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dharma and karma

dharma and karma


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Originally posted by Dasa
Everything you have ever done in this material world is all stored in the sub-conscious, and will always stay in the sub-conscious.

So are you telling me that if you remembered that you were a thief in your last life that you will not thieve in this life.

I don't think so.
If there's no lesson to be learned, then how could one expect to correct the errors of a past life?

Sub-consciously? Not bloody likely.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
As nutty as he is, he has cited his so-called source material so he is not plagiarizing, at least in THIS post.

I'll give you deception however, that is the MO of ALL religions. Also synonymous with the word 'scam'.
Yeah, we know, we've heard it before. All religion is BS. How convenient.

You know, when you close your mind and open your mouth like this, you sound like Mr. Hinds.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Yeah, we know, we've heard it before. All religion is BS. How convenient.

You know, when you close your mind and open your mouth like this, you sound like Mr. Hinds.
I would be like the anti-hinds though🙂

It's funny though, the religious set always thinking THEIR minds are fully open.

The thing about religions in general: They can't ALL be right.

So each one says THEY have the TRUE religion. Thus leading to more violence.

I just don't think a real deity would set things up where people kill in the name of a deity.

If it is that way, I want nothing to do with such a cruel creature.

How can the religious set reconcile the murder of over 100 MILLION in 20th century wars with a loving god? Why would a supposed loving god allow that to happen, to people of ALL religions who died, Christians by the millions, Muslims, Jews by the millions. You figure a real deity would allow or condone that much death?

So given that, what do you think this deity would say would tip the balance where said deity would come out of the closet and say NO MAS. And say that number was 1 billion instead of 100 million. Why would it be that number instead of say 1000? or 100?

In your religion, only Christians go to heaven so the rest damned for eternity for merely being of another religion?

Or Muslims, killing apostates or adulterers. A deity would never say that is wrong?

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I have to say, you bloviate almost as much as your holy book.
Bloviate! nice choice of wording there Suzi 😵

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Originally posted by sonhouse
As nutty as he is, he has cited his so-called source material so he is not plagiarizing, at least in THIS post.
No he didn't. It's an unattributed copy past from the web site I found it at. I supplied the citation.

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Originally posted by FMF
No he didn't. It's an unattributed copy past from the web site I found it at. I supplied the citation.
Ah, missed that.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I would be like the anti-hinds though🙂

It's funny though, the religious set always thinking THEIR minds are fully open.

The thing about religions in general: They can't ALL be right.

So each one says THEY have the TRUE religion. Thus leading to more violence.

I just don't think a real deity would set things up where people kill in the name of ...[text shortened]... religion?

Or Muslims, killing apostates or adulterers. A deity would never say that is wrong?
Satan the devil is the one doing all that stuff you don't like. Jesus never tells a lie, He always tells the truth. 😏

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Originally posted by Dasa
What will happen with the soul at the time of death of present physical body? In other words: Where are we going when we die? Do we have an influence over our next situation? Can we choose our future life?

In Bhagavad-gita (2.13) we will find answers:

"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul simil ...[text shortened]... oming from the mind of each living being is like innumerable rivers which all enter one vast ...
I am a Christian that believes we only have one life to live, then the judgment. So I can not believe in reincarnation.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I am a Christian that believes we only have one life to live, then the judgment. So I can not believe in reincarnation.
That would be because mankind as a whole knows NOTHING of real spirituality, including myself. We are all duped about that subject and therefore believe anything some assshole human spouts about the subject.

And there is NOTHING you can do or say to prove otherwise.

Spout all the bible verse you want, that doesn't get ANYONE to this so-called heaven OR hell.

When you continue to spout bible verses to prove your supposed point you are only wallowing in the mud of circular reasoning.

It says so in the bible, therefore it is true. That is circular reasoning at its worse and there is NOTHING you can do or say to prove otherwise.

No heaven, no hell, no judgement, no reincarnation, no Karma, Dharma, Islam heaven or any of that bullshyte because it was all, 100% of it, made up by mankind.

Made up with ZERO evidence or proof, just gullible people believing in the latest round of religious bullshyte by yet another shyster.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
That would be because mankind as a whole knows NOTHING of real spirituality, including myself. We are all duped about that subject and therefore believe anything some assshole human spouts about the subject.

And there is NOTHING you can do or say to prove otherwise.

Spout all the bible verse you want, that doesn't get ANYONE to this so-called heaven ...[text shortened]... ust gullible people believing in the latest round of religious bullshyte by yet another shyster.
You ignorant fool.

The proof of God is all around you, and you do not have the perception nor intelligence to realize it.

Standing alone..............The human body with its mind and intelligence and consciousness and emotions and reproduction system is proof of a Supernatural Supreme Cause. (God)

We are not talking about the meat eating animal killing mythical god of the bible or the koran or torah...............but the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Sri Krishna Bhagavan) cause of all causes.

True religion ( Sanatana Dharma) is fully explained in the Vedas.

The Vedas have been on earth even before ( history) was put onto paper by pen..

The Vedas come to mankind in the perfect language of Sanskrit.

The Sanskrit language is eternal and the oldest known language on earth even existing before the Pyramids and Roman Empire.

You are bashing false religion and false religion should be exposed, but do not band together false religion and true religion.

Oh I forgot...............................You simply have no clue and don't know the difference between true religion and false religion. (you arrogant puffed up ignoramus)

Go and research (Sanatana Dharma) and learn something useful about your true spiritual self.

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Originally posted by Dasa
You ignorant fool.

The proof of God is all around you, and you do not have the perception nor intelligence to realize it.

Standing alone..............The human body with its mind and intelligence and consciousness and emotions and reproduction system is proof of a Supernatural Supreme Cause. (God)

We are not talking about the meat eating animal killin ...[text shortened]...

Go and research (Sanatana Dharma) and learn something useful about your true spiritual self.
Nice spiritual thing to say don't you think? Arrogant ignorant fool. I would rather be that than totally brainwashed and programmed like you, unable to extricate yourself from yet another false religion, just like all the others, just like the Islam you hate. No difference between your religion and Islam, both fake, man made BULLSHYTE.

And millions die because of that fact.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Nice spiritual thing to say don't you think? Arrogant ignorant fool. I would rather be that than totally brainwashed and programmed like you, unable to extricate yourself from yet another false religion, just like all the others, just like the Islam you hate. No difference between your religion and Islam, both fake, man made BULLSHYTE.

And millions die because of that fact.
If you are simply too ignorant to understand how life works...............you should not go around trolling in forums and doing dummy spits because you are lost in your confusion.

Its your confusion, but only you can get out of it.

But first you must humble yourself and embrace this true religion and study it so you can raise your consciousness to the platform of true understanding.

When you have this spiritual understanding you will voluntarily stop this childish trolling.

This trolling you do, is no good for you and no good for anyone..........(its self defeating and childish and malicious.

This chess that you play is only possible because of the Vedas.

Chess originally came from Vedic culture. (its an eternal game) and Krishna and Arjuna play chess.

Anyhow..............just simply stop attacking everything that resembles true spiritual knowledge because it is showing your envious and immature nature.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
If there's no lesson to be learned, then how could one expect to correct the errors of a past life?

Sub-consciously? Not bloody likely.
There are people with such bad karma .........that they are kept from knowing anything about karma and past lives, simply by their way-ward geographical location.

However almost ALL living beings are able to access true knowledge which is only found in one place (the Vedas)

But....................firstly the person MUST have the desire to get spiritual understanding and knowledge.

Krishna will not force spirituality into your life.

You must seek God and spiritual enlightment..................and then and only then will KRSNA guide you to the right place.

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Originally posted by Dasa
There are people with such bad karma .........that they are kept from knowing anything about karma and past lives, simply by their way-ward geographical location.

However almost ALL living beings are able to access true knowledge which is only found in one place (the Vedas)

But....................firstly the person MUST have the desire to get spiritual un ...[text shortened]... ual enlightment..................and then and only then will KRSNA guide you to the right place.
Do you know what is really sad about your supposed religion? I have heard of poor people in India and many places around the world, people starving and helpless... And those who could help them don't.
Do you know why? Because of Karma. They let these people suffer because they don't want to interrupt Karma.
This is really sad..
Do you know who helps these people? The Christians do. The very people you ridicule..
Your Karma has been so destructive to people. And all you worry about is killing of animals.
I think your religion is a little twisted...

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