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Do you expect your wife to submit to you?

Do you expect your wife to submit to you?


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Originally posted by stellspalfie
[b] I did not claim my list was exhaustive

what would you add to your list?

can you cite the reference where the majority of people have stated that the reason they do not have sex with children is that they do not find them attractive

if you need evidence, can i assume that you disagree? and that you think the majority of people wouldnt say that do not find children attractive?[/b]
where is your evidence, you are not worming your way out of this, where is it. You said it, produce the evidence that most people have said that the reason they do not have sex with children is that they find them unattractive.

I have searched for reasons why paedophilia is considered to be unacceptable and not once was there any mention of 'the majority of people find children unattractive'. Where did you get it from?

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
where is your evidence, you are not worming your way out of this, where is it. You said it, produce the evidence that most people have said that the reason they do not have sex with children is that they find them unattractive.

I have searched for reasons why paedophilia is considered to be unacceptable and not once was there any mention of 'the majority of people find children unattractive'. Where did you get it from?
are you denying that the majority of people do not find children sexually attractive? if you are demanding evidence then it would seem so.

(do you see the irony in you demanding evidence?)

any other balloon heads help him?

so be it, Palfie goes the way of those who are filled up with nothing but their own propaganda! Busted!

Originally posted by stellspalfie
are you denying that the majority of people do not find children sexually attractive? if you are demanding evidence then it would seem so.

(do you see the irony in you demanding evidence?)
I am waiting for your evidence, the reference for your citation. why don't you simply admit that you made it up? It will be easier for you. I hate to see a man with his back against the wall with no way out like this. Just fess up, you resign chess games when you are lost, why not debates. I do when I am busted.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
are you denying that the majority of people do not find children sexually attractive? if you are demanding evidence then it would seem so.

(do you see the irony in you demanding evidence?)
you made the truth claim, you substantiate it. Ahhh i love the smell of ginger and honey green tea in the afternoon, it smells like victory!

I need to go now Palfie, ill look later for your reference or the smouldering wreckage of your hot air balloon lying strewn across the forum floor.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I need to go now Palfie, ill look later for your reference or the smouldering wreckage of your hot air balloon lying strewn across the forum floor.
Heres a nice collection of illogical nonsense, gibberish and hypocrisy from mr carrobie all taken from just several pages!!!

yeah remedial class. (Robbie to spalfie) Robbie makes it personal.

I cannot say, perhaps my sex life is more interesting than yours despite your proclivity for ambushing your poor wife wearing super hero suits! Who are you today. Bat man? Wonder woman? (Robbie to spalfie) Robbie makes things personal

I am quite sure if two dandy shandy drinking ballet dancers like you and divesgeester snuggled up to each other in a cosy prison cell it wouldn't be too long before you forgot your genetic predisposition and became amorous towards each other despite your vain protestations to the contrary, after all, unlike me, you have no moral imperative not to. more personal comments from Robbie.

i resent your intellectually dishonest attempts to make it personal. (Robbie to spalife) several posts later, Robbie dosent like it when its personal.

you have nothing to produce but your own balloon head propaganda? Robbie gets personal.

So your biological make up is preventing you from engaging in all kinds of sexual acts. Is that really what you are saying?

It is in fact demonstrably false. Prisoners who are incarcerated and who may have been heterosexual their entire life may be coerced to engage in homosexual acts not by some biological causation but by mere expediency.

Illogical nonsense, no evidence provide.

When will the next criminal claim that he was coerced to rape someone because of his genetics, according to your theory, he should be able to make a viable defence, if its valid. Is that really the case? is it?
More illogical nonsense.

Predisposition is not the same as a causation. Please learn what this means not a claim I made.

Why does there genetic predisposition not prevent this? because its scientifically and philosophically nonsense.
No evidence provided.

I have highlighted the text which refutes your ludicrous claims in the edited version above. Here it is again. misunderstood, uncited wikipedia quotes are not evidence!!!

The fact that there is no citations does not negate the efficacy of the statement, if its unfounded then it will be removed. Robbie says the truth of the statement is not important its how effective the statement is that counts!!!!! And continues to say it must be true because its hasn’t been removed!!!!

I am sure I can find other evidence if I really tried not evidence was forth coming.

arousal has practically no bearing on a humans capacity to engage in sexual acts poor mrs carrobie.

are they aroused? probably not, just expediencies sake again Robbie states that men having sex with each other are not aroused.

You can choose to be gay evidence please?

you have two men in a cell having sex because they are confined to a cell two men in a cell apparently leads to sex, for no other reason then being in a cell together….i suggest nobody gets in a confined space with Robbie…unless that’s your bag.

It could be sheer boredom boredom leads to homosexuality?!?!?!?!!?!

Dr Bailey said environmental factors were likely to have the biggest impact on homosexuality. Robbie uses some scientific research that fundamentally disagrees with him to support his argument?!?!?!?!!!??

There are a number of reasons I suspect, its socially unacceptable even among criminal elements, its morally unacceptable and its particularly impractical if one thinks about the physiology of the human body. Robbie states the reason he feels people are not pedophiles. Doesn’t seem to think sexual attraction is a key issue?

No i reject a genetic causation entirely. he says after posting research confirming the ‘gay gene’ in support of his argument!?!?!?!?!?!

where is your citation that the reason people do not have sex with children is that they find them unattractive? you said that's what the majority of people say, where is it? or are we to assume that you have nothing to produce but your own balloon head propaganda? It was never stated that I had a citation or evidence, an opinion was given.

as far as I can discern the reason that its unacceptable are moral and ethical, that coercion is wrong, that violation is wrong, that loss if innocency is wrong, that inflicting pain is wrong, nowhere can i find a reference to anyone that has said the majority of people do not have sex with children because they find them unattractive. So where is it?
Robbie requires evidence that people do have sex with children because children are not sexually attractive to adults!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you made the truth claim, you substantiate it. Ahhh i love the smell of ginger and honey green tea in the afternoon, it smells like victory!

I need to go now Palfie, ill look later for your reference or the smouldering wreckage of your hot air balloon lying strewn across the forum floor.
Robbie fails to see that he hasn’t provided an ounce of evidence, has been a hypocrite, made constant nonsensical, illogical comments, often quite bizarre. Yet some how feels in a position to jump around declaring victories, as if the sensitive nature of the topic we are discussing is a game.

2 edits

Originally posted by stellspalfie
Heres a nice collection of illogical nonsense, gibberish and hypocrisy from mr carrobie all taken from just several pages!!!

[b]yeah remedial class.
(Robbie to spalfie) Robbie makes it personal.
I cannot say, perhaps my sex life is more interesting than yours despite your proclivity for ambushing your poor wife wearing super hero suits! Who a ...[text shortened]... around declaring victories, as if the sensitive nature of the topic we are discussing is a game.
Still waiting for you to provide your now infamous, 'the majority of people think that sex with children is wrong because they don't find children attractive', claim.

visit boohoo.com, buy yourself a flowery dress and cheer yourself up.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
visit boohoo.com, buy yourself a flowery dress and cheer yourself up.
is it a concious decision to be a cross dresser and happy?

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
is it a concious decision to be a cross dresser and happy?
A conscious decision? I suspect it is, after all one creates ones own reality.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Still waiting for you to provide your now infamous, 'the majority of people think that sex with children is wrong because they don't find children attractive', claim.

visit boohoo.com, buy yourself a flowery dress and cheer yourself up.
where did i state that it was scientifically proven? it was offered as an opinion. give me a while though and ill try and get you some evidence.

Originally posted by stellspalfie
where did i state that it was scientifically proven? it was offered as an opinion. give me a while though and ill try and get you some evidence.
Of course it was your opinion, but you are proffering like it has some substantiating factor to it, that is something other than a subjective reality. Take all the time you need.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Of course it was your opinion, but you are proffering like it has some substantiating factor to it, that is something other than a subjective reality. Take all the time you need.
because it seems so obvious to me. it strikes me as odd that you dont think its obvious. are you aware that attraction is an almost instantaneous, involuntary response. you dont get a chance to decide to be attracted or not.

Originally posted by stellspalfie
because it seems so obvious to me. it strikes me as odd that you dont think its obvious. are you aware that attraction is an almost instantaneous, involuntary response. you dont get a chance to decide to be attracted or not.
this is more jive talk, what about people that are not initially attracted but go on to form solid loving relationships enduring a life time?

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This discussion is so confused, it's almost funny.

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