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The post that was quoted here has been removed
By chance, so do I 🙂 (only about one cup of wine per year)

I should have said “behave yourself and don't drink too much” but I was trying to make it as short as possible.

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Originally posted by Taoman
The experiences you are describing Jonas, if they feel very real such as being disassociated from your body, or the planet and feeling strongly that others are doing something to you, there may be benefit in checking with a mental health professional to try to understand further or explore the possibility of illness. This is very difficult to see when we exp ...[text shortened]... on this forum who offer), if you think this may help.
Hope you get somewhere with it friend.
>>>Talk with others about it and possibly visit your local doctor. They can help stop these painful sensations occurring. You may contact me by message (or others on this forum who offer), if you think this may help.
Hope you get somewhere with it friend.<<<


I have a book for you that can COMPLETELY help, and even restore your true conscious being.


Here is a testimony of a woman that read the book of "Science and Health" and was healed of insanity and the desire of suicide.


A few years ago, while under a sense of darkness and
despair caused by ill health and an unhappy home, Sci-
ence and Health was loaned me with a request that I
should read it.

At that time my daughter was given up by materia
medica to die of lingering consumption, supposed to have
been inherited. My own condition seemed even more
alarming, as insanity was being manifested, and rather
than go to an insane asylum, it seemed to me the only
thing to do was to commit suicide. Heart trouble, kid-
ney complaint, and continual headaches caused from
female trouble were some of the many ailments I had
to contend with. My doctor tried to persuade me to
undergo an operation as a means of relief, but I had
submitted to a severe operation ten years previous, and
found only additional suffering as a result, so I would
not consent.

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When I began with Science and Health, I read the
chapter on "Prayer" first, and at that time did not sup-
pose it possible for me to remember anything I read,
but felt a sweet sense of God's protection and power,
and a hope that I should at last find Him to be what
I so much needed,--a present help in time of trouble.
Before that chapter on "Prayer" was finished, my daugh-
ter was downstairs eating three meals a day, and daily
growing stronger. Before I had finished reading the
textbook she was well, but never having heard that the
reading of Science and Health healed any one, it was
several months before I gave God the glory.

One by one my many ailments left me, all but the head-
aches; they were less frequent, until at the end of three
years the fear of them was entirely overcome.

Neither myself nor my daughter have ever received
treatments, but the study of the Bible and Science and
Health, the Christian Science textbook by Mrs. Eddy,
has healed us and keeps us well.

While Christian Science was very new to me, I at-
tended an experience meeting in First Church of Christ,
Scientist, Chicago. A gentleman told of an unhappy
woman who was about to separate from her husband.
This gentleman had asked her if she did not love her
husband. She replied, "No; when I married him I
did, but not now." He told her God made man in His
image and likeness, and that He is perfect. He said
to her, "Go home and see only God's perfect man; you
don't need to love a sinful mortal such as you have been
looking upon." The lady followed his advice, as he
told her there is no separation in divine Mind. In a
short time peace and harmony were in her home, and

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both husband and wife became members of a Christian
Science church.

This testimony was like a message from heaven to me.
I had received many benefits from the study of Science
and Health, but it had never dawned upon my darkened
consciousness till then how wonderful our God is. I
knew what had taken place in that home could take place
in my unhappy home where there was neither rest nor

I hopefully took up my cross, and step by step my
burden grew lighter, as I journeyed along, realizing the
presence of the Christ, Truth, that indeed makes us
free. Not all at once did any outward change appear,
but at the end of three years all was peace, all the
members of the family attending church together and
realizing that there is but one Mind.--E. J. B., Supe-
rior, Wis.

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Unfortunately the older language of "insanity", "insane", and "insane asylums" tends to stigmatize people who have a mental illness. I don't know whether in the US these terms are now used but they have long been abandoned here in Australia. It tends to label and clothe all the person is with one thing, and persons with mental illness are much more than the unfortunate illness he or she has acquired. The stigmatization and institutionalization becomes part of the problem. Also much mental illness is of low degree and episodic and good functionality and a normal life can be had.
I follow alternative treatments for illness, in association with Western medicine, and see the role of one's spiritual life important in that too. But it is also now clearly established that much of mental illness arises from biochemical imbalances within the brain, which are now significantly treatable with medications. Mental illness has had a sad and unfortunate history including treatment, but things do improve and many people afflicted these days are significantly helped, leading to less tragedy, both in harm to others or themselves. I am glad the lady in the account you posted was helped and I hope she remained well.

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Originally posted by Taoman
Unfortunately the older language of "insanity", "insane", and "insane asylums" tends to stigmatize people who have a mental illness. I don't know whether in the US these terms are now used but they have long been abandoned here in Australia. It tends to label and clothe all the person is with one thing, and persons with mental illness are much more than the u ...[text shortened]... s. I am glad the lady in the account you posted was helped and I hope she remained well.
Yes, thank you, and most assuredly she had stayed well, for she was completely removed of that experienced "concept man invented" as like any dis-ease ever created is due to ever man's inventions diving into such beliefs.

Remember when Christ had restored the man's withered hand in the Holy Bible?

Matthew 12:13 (King James Version)

Even if this fella had been born with such this case, it was due to his parents probably doing some sort of drug, therefore worried that their child might come out abnormal, to which was the manifestation, as we are co-creators with the CREATOR of LIFE TRUTH AND LOVE.

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Ah well. May the OP be aided.

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It looks like our friend Jonas has some how been removed from the site. But I came across something that spoke to me that I should share with you, it's impact of meaning.

In a little exploited green folded sheet of paper, for those that are waxing gross in the ways of the world (in darkness), discussing how the #1 killer, over crack, cocaine, heroin, to name a few, the heavy weight-champion of the world killing Americans, and every other nations is -alcohol-...

The Holy Bible makes a clear distinction between fermented liquor and wine, or grape juice. Speaking of fermented liquor, Proverbs 23 says "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red (speaking of fermentation), when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright (speaking of the bubbling of carbonation). At the last it -biteth- like a serpent, and -stingeth- like an adder."

What about when Christ Jesus turned the water into wine at the marriage in Cana? If C. J. turned water into fermented liquor, he directly disobeyed Habakkuk 2:15, "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also."

And if Jesus disobeyed Habakkuk- he would have been a sinner! The Holy Bible makes it very clear in 1 Peter 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:21, and other verses that Jesus was WITHOUT sin.

God has placed a very -strong warning- in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Be not deceived: NO DRUNKARDS, ...... shall inherit the kingdom of God!"

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Well, i'm out of this thread. Makes no sense now.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Well, i'm out of this thread. Makes no sense now.
Sorry, but alcohol is the #1 killer killing many people.

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Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
Sorry, but alcohol is the #1 killer killing many people.
More than cigarettes and car crashes?
OOps, I said I wouldn't post,sorry

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
More than cigarettes and car crashes?
OOps, I said I wouldn't post,sorry
During the Viet Nam war, 57,000 Americans gave their lives fighting for this country. A wailing wall was built in Washington with each soldiers' name engraved. But in that same 9-year period, when 57,000 died in Viet Nam --- OVER 2 MILLION AMERICANS were killed by alcohol!

What I want to know is - where are the protesters against alcohol?

During the Viet Nam War, thousands of protesters were all over this country.


Nobody opens their mouth against alcohol! Nobody makes a sound! Who speaks out for over 7 MILLION CHILDREN that live a life of child abuse, incest, and torture? Their little life is a hell on earth in many cases because of alcohol!


The alcohol industry spends over 400 million $ a YEAR advertising and glorifying such crap! By age 18, American children on average, have seen an estimated 100,000 beer commercials! They innocently watch as their favorite heros glamorize and glorify this obnoxious fluid! --- Every single day --- at least 10 YOUNG PEOPLE die because of drinking alcohol!

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I am SO GRATEFUL that I had such an experience that awoke me from drinking any longer, and that after, I had been on the wagon for approximately 7 mnths.

This is a testimony, one of the 100 in the back of the book called "SCIENCE AND HEALTH", of a fella losing all appetite of alcohol and other insufficient happinesses.


When Christian Science first came to me, or rather,
when I first came to Christian Science, I did not have
a very bad opinion of myself. I thought I was a pretty
good fellow. I had no religious views. I seemed to be
getting along as well as, if not better than, some who

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professed Christianity. So I drifted along until I was
led to investigate Christian Science.
As I progressed in the understanding as gained from
the study of both Science and Health and the Bible,
and commenced to know myself, I found that a great
change had been wrought in me. For fifteen years I
had used tobacco, both chewing and smoking; for ten
years I had been a victim of the drink habit, sometimes
to excess; I was also addicted to profanity. Christian
Science removed these appetites. A stomach trouble
and other lesser ills, such as headache, a bad temper, an
inordinate love of money, etc., disappeared under the
same benign influence. Those things that seemed to be
pleasure do not give me pleasure now. They were not
real pleasure. I have lost nothing, I have sacrificed
nothing; but I have gained everything, and not yet the
whole, for I can see plenty yet to be done.
The condition of mind before investigating and after
is as different as black and white. As Mrs. Eddy
says, "Not matter, but Mind, satisfieth."--G. B. P.,
Henry, S. D.


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The world is a place of suffering and people drink to numb themselves to the struggle for existence, but the drinking actually adds to the suffering.

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