Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeMy favorite quote from Atheist Betrand Russell, which I think had a lot of insight, went something like this:
"My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle eclipses with such care that in time they became ...[text shortened]... two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others."
Bertrand Russell
There are two tragedies in life: One is to be withheld from the desire of your heart. The other is to obtain it.
Christian theology has contributed to the knowledge of why this is largely true and why it is so.
Originally posted by 667joeIt is the year 1516 AD. A certain man who has no knowledge of atoms, microwave, radio signals, electric current, galaxies, and many, many, many other things steps outside and sees his neighbor's wife. He lusts after her and covets her. He flirts with her and flatters her, inflicting subtle damage on her relationship with her own husband and cheating on his own family life.
Can anyone cite anything theology has contributed to human knowledge in the past 500 years?
It is now 500 years latter in 2016 AD. Another man gets on the Internet. This one has knowledge of microwave, is conversant on the solar system, understands computers some, microbiology, atomic energy, and quantum physics. He also is flirting with someone's wife over the Internet, coveting her, flattering her, tempting her to the destruction of his own family life and hers.
Christian knowledge of God and ministry of God to people helps the 21rst century man realize that he is not a whit better off morally or spiritually than the 16th century man. Both are destroying their own humanity and recklessly committing adultery to the ruination of themselves and many other people effected as well as breaking God's law - "You shall not commit adultery."
Christian theology helps the second man to realize in his arrogance, that just because he knows more stuff about the mechanics of the universe he is not necessarily spiritually and morally superior to men of former ages.
Originally posted by sonshipAmen to that brother sonship.
It is the year [b]1516 AD. A certain man who has no knowledge of atoms, microwave, radio signals, electric current, galaxies, and many, many, many other things steps outside and sees his neighbor's wife. He lusts after her and covets her. He flirts with her and flatters her, inflicting subtle damage on her relationship with her own husband and cheating ...[text shortened]... cs of the universe he is not necessarily spiritually and morally superior to men of former ages.[/b]
02 Mar 16
Originally posted by sonshipOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................
Give it up robbie carrobie.
We're through. I can't treat you as a "brother" who year after year rejects Jesus as God incarnate but strongly opposes it.
Forget about any brotherhood between Jehovah's Witnesses and the disciples of Jesus.
Shots fired!!
This means all out religious warfare.
I have my popcorn ready.
02 Mar 16
Originally posted by Great King RatHe is just one of many many people totally convinced only THEIR religion is the TRUE religion.
You're using the word "dishonest" incorrectly.
Here is the thing: They cannot almost by definition all be right.
They can, however, ALL be wrong.
I opt for the second alternative.
When people use religion as a crutch, it might even be necessary for those times where you search in the heavens for signs of deities and such but instead find the universe.
In the past, religion was necessary in people's lives because there was no alternative to the implacable hostile world we live in, thunder, lightning, volcano's, earthquakes, plagues, pestilences, predators, diseases, it's no wonder people in the past took up religion because it gave them a framework in which they had order in their lives and ritual. Religion gave them that. At a high price.
Now we have outgrown the fear of thunder, we know what meteorites and tornado's and predators are and have to means to defeat or avoid all of those and most diseases now.
We need to outgrow religion now because they are holding people back from being mature as a civilization.
Right now all we get from religion on a global scale is global scale violence.
But still the adherents tout THEIR religion as the only true religion despite massive evidence to the contrary.
That is not maturity. That is still living in fear when most fear causing agents have been defeated for the most part where most folk can live out their lives in relative peace, at least better than most any time in history. Certainly better health and such.
02 Mar 16
Originally posted by 667joeHas the human heart changed in the past 500 years through technology so that we no
Can anyone cite anything theology has contributed to human knowledge in the past 500 years?
sin against each other and ourselves? Has man stopped buying and selling each other,
taking advantage of each other, stopped carrying for our own needs over those near us?
Theology can change a man's heart, it is done on the individual not nations, so when you
see drug addicts turn their lives around, drunks, and so on this is through self effort and
in many cases theology as God helps, it isn't due to our great strives in creating an
iPhone or a really great laptop.
Originally posted by KellyJayOn the other hand, has theology increased anyone's lifespan, cured any diseases, shown any knowledge outside dogma, taught anyone about the real world? The world of the Abrahamic religions is one where the planet is 6000 years old and no discussion tolerated.
Has the human heart changed in the past 500 years through technology so that we no
sin against each other and ourselves? Has man stopped buying and selling each other,
taking advantage of each other, stopped carrying for our own needs over those near us?
Theology can change a man's heart, it is done on the individual not nations, so when you
see drug ...[text shortened]... as God helps, it isn't due to our great strives in creating an
iPhone or a really great laptop.
Also 500 years ago, if you quit the religion you were now apostate and likely to be killed.
That still goes on today in some branches of the Abrahamics.
They are the religious mafia, you check in but you don't check out alive.
Originally posted by sonhouseAnd in the end we still are dying and diseases are still here. The difference is what is it
On the other hand, has theology increased anyone's lifespan, cured any diseases, shown any knowledge outside dogma, taught anyone about the real world? The world of the Abrahamic religions is one where the planet is 6000 years old and no discussion tolerated.
Also 500 years ago, if you quit the religion you were now apostate and likely to be killed.
...[text shortened]... of the Abrahamics.
They are the religious mafia, you check in but you don't check out alive.
that is most important, is it a life span no matter how many times we increase it still ends
or is there something beyond which looks at what one does with that life span no matter
how long or short it is?
What does success look like? If our lives are such that we care for one another and will
look beyond the wrongs done to us, is that life better than one who lives twice as long as
us? If we hate each other yet we live disease free and three times longer is that better
than the life that cares for others over themselves?
Yes, I'll take God's Word of loving Him and each other over iphones and laptops and
longer lives. I just wish I was better at it than I am.
There are more than a few who do not tolerate those that disagree with them and hold
very negative views of them that do not agree. That is more of a human issue not so much
as a theology one.
02 Mar 16
Originally posted by sonshipchill out sonship.
Give it up robbie carrobie.
We're through. I can't treat you as a "brother" who year after year rejects Jesus as God incarnate but strongly opposes it.
Forget about any brotherhood between Jehovah's Witnesses and the disciples of Jesus.
Originally posted by vivifyI doubt it from what i can discern it was only his mother that was a witness and his father was rather opposed. Micheal Jackson left or was kicked out the Witnesses.
Michael Jackson was a Jehovah's Witness. I wonder if he ever went door-to-door handing out Watchtowers.
02 Mar 16
Originally posted by vivifyApparently he was told to "Beat it."
Michael Jackson was a Jehovah's Witness. I wonder if he ever went door-to-door handing out Watchtowers.
"Don't you ever come around here.
Don't wanna see your face. You better disappear."
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it