Difficulty on Noah's Flood?

Difficulty on Noah's Flood?


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Jul 16
1 edit

This is a good video for anyone having difficulty believing that a huge ancient flood in Noah's day was possible.

AMAZING Gigantic landslide brings in Indian Ocean in Malaysia 1993


24 Apr 10
06 Jul 16
1 edit

It looks dam(n) impressive.

But you understand how pitifully small this event is compared to a world wide flood, right?

And if you actually want RJHinds to be proud of you, you need to re-evaluate your priorities.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Jul 16

Originally posted by Great King Rat
It looks dam(n) impressive.

But you understand how pitifully small this event is compared to a world wide flood, right?

And if you actually want RJHinds to be proud of you, you need to re-evaluate your priorities.
Buked and accepted.


03 Sep 13
06 Jul 16

Originally posted by sonship
This is a good video for anyone having difficulty believing that a [b] huge ancient flood in Noah's day was possible.

AMAZING Gigantic landslide brings in Indian Ocean in Malaysia 1993

I watched the video, pretty amazing. I dont know that i would have stayed there filming considering what was happening in front of me,

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Jul 16

Originally posted by yoctobyte
I watched the video, pretty amazing. I dont know that i would have stayed there filming considering what was happening in front of me,
That and the Tsunami photos leave me with some impression of what a deluge of the known world must have been like in Genesis.

I have never seen the ocean come rushing in over the land like that.

Debates over whether the Noah flood was global or local I usually do not enter. Judged is judged. I think that is the major thing that strikes me.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
06 Jul 16

Originally posted by sonship
That and the Tsunami photos leave me with some impression of what a deluge of the known world must have been like in [b]Genesis.

I have never seen the ocean come rushing in over the land like that.

Debates over whether the Noah flood was global or local I usually do not enter. Judged is judged. I think that is the major thing that strikes me.[/b]
I'll watch the video in a few days, but what I wanted to respond to was your last line:

"Debates over whether the Noah flood was global or local I usually do not enter. Judged is judged. I think that is the major thing that strikes me."

Yes, quite. "Judged is judged." My grandma had a phrase she used when she agreed completely: "That is no lie."

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
07 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
I'll watch the video in a few days, but what I wanted to respond to was your last line:

"Debates over whether the Noah flood was global or local I usually do not enter. Judged is judged. I think that is the major thing that strikes me."

Yes, quite. "Judged is judged." My grandma had a phrase she used when she agreed completely: "That is no lie."
This occurred to me when I saw a farmer being interviewed by a newsman about a hurricane that came through his state. All of his crops were destroyed in the hurricane. It was a total loss to him.

The newsman was asking him if the wind speed was 80 miles per hour or 100 miles per hour. The farmer said "It doesn't matter if it were 80 mph or 100 mph. Flat is flat! My whole crop is gone!"

I have a similar feeling about the flood of Noah. Flooded is flooded. Whatever there was for the people then was destroyed and under water period. They all drowned except for the eight in the ark.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Jul 16

Originally posted by sonship
I have a similar feeling about the flood of Noah. Flooded is flooded. Whatever there was for the people then was destroyed and under water period. They all drowned except for the eight in the ark.
Except for the small problem that the scientific evidence contradicts such a claim. So, a reasonable person should believe a miracle happened (or consider the story to be something other than a fully factual account). If a miracle did happen, then watching a modern day non-miracle should not help reassure you that a miracle happened.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
07 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by twhitehead
If you are waiting for me to endorse your way of logical thinking on these matters I still do not recommend it for myself or to anyone else.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Jul 16

Originally posted by sonship
If you are waiting for me to endorse your way of logical thinking on these matters I still do not recommend it for myself or to anyone else.
No, I am not waiting for any endorsements from you. My point is a solid one whether you acknowledge it or not.

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Jul 16

Originally posted by twhitehead
Except for the small problem that the scientific evidence contradicts such a claim. So, a reasonable person should believe a miracle happened (or consider the story to be something other than a fully factual account). If a miracle did happen, then watching a modern day non-miracle should not help reassure you that a miracle happened.
What scientific evidence may you be referring to?

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Jul 16
2 edits

Originally posted by twhitehead
No, I am not waiting for any endorsements from you. My point is a solid one whether you acknowledge it or not.
As solid as a fact that's not true?


10 Apr 12
09 Jul 16
1 edit

(Matthew 24:38, 39) For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

These are Jesus' words. He spoke of the flood as being real.

Since he was an eyewitness of the flood, I believe him.

For me, I don't need to debate the flood anymore.

I can do that!


23 Aug 04
09 Jul 16
2 edits


The Flood happened ~7,000 years ago. It is also called the Neolithic Wet Period and the Flandrian Transgression. It was global in that it was a global rise in sea level but did not cover all the land. It covered the coastlines and those coastlines are still underwater to this day. That's why there are so many Neolithic villages buried under shallow water just off the coast pretty much everywhere, from Britain to India.

In China, this is the period between yangshao culture and fu xi, who was taught how to write Chinese characters by the Dragon Horse.

In Scandinavia, this is the death of Ymir the Glacier, whose "blood" runs down the rivers into the oceans, causing the flood.

It was caused by global warming.


28 Oct 05
10 Jul 16

Originally posted by sonship
Debates over whether the Noah flood was global or local I usually do not enter. Judged is judged. I think that is the major thing that strikes me.
Debates over - such things as - "whether the Noah flood was global or local" might require you to actually address whether the entire folk story is in the slightest bit credible, but your chosen approach does enable you to declare "Judged is judged". which has, of course, the added attraction of fitting on a bumper sticker nicely.

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