Derek Prince on Demons

Derek Prince on Demons


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jan 19

@fmf said
It seemed to be what you were saying. I was seeking your reiteration or confirmation. It was a question. Not an accusation.


28 Oct 05
21 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
FMF: You think psychedelic drugs are one of these chess pieces [used by God]?

God uses everything in our lives for our good, even things that were meant to harm us by those trying to do just that. He turns all the bad into good no matter how we were harmed for those that love Him and are called according towards His purpose. Drugs are not something we should be going after, they are one of the many things God warns off of, because they can inflict self harm. We are not to do evil so God could make something good out of them.

FMF: So, you believe psychedelic drugs are a thing used by God to warn humans off from "evil" and "demons"?

So much for my follow-up question being an "accusation".

Your communication skills in harness with your pride sell you short sometimes, KellyJay.

14 Mar 15
21 Jan 19

@divegeester said
“Psychedelics” is a colourful but inaccurate adjective for the effect of drugs such as LSD. I’m sure GoaD will be able to provide an accurate classification but I believe it is accepted as a drug which induces psychotic mood changes.

This from Wikipedia:
[i]Negative experiences, referred to as "bad trips", produce intense negative emotions, such as irrational fears a ...[text shortened]... hasty to say the least. Why not just park it where it belongs and not focus on this sort of stuff.
I'm happy with the Wikipedia explanation and remain unclear why anyone would take them willingly and then attribute such negative effects (such as suicide ideation) to demons rather than the tablets themselves.

Sometimes common-sense is the best approach.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Jan 19


Talk about pride since you are totally inept at arguing against different kinds of forgiveness.

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