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Fun with Analogies

Fun with Analogies


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yo... D... i got some questions 4 you..

1. What do you do for fun...
my guess is go to the church and read the bible..

2. Do you have a woman
my guess is .. no.. and if so.. is she a fanatic psychopath like oyu?

3. Are you compensating for any thing with no time for any thing but religion.. hmm.. hmm.. you know they have marvelous ting' call lil blue pill eh?

4. Did you becom a bornagain after some horrible accident where your parrentswer burned to death slowly in front of your eyes as a child... is that the whole matches analogy?...

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Originally posted by frogstomp
Oh, jeez lets not play with matches ,we might burn up the dog

Don't worry! someone will save the dog!

he'd follow those guys anywhere!


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Originally posted by xxxenophobe
id kick that guy in da nutz.. runn in my house not ofern me and crack.. damn...
I tried that once,, found i very difficult to do.

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Originally posted by Starrman
We buy a pack of matches so that we can light our gas heater to stay warm. A man in the street tells us, "Don't play with the matches. Use them to light the heater." We look at each other and say, "Who the hell is he to tell us not play with matches? Playing with matches isn't a game! Screw him." We then proceed to light the fire safely and settle dow ...[text shortened]... nd with our contiuing breath we sneer, "You're pretty damn arrogant to think we need saving!"
Magnificent riposte old bean!

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The scientific community viewed heavier than air flight as a violation of natural laws; to fly would be a miracle. But hundreds of Americans were witnessing the miracle of flight long before scientists came up with equations that would validate it as a possibility. Yet according to Hume, American scientists were totally reasonable in dismissing the legitimacy of the flights, because no human testimony could be considered reliable enough to validate such a claim. That's right! The ignorant masses had accepted air flight as a demonstrable reality, while the scientific elite walked around for an entire year, pompously dismissing it as an utter impossibility.

In view of the above, and other instances that I won't take the time to print here, it can be said that human testimony, concerning allegations of the miraculous, should at least be subject to the same evaluations of human testimony regarding the mundane, if only to open the door into further inquiry.


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Originally posted by Darfius
The scientific community viewed heavier than air flight as a violation of natural laws; to fly would be a miracle. But hundreds of Americans were witnessing the miracle of flight long before scientists came up with equations that would validate it as a possibility. Yet according to Hume, American scientists were totally reasonable in dismissing the legitimac ...[text shortened]... only to open the door into further inquiry.

why don't you try to get your facts right for once?
It was the Wright brother they doubted, not that it couldn't be done

Leonardo da Vinci made the first real studies of flight in 1486. He had 150 drawings that illustrated his theories on flight. However, his notebooks were lost until 1797.
George Cayley saw that people could not fly on their own because they didn't have enough muscle power to create lift. He turned to the invention of the kite that had been around for study for over 2000 yearsOver the next 50 years Cayley added to and improved his principles for controlled gliding flight. He studied air pressure and found out the correct angle for the wing so that the air flow would lift the glider. Cayley built a glider that you could control. His coachman flew in it. He had made the first manned heavier-than-air flight in history.
The first real success at glider flight was achieved (done) by Lilienthal in 1891. He was the first person to be able to show that controlled flight was possible. He did studies of birds and learned how birds fly and used this understanding for flight for man
1891 Samuel Langley
Samuel Langley was physicist and astronomer who realized that power was needed to help man fly. Langley conducted experiments using whirling arms and steam motors. He built a model of a plane, which he called an aerodrome, that included a steam-powered engine. In 1891, his model flew for 3/4s of a mile before running out of fuel.

1894 Octave Chanute
Octave Chanute was a successful engineer who undertook the invention of airplanes as a hobby, after being inspired by Otto Lilienthal. Chanute designed several aircraft, the Herring - Chanute biplane was his most successful design and formed the basis of the Wright biplane design

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Originally posted by Darfius
In view of the above, and other instances that I won't take the time to print here, it can be said that human testimony, concerning allegations of the miraculous, should at least be subject to the same evaluations of human testimony regarding the mundane, if only to open the door into further inquiry.

I don't have a problem with this statement at al ...[text shortened]... fic method - the more we discover, the more we need to change or revise our present way of thinking.

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Originally posted by Darfius
The scientific community viewed heavier than air flight as a violation of natural laws; to fly would be a miracle. But hundreds of Americans were witnessing the miracle of flight long before scientists came up with equations that would vali ...[text shortened]... rther inquiry.

are you seriously trying to suggest that hundreds of people were flying around in planes while the 'scientific community' (whatever that massive umbrella is supposed to encompase) denied that man could control flight. Don't make me laugh! Who do you think spend lifetimes trying out various theories and models, gradually gathering hte knowledge that made flight possible. Sure, some scientists would have thought it impossible until they were shown to be wrong, upon which they revised their ideas in light of the new proofs. Unlike the Church who consistantly tried to stiffle scientific progress and burn people alive rather than look at their evidence that the world was round and not the centre of the universe which might force them to accept that they might need to rethink their ideas, that they aren't infalable.

Your facts are thinly veiled lies that would only convince those who are too ignorant or who chose not to question them

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