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Discontinuity between the different kinds

Discontinuity between the different kinds



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
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Evolution? Yeah right.....

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
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Originally posted by galveston75
Also a comment of the hundreds of thousands of different kinds that "just evolved".

In reality, how many different kinds of enviroments are there on this planet?

According to the first site I found, it's about 18. Lots of gray areas inbetween but still those are the basics.


So if most needed to survive to begin with, he would have moved on or died.

Just a thought.........
It might have something to do with competition for food and habitat. According to Darwin, there was changes in the beaks, feather color, etc. of the birds due to competitionon to survive. This is how they adapted by natural selection.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
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I find Mr. Dawkins answer to ones who finally leave God behind and accept that there is no God "a liberating and the setting of one free" to be the clue to ones who believe in this theory.
Free from what?
A few things but now they don't have to answer to anyone, can believe whatever they want no matter how inconsistant it is with truth and can rely solely on their wisdom or the lack of.
Kind of like ole Adam did......


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
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Originally posted by RJHinds
It might have something to do with competition for food and habitat. According to Darwin, there was changes in the beaks, feather color, etc. of the birds due to competitionon to survive. This is how they adapted by natural selection.
I agree with you on that and for one type of bird to live in the center of an ecosystem would and could be a little different in such things as beak size then one set that lived on the ourskirts of that area, but it's still the same bird as in a fench in the middle. If this fench came from the original bird in that ecosystem then why eagles or hummingbirds, or storks that might be living in that same area? Why did that original bird need to change into something so different then that original bird in that ecosystem if that original bird could survive there to begin with?
I know you know the answer but this is just out there for others to answer.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 May 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
I agree with you on that and for one type of bird to live in the center of an ecosystem would and could be a little different in such things as beak size then one set that lived on the ourskirts of that area, but it's still the same bird as in a fench in the middle. If this fench came from the original bird in that ecosystem then why eagles or hummingbir ...[text shortened]... re to begin with?
I know you know the answer but this is just out there for others to answer.
Then how did the mammals that were around with the dinosaurs evolve into horses and cows and humans? The only reason mammals had a chance was the end of the dinosaurs and the only mammals that were around then were the size and shape of shrews or mice. Yet here we are, guts and all. Same body plan in fact, ribs, lungs, hearts, fingers, just like those ancient shrews 65 million years ago.

The asteroid that offed the dinosaurs left mountains of rubble as far away as Bermuda, and almost all of what is now the US and most of South America.

That was the last real world-wide conflagration, fire that covered more than half the earth and then the world covering clouds did in the food source, no plants could grow because of the lack of sunlight. That was in fact biblical in proportion but there were no humans around to see it, only shrew like mammals were there but it gave them a niche without predators for a long long time.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 May 12
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Originally posted by sonhouse
Then how did the mammals that were around with the dinosaurs evolve into horses and cows and humans? The only reason mammals had a chance was the end of the dinosaurs and the only mammals that were around then were the size and shape of shrews or mice. Yet here we are, guts and all. Same body plan in fact, ribs, lungs, hearts, fingers, just like those ancie ...[text shortened]... y shrew like mammals were there but it gave them a niche without predators for a long long time.
They didn't evolve as there is no proof what so ever that they did.

And if this fire destroyed all plant life as you just said, how did this shrew survive and where did all the plants we now have come from? Did evolution restart plant life again?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 May 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
They didn't evolve as there is no proof what so ever that they did.

And if this fire destroyed all plant life as you just said, how did this shrew survive and where did all the plants we now have come from? Did evolution restart plant life again?
In fact the shrews of the day survived because they were underground dwellers and could live for the ten or more years in which there were no plants or very few new plants growing, but the shrews had lots of seeds left over from the destruction of plant life and no doubt fungi. And yes the plants that survived, that is to say, the seeds that survived (it is well known some seeds can survive hundreds of years and still be fertile) then started new growth of all kinds. I don't imagine ALL plant life died but there was a proven 80% die off of everything, the fossil record is clear on that point.

You can bitch and moan about evolution all you want and say the Earth is 6000 years old and your god made everything in 6 days and then rested on day 7 (why would a god need to rest?) and so forth but the fact is and has been proven a dozen ways from sunday new life forms came about after the conflagration of 65 million years ago just as a result of the vagaries of weather, volcanoes and so forth, stresses on populations that produced differences that survived and so forth till a totally new life form came about and certainly not from the hand of your pathetic paranoid man made so-called god.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
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Originally posted by sonhouse
In fact the shrews of the day survived because they were underground dwellers and could live for the ten or more years in which there were no plants or very few new plants growing, but the shrews had lots of seeds left over from the destruction of plant life and no doubt fungi. And yes the plants that survived, that is to say, the seeds that survived (it is rm came about and certainly not from the hand of your pathetic paranoid man made so-called god.
I'd sure like to see these dozens of ways. I keep asking for proof but no one has shown even 1 of those ways yet.
But anyway I do not believe nor does the Bible say the earth is only 6 days old or even 6 thousand years old anywhere in it's pages.

I'll repost this for you...

First the Bible uses the word "day or days" to mean many different lengths of time.
But one scripture shows this would no doubt not mean a literal 24 hour period...

2 Peter 3:8
Good News Translation (GNT)

8 But do not forget one thing, my dear friends! There is no difference in the Lord's sight between one day and a thousand years; to him the two are the same.

So at the least, a creative day would be a thousand years long minimum.

But get these points:

The Bible does not specify the length of each of the creative periods. Yet all six of them have ended, it being said with respect to the sixth day (as in the case of each of the preceding five days): “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day.” (Ge 1:31) However, this statement is not made regarding the seventh day, on which God proceeded to rest, indicating that it continued. (Ge 2:1-3) Also, more than 4,000 years after the seventh day, or God’s rest day, commenced, Paul indicated that it was still in progress. At Hebrews 4:1-11 he referred to the earlier words of David (Ps 95:7, 8, 11) and to Genesis 2:2 and urged: “Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest.” By the apostle’s time, the seventh day had been continuing for thousands of years and had not yet ended. The Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, who is Scripturally identified as “Lord of the sabbath” (Mt 12:8), is evidently part of the great sabbath, God’s rest day. (Re 20:1-6) This would indicate the passing of thousands of years from the commencement of God’s rest day to its end. The week of days set forth at Genesis 1:3 to 2:3, the last of which is a sabbath, seems to parallel the week into which the Israelites divided their time, observing a sabbath on the seventh day thereof, in keeping with the divine will. (Ex 20:8-11) And, since the seventh day has been continuing for thousands of years, it may reasonably be concluded that each of the six creative periods, or days, was at least thousands of years in length.

So did you notice that all the creative days had ended... But the seventh day has not as the scriptures make it clear that we are STILL in the seventh day which is a length of time that God is resting from the creative process. And we are "4K+ years" into that seventh day.
So could that seventh day be 7 thousand years long? Again the Bible does not say how long his rest day is or how long the creative days were. But in no way was it a 24 hour period as it would not make sense as we are now over 4K years from Adam being created which was at the end of the 6th day of creation.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 May 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
I'd sure like to see these dozens of ways. I keep asking for proof but no one has shown even 1 of those ways yet.
But anyway I do not believe nor does the Bible say the earth is only 6 days old or even 6 thousand years old anywhere in it's pages.

I'll repost this for you...

First the Bible uses the word "day or days" to mean many different w over 4K years from Adam being created which was at the end of the 6th day of creation.
If your god had to rest for 7000 years how did it have enough energy left to make JC?
The deeper you look at your religion the deeper the BS layers get.

It does show how stupid the majority of the human race is to get trapped in such pathetic dogma for thousands of years.

It is not a good sign for the survival of the human race. The first real conflagration that comes along and everyone, all the religious ones will be wailing to their respective gods to come down and fix everything but alas, no such thing will happen. What will happen is we off ourselves or fix things if we are smart enough but that's ALL that will happen.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
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Originally posted by sonhouse
Then how did the mammals that were around with the dinosaurs evolve into horses and cows and humans? The only reason mammals had a chance was the end of the dinosaurs and the only mammals that were around then were the size and shape of shrews or mice. Yet here we are, guts and all. Same body plan in fact, ribs, lungs, hearts, fingers, just like those ancie ...[text shortened]... y shrew like mammals were there but it gave them a niche without predators for a long long time.
"Same body plan in fact, ribs, lungs, hearts, fingers, just like those ancient shrews ..."

Don't you see this as evidence of a common designer?

Wouldn't you expect a human designer of an automobile or whatever to use some parts that he had already tested to work in any new improved design of the automobile. Man does not live long, but his design is used by other designers to improve on and to build better automobiles until we have all the different makes and models of the modern automobiles we have today.

One could make a chart of the evolution of the automobile and say it evolved by natural selection (the customers). However, it was the designers who allowed this natural selection to take place. The customers selected and bought what they liked best and those makes and models survived.

There is only one Designer intelligent and powerful enough to create and design living organism and program a rerpoduction line for each kind (model).
Does this make any sense to you or am I wasting my time with you?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
07 May 12
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Originally posted by sonhouse
If your god had to rest for 7000 years how did it have enough energy left to make JC?
The deeper you look at your religion the deeper the BS layers get.

It does show how stupid the majority of the human race is to get trapped in such pathetic dogma for thousands of years.

It is not a good sign for the survival of the human race. The first real confla ...[text shortened]... appen is we off ourselves or fix things if we are smart enough but that's ALL that will happen.
If you had any insight to what the rest day is for, then you might get a glimps of his creation process which evolutionist have no comprehension of.

Here is an exlpanation of why God and all his creations are in the rest day, the seventh day:

How can we gain some insight into the reason why God rested on “the seventh day”?

By noting that, although very pleased with what he had accomplished during the long period of the six preceding creative ‘days,’ God specifically blessed “the seventh day” and pronounced it “sacred.” The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines “sacred” as “exclusively dedicated or appropriated (to a god or to some religious purpose).”
Thus, Jehovah’s blessing “the seventh day” and pronouncing it sacred indicates that it and his “rest” must have some connection with his sacred will and purpose rather than with any needs on his part. What is that connection?
During the six preceding creative ‘days,’ God had made and set into motion all the cycles and laws governing the operations of the earth and everything around it. Scientists are now learning how wonderfully designed these are. Toward the close of the “sixth day,” God created the first human pair and placed them in “a garden in Eden, toward the east.” Finally, God pronounced his purpose regarding the human family and the earth in these prophetic words: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.”—Genesis 1:28, 31; 2:8.
As the “sixth day” of creation came to a close, the account tells us: “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) God was satisfied with everything he had made. He thus rested, or desisted, from further creative work with respect to the earth.
""""As perfect and beautiful as the paradise garden then was, however, it covered only a small area, and there were just two human creatures on earth. It would take time for the earth and the human family to reach the state that God purposed.""""
For this reason, he appointed a “seventh day” that would allow all that he had created in the preceding six ‘days’ to develop in harmony with his sacred will. (Compare Ephesians 1:11.) As “the seventh day” comes to its close, the earth will have become a global paradise inhabited eternally by a family of perfect humans. (Isaiah 45:18) “The seventh day” is set aside for, or dedicated to, the outworking and fulfilling of God’s will regarding the earth and humankind. In that sense it is “sacred.”
So God rested from his creative work on “the seventh day.” It is as though he stepped back and allowed what he set in motion to run its course. He has full confidence that by the end of “the seventh day,” everything will have turned out exactly as he has purposed. Even if there have been obstacles, they will have been overcome. All obedient mankind will benefit when God’s will becomes a full reality. Nothing will prevent this because God’s blessing is on “the seventh day,” and he made it “sacred.” What a glorious prospect for obedient mankind!


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
07 May 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
I'd sure like to see these dozens of ways. I keep asking for proof but no one has shown even 1 of those ways yet.
the proof as i'm sure you've been given but tend to ignore is in the geological record. the record shows that near extinction events have happened many times and every time, the prolific variety of species evolved once again.

if you can fine a better explanation for the vast evidence of the geological record, you're welcome to have your findings published. there will probably be an award in it for you.


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
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Originally posted by galveston75

I find Mr. Dawkins answer to ones who finally leave God behind and accept that there is no God "a liberating and the setting of one free" to be the clue to ones who believe in this theory.
Free from what?
A few things but now they don't have to answer to anyone, can believe whatever they ...[text shortened]... truth and can rely solely on their wisdom or the lack of.
Kind of like ole Adam did......
free from their own delusions. the rest of your argument is a steaming pile of fallacy.


28 Oct 05
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Originally posted by galveston75
If you had any insight to what the rest day is for, then you might get a glimps of his creation process which evolutionist have no comprehension of.

Here is an exlpanation of why God and all his creations are in the rest day, the seventh day:

How can we gain some insight into the reason why God rested on “the seventh day”?

By noting that, alt ...[text shortened]... he seventh day,” and he made it “sacred.” What a glorious prospect for obedient mankind!
Hey, galveston75. This is just an unattributed copy & paste. It's someone else's writing, not yours.


Windsor, Ontario

10 Jun 11
07 May 12
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Originally posted by galveston75
Also a comment of the hundreds of thousands of different kinds that "just evolved".

In reality, how many different kinds of enviroments are there on this planet?

According to the first site I found, it's about 18. Lots of gray areas inbetween but still those are the basics.


So if most ...[text shortened]... needed to survive to begin with, he would have moved on or died.

Just a thought.........
if you bother to read any decent writing on evolution, all your basic evolution 101 questions would be answered. i bet they have already been answered before, but you just like acting the fool.

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