12 Feb 06
Originally posted by rwingettIntellectually stunted? I guess I qualify.
Rejoice, rejoice! I invite all enlightened secularists and all intellectually stunted christian reactionaries to join me in celebrating the birthday of Charles Darwin, born on this day in 1809 (the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln). For more things Darwin, you can go to:
Indeed, let's celebrate the man who knowingly or unknowingly gave ideological permission for genocide, racism and eugenics.
Originally posted by HalitoseRiiiiiiiight. Cuz those things were never encouraged thousands of years before in say . . . uh . . . the Hebrew Bible???
Intellectually stunted? I guess I qualify.
Indeed, let's celebrate the man who knowingly or unknowingly gave ideological permission for genocide, racism and eugenics.
Originally posted by HalitoseOk so it's a bit short of full-blown eugenics, but there are a lot of commands not to mix with other cultures, and much is made of keeping the Hebrews pure.
Lol, one would be hard put to find biblical support for eugenics. As for the other two: thankfully we aren't living a couple thousand years ago.
Still it's more than unfair to place all that crap on Darwin. His theory doesn't support it any more than does the Big Bang. Nowadays the only people that spin eugenics, racism, and genocide from Darwin are Creationists trying to distort science.
Originally posted by telerionNa-ah. Here's the full title of the innocent sounding "Origin of Species": On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The emphasis is my own, but this doesn't need a long shot in deducting the gist. This particular scientific theory had ethical ramifications.
Ok so it's a bit short of full-blown eugenics, but there are a lot of commands not to mix with other cultures, and much is made of keeping the Hebrews pure.
Still it's more than unfair to place all that crap on Darwin. His theory doesn't support it any more than does the Big Bang. Nowadays the only people that spin eugenics, racism, and genocide from Darwin are Creationists trying to distort science.
Originally posted by HalitoseDarwin was thinking of the human race. It was Herbert W, Spencer that perverted his idea to define "favored race" as the English, as opposed to the Irish (for example), and the white races as opposed to the black (for example), and that gave rise to the work of Darwin's cousin Sir Francis Galton, and the rise of eugenics, and the Anglo and American perversions of Piaget's notions of intelligence testing, as it still exists today.
Na-ah. Here's the full title of the innocent sounding "Origin of Species": On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The emphasis is my own, but this doesn't need a long shot in deducting the gist. This particular scientific theory had ethical ramifications.
Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man summarizes this checkered history better than any other single volume.
Originally posted by HalitoseHere's the TalkOrigins explaination, and from googling around it also appears to be the common explaination that I'm getting from scholarly hits.
Na-ah. Here's the full title of the innocent sounding "Origin of Species": On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The emphasis is my own, but this doesn't need a long shot in deducting the gist. This particular scientific theory had ethical ramifications.
Basically "race" means variety, not skin color. Given the liberty you guys take with the Bible to make words not say exactly what they seem to, it's kinda telling that you don't even bother to check out the context on this one.