@divegeester saidwas Eve ever raped?
Ok let’s talk about rape, then.
somewhere in the bible there was a reference to the raping of Eve
it wasn't always consensual
An old story might provide a clue:
A thief once stood before the gates of Heaven and God tells him, "You deserve to go to hell, but I will allow you into Heaven if you can answer one question correctly. Ready? When Eve met Adam for the first time, what was the first thing she said?"
The confused thief scratched his head and said, "Gee, that's a hard one."
To the thief's surprise the gates of Heaven open and he passes through.
@lemondrop saidI would be interested in you corroborating that claim with some scripture to support it.
was Eve ever raped?
somewhere in the bible there was a reference to the raping of Eve
it wasn't always consensual
Did Eve's body have a belly button?
She did not come out of a womb, so there was no umbilical cord in her case. So, no belly button.
Did Eve's body have ovaries?
They hadn't sinned yet, so there was no reason to expect that any 'replacements' would ever be needed. So, no ovaries either.
I guess her ovaries were miraculously inserted later, after the Fall.
The post that was quoted here has been removedThe mentioning of the principle of marriage immediately after the formation of the woman means their relationship was marriage.
And the man said, This time this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called Woman because out of Man this one was taken.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to HIS WIFE, and they shall become one flesh. (23,24 My bold RcV)
They were both naked and were ashamed before each other (v.25)
I believe they had perfect self control. Lust, taking advantage, violence, and all kinds of crimes gradually crept in and developed after they had eaten of the forbidden fruit which brought them under the control of God's enemy. Vengeance and twisting dishonestly the words of God also developed.
Few details of the next 800 years of the first couple are seen.
Except we see murder because of jealousy in Cain.
The dulling of the human conscience is seen in Cain too.
The greedy polygamy is revealed along with murder in Lamech in chapter four. There is also the suggestion of excessive self beautification in the name Adah one of Lamech's two wives.
And Lamech took two wives for himself: The name of the first was Adah, and the name of the second Zillah. (Gen. 4:19)
Marriage is necessary for human existence. However, marriage must be limited according to the principle of one wife for one husband. This principle was ordained by God to maintain human existence. Lamech was the first to break the divine principle in marriage. The first of his two wives was named Adah, which means "adornment." She was one who adorned and beautified herself. Adah was a wife of adornment. By having these two wives, Lamech's lust was exposed. One day Lamech boasted to his wives. "And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold" (4:23-24).
From Life Study of Genesis, by Witness Lee
Bad typo. I am so sloppy sometimes.
It should have been:
They were both naked and were [NOT] ashamed before each other (v.25)
@divegeester saidcommon sense dude
I would be interested in you corroborating that claim with some scripture to support it.
she must have said 'no' at least once
@lemondrop saidI didn’t think you had anything other than hot air.
common sense dude
she must have said 'no' at least once