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Everything or nothing?

Everything or nothing?


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Originally posted by galveston75
Here is the Bibles words on death....

"The dead are shown to be “conscious of nothing at all” and the death state to be one of complete inactivity. (Ec 9:5, 10; Ps 146:4) Those dying are described as going into “the dust of death” (Ps 22:15), becoming “impotent in death.” (Pr 2:18; Isa 26:14) In death there is no mention of God or any praising of him ...[text shortened]... sus is spoken of as “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death.”—1Co 15:20, 21"
My God is the God of the living not of the dead.

"But regarding the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God: 'I AM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, AND THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB '? He is not the God of the dead but of the living."

(Mathew 22:31-32 NIV)

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Originally posted by galveston75
Here is the Bibles words on death....

"The dead are shown to be “conscious of nothing at all” and the death state to be one of complete inactivity. (Ec 9:5, 10; Ps 146:4) Those dying are described as going into “the dust of death” (Ps 22:15), becoming “impotent in death.” (Pr 2:18; Isa 26:14) In death there is no mention of God or any praising of him ...[text shortened]... sus is spoken of as “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death.”—1Co 15:20, 21"
This is shocking and absolute rubbish.

The first thing you realize just after you die is........that your not dead.

Awareness cannot die because you are an eternal spiritual being and you cannot be harmed in any way whatsoever.

Your body may be crushed under a train..............but your soul is aware and in perfect health and you are ready to go to your next incarnation.

If you use the Bible for your guidance on all things spiritual / you shall be completely misinformed and lead into ignorance.

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is shocking and absolute rubbish.

The first thing you realize just after you die is........that your not dead.

Awareness cannot die because you are an eternal spiritual being and you cannot be harmed in any way whatsoever.

Your body may be crushed under a train..............but your soul is aware and in perfect health and you are ready to go to yo ...[text shortened]... guidance on all things spiritual / you shall be completely misinformed and lead into ignorance.
Do you remember any of your other incarnations? Explain.

The Instructor

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is shocking and absolute rubbish.

The first thing you realize just after you die is........that your not dead.

Awareness cannot die because you are an eternal spiritual being and you cannot be harmed in any way whatsoever.

Your body may be crushed under a train..............but your soul is aware and in perfect health and you are ready to go to yo ...[text shortened]... guidance on all things spiritual / you shall be completely misinformed and lead into ignorance.
You strike me as definitely being an "everything" kind of person.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Thank you for your honesty, and I think what you are stating is very interesting. I used to have similar questions before I was born again.
In fact for many years after, I still did not understand until I started learning about renewed mind.
Let explain what I mean, and perhaps this will answer some of your curiosity.

All my life all I knew was to l ...[text shortened]... they will not stay children, they will grow into adulthood without death. Hope this helps...
The Christian teaching to fear God is false.

Fearing God was introduced into Christianity at the same time when the Christian doctrine was fabricated to inform us that we would all go to the Lake of Fire if we did not embrace the Church of Christ.

Do you see how the two are related..

Christianity fabricated the belief that we would all go to the Lake of Fire so we must fear God

Fear God because we could end up in the Lake of Fire.

Christian doctrine has skillfully crafted this falsity of terror into the minds of the innocent and ignorant so that the entire village/community would become members of the Church.

The pledge to fear God is an aberration of common sense.

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The Christian teaching to fear God is false.

The oldest book of the Bible is Job. It speaks of the fear of God and predates both Judiasm and Christianity.

The fear of eating meat was introduced by idol worshipers who worshiped oxes and cows.

Fearing God was introduced into Christianity at the same time when the Christian doctrine was fabricated to inform us that we would all go to the Lake of Fire if we did not embrace the Church of Christ.

Quote me a verse anywhere in the Bible that states one goes to the lake of fire for not embracing "the Church or Christ".

If you come up with nothing then retract your false accusation. Or restate what you'd like me to consider.

Do you see how the two are related..

Two false accusations ? It doesn't matter how you think they are related.

I am not Catholic. Maybe old style Catholicism made being a member of the Catholic Church and attending mass a requirement for salvation. You can claim many things.

My belief is based on what the Bible states and teaches. Where in the Bible is your teaching that you accept the Church of Christ or you perish in the lake of fire ?

Christianity fabricated the belief that we would all go to the Lake of Fire so we must fear God

What it says in Revelation 20:25 is that on the last Judgement whoever's name was not found written in the book of life went to the lake of fire. Elsewhere the book of life is called the Lamb's. The Lamb refers to the Redeemer sacrificed - the Son of God - Jesus.

The worship of animals was fabricated by cow and ox lovers who taught people to fear killing beasts for the legitimate human need for food.

Fear God because we could end up in the Lake of Fire.

Fear eating meat for fear of being reincarnated as a cock roach. So say the cow worshippers like Dasa trying to criticize the Bible.

Christian doctrine has skillfully crafted this falsity of terror into the minds of the innocent and ignorant so that the entire village/community would become members of the Church.

Brute beast worshippers like Dasa want children to be terrified of having a ham sandwich. He threatens everyone that they will be reincarnated as some lower animal.

The pledge to fear God is an aberration of common sense.

When you have thousands of people in your country sick with hunger, eating available meat is an aberration of common sense.

How's it feel Dasa to get a little dose of your own silly medicine.

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