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Originally posted by RBHILL
hiroshima and nagasaki are good examples of explosions with out a creator.
they are bad examples of explosions with out a creator. especially as they were created by bombs, created by man.


Originally posted by RBHILL
Prove it.
well as the process is already underway and as we stand there is no evidence that it will stop, i think its up to you to disprove it.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
well as the process is already underway and as we stand there is no evidence that it will stop, i think its up to you to disprove it.
Maybe when Christ comes back, but not until then.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
they are bad examples of explosions with out a creator. especially as they were created by bombs, created by man.
Joke, Duh!


Originally posted by RBHILL
Joke, Duh!


Originally posted by stellspalfie
do you believe in the chemical elements? do you believe they can bond at the molecular level and make other chemicals?
I have no argument with technology science - and the principles that go along with them.

The earth has its elements provided for - by higher authorities so we can make our cars and computers and TV,s.........and atomic bombs.

Ultimately its all meaningless because everything dies and transforms back to the dust it came from.

The only thing that has meaning is the spiritual life and the knowledge that goes with it.....because it enables us all to return back to our real home back to Godhead.

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Originally posted by Dasa

The earth has its elements provided for - by higher authorities so we can make our cars and computers and TV,s.........and atomic bombs.
are you saying the gods provide us with elements on a ad hoc basis? or did the gods give us a limit quantity at the beginning?

would you accept that, as a very hot thing cools down some elements bond together to form different chemicals?

i look forward to your answers, happy relocating dasa, watch out for all the rascals and fools.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
Stars explode and in the process make every natural element heavier than iron.
(having previously made all the elements up to iron out of hydrogen and helium)

Nobody makes the stars.
This is B....S....!

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Originally posted by googlefudge
The big bang wasn't a star exploding.

I was simply addressing your question of how something could explode without having a creator.

My answer to which is that stars explode, and don't have a creator.

As for the big bang...

There are several possibilities...

The universe including time started with the big bang singularity.
Thus there i ...[text shortened]... r god or creator of any stripe.

There may or may not have been a cause, we can't yet tell.
Your statements are the most un-thought out and whimsical and baseless statements a person can possibly make as to the origin of the cosmos........when really you should just say you have no clue what so-ever how the cosmos came into existence.

Why can,t science persons be honest.

Nearly everything they say in regards to life, the cosmos, origins - is speculation or fabrication.

And the astounding thing about it is............that it is SO obvious.

Have they no shame? (rhetorical question)

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Originally posted by Dasa
Your statements are the most un-thought out and whimsical and baseless statements a person can possibly make as to the origin of the cosmos........when really you should just say you have no clue what so-ever how the cosmos came into existence.

Why can,t science persons be honest.

Nearly everything they say in regards to life, the cosmos, origins - is spe ...[text shortened]... hing about it is............that it is SO obvious.

Have they no shame? (rhetorical question)
what parts of the theory do you find so unbelievable?


Originally posted by Dasa
Your statements are the most un-thought out and whimsical and baseless statements a person can possibly make as to the origin of the cosmos........when really you should just say you have no clue what so-ever how the cosmos came into existence.

Why can,t science persons be honest.

Nearly everything they say in regards to life, the cosmos, origins - is spe ...[text shortened]... hing about it is............that it is SO obvious.

Have they no shame? (rhetorical question)
Dasa I really don't give a flying f*** what you think given that you are not only one of the most unpleasant
people I have ever encountered on the internets but you are also a complete and utter moron who lies
constantly and doesn't care the slightest about the truth and can't have a civilised debate about an issue if
your life depended on it.

The fact that you think you know better than the countless thousands of scientists who dedicate their lives to
studying subjects in the most rigourus and challenging field of human endeavour is just one manifestation of how
arrogant and clueless you really are.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
Dasa I really don't give a flying f*** what you think given that you are not only one of the most unpleasant
people I have ever encountered on the internets but you are also a complete and utter moron who lies
constantly and doesn't care the slightest about the truth and can't have a civilised debate about an issue if
your life depended on it.

...[text shortened]... d of human endeavour is just one manifestation of how
arrogant and clueless you really are.
Truer words were never spoken

1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
Dasa I really don't give a flying f*** what you think given that you are not only one of the most unpleasant
people I have ever encountered on the internets but you are also a complete and utter moron who lies
constantly and doesn't care the slightest about the truth and can't have a civilised debate about an issue if
your life depended on it.

...[text shortened]... d of human endeavour is just one manifestation of how
arrogant and clueless you really are.
Dasa said, "I have no argument with technology science - and the principles that go along with them."

Dasa and I have a problem with some theoretical science and scientists, such
as evolutionary science and the science of origins of the universe. These are
what Dasa calls dishonest and I call B...S...!


Originally posted by stellspalfie
are you saying the gods provide us with elements on a ad hoc basis? or did the gods give us a limit quantity at the beginning?

would you accept that, as a very hot thing cools down some elements bond together to form different chemicals?

i look forward to your answers, happy relocating dasa, watch out for all the rascals and fools.
Everything that exists .......exists by way of a perfect plan.

Nothing is provided for or taken away by accident.

The only thing that can be described as ad hoc is your choices as to regards to how you use what you find.

It is by way of perfect plan and design that we have iron ore and bauxite and oil etc......even if it has to cure in the earth's crust for millions of years before it is ready.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Dasa said, "I have no argument with technology science - and the principles that go along with them."

Dasa and I have a problem with some theoritical science and scientists, such
as evolutionary science and the science of origins of the universe. These are
what Dasa calls dishonest and I call B...S...!
No you have a problem with science, all of it.

Because everything aspect, part, and discovery of science contradicts and refutes your world
view and beliefs.

It's all linked.

The technology you 'don't have a problem with' is based on and works because of the 'theory'
you don't like.

You don't like reality, you prefer your dreamland.

This makes you inherently opposed to science.

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