are not as they should be in perfect harmony.

But I enjoy those positive and beautiful things of God's world designed from man's enjoyment. When my sins were washed away in the blood of Jesus, why, that sun was even more splendid and that breeze was even more musical.

I would enjoy the rising of our Father's sun and the washing away of every sin by redeeming work of the Father's Son.

"The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament proclaims the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night tells out knowledge." ( Psalm 19:1,2)

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Originally posted by KellyJay
I read more than Proverbs, but that book sort of anchors my devotion time for me.
Psalms, and a chapter out of the NT or OT as well.
I love the Wisdom and Poetry books too.
And I don't know who can not like Ecclesiastes.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I watch the sunrise everyday over the sea from my balcony for mornings.
At night I lay on my back and try to go through all the things that happened that day, which I think is a Hindu thing.
There is a deep appreciation for nature in the East - its mystery.
They are very deep thinking people.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
John 14:6 KJV
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

To begin with this isn't a matter of simply obeying a few commands and codes with Jesus
it is Jesus Himself that leads us to the Father.

John 14:26 KJV
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my n ...[text shortened]... l be nothing we
can do that will remove our sins before God, without God's Spirit we hot God's.
Good verses this morning.

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Originally posted by sonship
Yes, whenever I get into reading and thinking "This is what so-and-so needs to hear" I realize I am on the wrong track.

Your method of going for the word in the morning is interesting - tying the date to the Proverb number.

One year we had a turmoil in the local churches. We were all encouraged to get into reading the Bible - three chapters in the Old ...[text shortened]... grow into salvation.

If you have TASTED that the Lord is good." (1 Peter 2:2,3)
What you said got me thinking about something I heard about church too. I recall a pastor saying once, if we are listening to a sermon and start thinking about how someone else should be there listening to it, we should realize we are there, they are not. All the time we spent thinking about them was time we were not paying attention to what we were there for.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
What you said got me thinking about something I heard about church too. I recall a pastor saying once, if we are listening to a sermon and start thinking about how someone else should be there listening to it, we should realize we are there, they are not. All the time we spent thinking about them was time we were not paying attention to what we were there for.

That's a good one.

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