Originally posted by WulebgrYou are using the Christian argument:
You keep generalizing from this particular instance. There are many things that I understand, but do not believe (George Bush's explanations of why we are in Iraq, for example). The theory of evolution is simply not the sort of thing that is disbelieved by those that understand it: that is the nature of theory in science, as it happens.
scottishinnz has been clear enough on this point.
I believe it is possible to understand the theory of macro evolution and not agree with it.
We are at a stalemate
Originally posted by ryunixYou did make a claim.
I didn’t initiate the debate or argument with him (or any of you actually) and I have little intention on being the one to do the research for him.
There are now 3 of you who are all picking different things to debate me on, this is also not practiced in a formal debate so seeing how I now have 3 vs. 1, finding links for all of you is a tad ridiculous. (Which i will have to do if i make any claims)
Originally posted by ryunixProvided that you also accept that we are accepting belief every time we accept that the universe is real. "Belief" in evolution is on the same par as belief in existence.
Ok so we agree evolution is a belief of yours. Hopefully you can see how that has shaped you in some way
Originally posted by scottishinnzYes i agree, accepting that the universe is real, is a belief
Provided that you also accept that we are accepting belief every time we accept that the universe is real. "Belief" in evolution is on the same par as belief in existence.
"Belief" in evolution is on the same par as belief in existence
Is something I do not hold as a belief.
Originally posted by ryunixDoesn't stop it from being true though. There still remains a small, but very committed, group that believes the earth is flat.
Yes i agree, accepting that the universe is real, is a belief
[b]"Belief" in evolution is on the same par as belief in existence
Is something I do not hold as a belief.[/b]
Originally posted by scottishinnzHAHA i visited their website for fun not to long ago.
Doesn't stop it from being true though. There still remains a small, but very committed, group that believes the earth is flat.
I will say that i believe that the theory of macro evolution exists, i just dont believe it is correct, but dont worry your claim of the "true" does not make it true. 🙂
Originally posted by ryunixThanks for the compliment!
Oh and nice comments on the abortion topic... I'm not referring to the "eating them all and make it hurt" comment, though is was rather humorous
Your address to a search engine did not provide any such examples. I think you're full of crap.
Originally posted by ryunixI'm simply asking you to explain something you wrote. Are you unable to do that?
I didn’t initiate the debate or argument with him (or any of you actually) and I have little intention on being the one to do the research for him.
There are now 3 of you who are all picking different things to debate me on, this is also not practiced in a formal debate so seeing how I now have 3 vs. 1, finding links for all of you is a tad ridiculous. (Which i will have to do if i make any claims)
Originally posted by ryunixYou brought in your "disbelief" in scientific theory to support an obscure point about the nature of sin and behavior in this thread about a Christian clan evidently cheating more than others. You are the threadjacker.
I didn’t initiate the debate or argument with him (or any of you actually) and I have little intention on being the one to do the research for him.
But, as i pointed out, it may well be that people afflicted with the errors in reasoning that leads to affinity with the Creationist delusion may be more inclined to cheat when in a tough spot. It is no more than a hypothesis that yet needs testing.
An alternative hypothesis might be that FAITH HOPE LOVE has been infiltrated by evil players who plan to cheat and get banned for the purpose of giving Xtians a bad name. (Somewhat in the way that the FBI infiltrated civil rights organizations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Google COINTELPRO if you are unfamiliar with this particular history.)