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Evidence of an Intelligent Creator ?

Evidence of an Intelligent Creator ?


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Yes. Did I get it wrong?
Thanks. A mistake on my part?

Forward reading DELIVER.
Backward reading REVILED.

The point if I understood was that the genius of the DNA molecule has sections that direct useful protein making when read one way, and useful protein making when read in reverse.

This is evidence for intelligent design.

Imagine if SETI picked up a signal like that from outer space?
Carl Sagan would be dancing in the lab that INTELLIGENT design had been

But applied to the DNA molecule - we get here, like, "That's not science. That's creationism in a cheap tuxedo ya know?"

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@sonship said

Yes. Did I get it wrong?
Thanks. A mistake on my part?

Forward reading DELIVER.
Backward reading REVILED.

The point if I understood was that the genius of the DNA molecule has sections that direct useful protein making when read one way, and useful protein making when read in reverse.

This is evidence for intelligent design ...[text shortened]... A molecule - we get here, like, "That's not science. That's creationism in a cheap tuxedo ya know?"
That’s because it is, there is no evidence whatsoever for intelligent design it’s just the ‘god of the gaps’ on a bad day. My problem is that there is no evidence of it not being intelligent design either but that is my burden to bear.

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That is not your main problem.
Of all things to "fill" any gaps with, the least desirable for you is God.

Fill gaps with time, "we'll learn someday", chance, space aliens, anything, but God least of all is the Creator.

I think you would prefer any "gaps" be plugged in by any concept available with the single biggest objection to God. That is I think a human conscience issue masqueraded as something else.

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@sonship said

I appreciate your comment very much.

Notice there is a difference between these two sentences:

1.) We KNOW that God designed the DNA molecule.

2.) We KNOW things like the DNA molecule do not happen without intelligence.

Statement #2 I think is "non-religious" (if you will) and matter of c ...[text shortened]... ide of those kinds of talks he has no reason not so speak of his faith in Christ in other scenarios.
Unfortunately neither statement is ‘true’, we ‘know’ nothing of the sort. We may think that 2) is less unlikely than 1) but only relative to each other.
There is no reason whatsoever to assume intelligent design without evidence other than the perception of design itself.

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@sonship said

That is not your main problem.
Of all things to "fill" any gaps with, the least desirable for you is God.

Fill gaps with time, "we'll learn someday", chance, space aliens, anything, but God least of all is the Creator.

I think you would prefer any "gaps" be plugged in by any concept available with the single biggest objection to God. That is I think a human conscience issue masqueraded as something else.
You clearly lack the ability to grasp scientific methodology or you are simply a dishonest troll who has latched onto the idea of a god in order to place yourself above your fellow creatures.
Either way your opinions regarding the nature of reality are flimsy at best and supported by absolutely nothing.

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@sonship said

That is not your main problem.
Of all things to "fill" any gaps with, the least desirable for you is God.

Fill gaps with time, "we'll learn someday", chance, space aliens, anything, but God least of all is the Creator.

I think you would prefer any "gaps" be plugged in by any concept available with the single biggest objection to God. That is I think a human conscience issue masqueraded as something else.
I don’t object to God, there is simply no evidence that a God exists other than in your own brain chemistry or defective psychology.
I do not object to the tooth fairy either I just realised as a very young child that it was my mother who swapped my teeth for legal currency.
You cannot object to the existence of an entity or state of reality that there is no objective evidence for. You are being ridiculously defensive, fragility perhaps.

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I don’t object to God, there is simply no evidence that a God exists other than in your own brain chemistry or defective psychology.

What brain chemistry or defective psychology in Jesus Christ caused Him to be born in Bethlehem according to a prophecy of Micah (750 - 710 BC)?

Could you specify the brain chemistry or defective psychology in Jesus that is responsible for His birth in Bethlehem fulfilling a prophecy to that event about 800 years before?
Eight centuries before Micah wrote:

" But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, So little to be among the thousands of Judah, From you there will come forth to Me He who is to be Ruler in Israel; And His goings forth are from ancient times, From days of eternity." (Micah 5:2)

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I do not object to the tooth fairy either I just realised as a very young child that it was my mother who swapped my teeth for legal currency.

You were speaking of defective psychology?

You equate your mother exchanging a coin maybe under your pillow replacing a tooth with the NT declaration of the resurrection of Christ?

When people make comparisons like this in the ad hom manner in which you do, I assume it is they who are trying to bring the discussion to a quick halt with insults.

It smacks of suddenly poisoning the well of discourse.

At any rate, Christ of history and the tooth fairy are a poor comparison.

You cannot object to the existence of an entity or state of reality that there is no objective evidence for. You are being ridiculously defensive, fragility perhaps.

That's interesting. When someone chimes in about the tooth fairy equating it with the life, words, and wisdom of Jesus Christ I count them as being fragile and ridiculously defensive. It comes off to me as trying out humiliation in a hope the other person will be ridiculed away.

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@sonship said
What brain chemistry or defective psychology in Jesus Christ caused Him to be born in Bethlehem according to a prophecy of Micah (750 - 710 BC)?

Could you specify the brain chemistry or defective psychology in Jesus that is responsible for His birth in Bethlehem fulfilling a prophecy to that event about 800 years before?
What evidence do you have that Jesus was born in Bethlehem?

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@sonship said
You equate your mother exchanging a coin maybe under your pillow replacing a tooth with the NT declaration of the resurrection of Christ?
The point, though, is that the belief surrounding the coin is a belief rooted in supernatural causality.

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@fmf said
What evidence do you have that Jesus was born in Bethlehem?
What other details did the writers creating the literature of Christianity ~ decades after Jesus is said to have been executed ~ carefully incorporate into their texts, in order to bolster their claims about his identity and the significance of his life ~ and so link their literature in that of the Hebres?

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You clearly lack the ability to grasp scientific methodology or you are simply a dishonest troll who has latched onto the idea of a god in order to place yourself above your fellow creatures.

How am I confessing that I am a helpless sinner in need of God's salvation putting myself above my fellow creatures? I am a recipient of His mercy! I saw my need more than I saw anyone else's.

I am confessing that ME, ME, I am in need of His mercy because I have made a mess of things. Thankfully I found out that He is trustworthy. So I want to spread the news around.

This is not at all counting myself better than my fellow creatures.
At best I am a sinner saved by grace.
I was good only for one thing, just punishment from God.

No, try something else there. Coming to the God is not me making myself better than fellow creatures. It is however believing that ALL of us, according to the Bible have the dignity and worth of being created in the image of God. (Gen. 1:26,27)

Either way your opinions regarding the nature of reality are flimsy at best and supported by absolutely nothing.

Okay. In your next post could you explain what was the very FIRST instance of natural selection?

In your next post could explain something of how the first strand of living tissue replicated itself to kick off the entire ingenious Evolutionary algorithm?

I was a computer programmer by profession. I wrote thousands of algorithms to logically solve problems. How did the first iteration of this cycle of natural selection kick off with the very FIRST living thing?

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@sonship said

I don’t object to God, there is simply no evidence that a God exists other than in your own brain chemistry or defective psychology.

What brain chemistry or defective psychology in Jesus Christ caused Him to be born in Bethlehem according to a prophecy of Micah (750 - 710 BC)?

Could you specify the brain chemistry or de ...[text shortened]... uler in Israel; And His goings forth are from ancient times, From days of eternity." (Micah 5:2)[/b]
Seriously your quoting the bible as evidence in a debate about the existence or non existence of an intelligent creator?

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Seriously your quoting the bible as evidence in a debate about the existence or non existence of an intelligent creator?

Why? The book of Micah is an ancient DOCUMENT like any other document. It may not be a biology matter.
But the historicity of that book Micah and its author you can't just ignore - "O that is religious

It is a historical matter. The scholars of the Hebrew Scriptures knew WHERE they should look 2,000 years ago when Herod asked about any indications of a born King in his domain. He wanted to know since he was the king.

I don't have enough faith in conspiracies to count Matthew's record as after the fact. That requires more a leap of blind faith then I am willing to make.

So you have the issue of Micah's prediction. And you cannot or won't explain it away by chemistry in the brain of Jesus or His questionable psychology.

Did you ever answer question I put out to someone. perhaps you?

Do you regard MIND as coming into existence only AFTER MATTER?
Or do you regard that MIND preceded MATTER?

I think I have to go with MIND being in existence before MATTER.

Did the collision of molecules and chemicals by random interactions over a long time give rise to the emergence of mental thought and intellectual activity?

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@sonship said
The book of Micah is an ancient DOCUMENT like any other document.
As a document, how does Micah provide evidence of an intelligent creator ?

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