Since the dawn of time, man has been erecting gods to worship.
And in the assumed vacancy of a physical god, man has stepped in to assume the role with disastrous results. First man claimed to be a god, then he claimed to speak for God, and today he tells us that there is no god, thus making himself the ultimate power once again. This atheistic position then helps deify the man ruler as a god like man as we see men like Lenin and Mao being preserved under glass, as if their immortal body will never leave us to protect us somehow.
So what of the future? Will the new god be a combination of robotics and AI? Will this be the anti-Christ?
I think man has essentially conceded that mankind needs a ruler/God/higher power to guide and direct them. This I think we all can agree upon. The only question becomes, who is the best candidate?
-Removed-Well, knowledge today is held in high esteem these days, much more so than wisdom. We want a king who can make policy on virtually every aspect of our lives now. It would be the nanny state on steroids. It seems to me that is where we are headed. Perhaps we will have elections for droids run by AI.
I'm thinking that people may shy away from the prospect, but it won't prevent humans from using this technology that will pull their strings.
Knowledge is power after all, and power is all that man seems to care about.
So what of the future? Will the new god be a combination of robotics and AI? Will this be the anti-Christ?
The final Antichrist will be a man. That is an extraordinary man because he will imitated a death and resurrection from the dead by the power of Satan.
And the authority of the evil spirit Satan will be invested in him. So the man, the Antichrist, will be an extraordinary man.
Now the idol that he and his false prophet erect, demanding that it be worshipped ... THAT very well MAY be a matter of some future (or current) technology.
I don't know that for certain. But I can see it. And it would not surprise me if it were some great technological thing that speaks.
"And he [the False Prophet] deceives those who dwell on the earth on account of the signs which he was given power to do before the beast, commanding those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast, who had the stroke of the sword and revived.
And power was given to him to give breath to the image that the image of the beast might even speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed." (Rev. 13:14,15)
Maybe that will be something involving advanced technology.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidIsn't the existence of government a concession that man needs a shepherd?
No, he hasn't.
@whodey saidThe existence of government is surely a simple manifestation of mankind's social and communal nature and the need to govern the interactions of individuals and groups? And isn't it that same nature - and need - that is manifested in the various religions that have been "erected" down through history and across the globe and in every culture and society?
Isn't the existence of government a concession that man needs a shepherd?
The fact that many men lie does not mean that there are no men who tell the truth, and as such, the fact that men make up lies about God does not actually imply that God does not exist.
It is very interesting because it almost sounds like Whodey desires to find the proper God to worship not because they are the proper God, but because this God would serve a social utility.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThen why is "mankind" clamoring for answers to life's most difficult questions, and looking to "man" for those answers?
Granted it seems that a very large number of the human race claims to know the God that has the answers, but they can't decide which God is the true God.
Aside from that it seems there's a growing number of this world population that isn't looking to any God for anything.
Isn't that Godless segment of the population searching for those answers and solutions to the issues from within man?
You need a leader.
@secondson saidYou make rather a strange leap there.
Then why is "mankind" clamoring for answers to life's most difficult questions, and looking to "man" for those answers?
Granted it seems that a very large number of the human race claims to know the God that has the answers, but they can't decide which God is the true God.
Aside from that it seems there's a growing number of this world population that isn't looking to ...[text shortened]... ation searching for those answers and solutions to the issues from within man?
You need a leader.
Man is looking for answers? - Yes.
Therefore, Man needs a leader.
@secondson saidHow am I supposed to be able to decide if I have lost my Christian faith and so now I supposedly cannot differentiate between maggots and human beings?
You need a leader.
@fmf saidAll I hear from the Left is the need to protect the little guy from corporate America and, most importantly, Orange man.
The existence of government is surely a simple manifestation of mankind's social and communal nature and the need to govern the interactions of individuals and groups? And isn't it that same nature - and need - that is manifested in the various religions that have been "erected" down through history and across the globe and in every culture and society?
This implies that people are led around like helpless sheep and the corporate evil people are the big bad wolves and the Democrats are the good shepherds.
What am I missing here?
@philokalia saidRead 1 Samuel 8. Here we see the nation of Israel set up without a king, and really a government. Only judges were set up to hear disputes and try to deal justice out in a non-bias fashion to try and maintain a civil society. However, these judges became corrupt, as they were bribed, and the people clamored for a king.
The fact that many men lie does not mean that there are no men who tell the truth, and as such, the fact that men make up lies about God does not actually imply that God does not exist.
It is very interesting because it almost sounds like Whodey desires to find the proper God to worship not because they are the proper God, but because this God would serve a social utility.
God then warns them of giving all power to a man who has a fallen nature, and then give them a long list of the abuses that they would suffer under that human king, but they would not listen. God then tells his prophet Samuel that He was being rejected as their king, and told him to give the people what they wanted if they continued to insist upon a king after the dire warnings.. Then Saul became their king.
From then on it was a spiral downward for the Hebrew nation a short time later until their kingdom divided and they later lost their entire nation and woke up in the ovens of Nazi Germany. In fact, I wonder how many Jews voted for Hitler because he had great socialist policies, not knowing how they would suffer under him.
In fact, Thomas Paine, in his book "Common Sense", used 1 Samuel 8 to motivate the people for revolution and fighting off the king of England.
But today, the American President has more power than ever before, and essentially rules by edict now with Executive Orders.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidCollectivism brings power, power brings corruption, and corruption cries out for justice.
You make rather a strange leap there.
Man is looking for answers? - Yes.
Therefore, Man needs a leader.
Who do individual people turn to for such justice apart from the collective that abuses them?