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Fundamentalist Christian Intolerance

Fundamentalist Christian Intolerance


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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Man oh man, RB. Tell me you didn't do that. How did you do that and not earn yourself a ban?

How can you go ahead and dismiss what you said? I can't imagine letting that word slip from my lips. Pretty cavalier of you to just blow it off and say "everyone is a sinner", isn't it?

You cast a hell of alot of stones in here. Did you ever think about that?
When you become a Christian God gives you the right to point out others sins to help them find the truth that they need a savior.
Romans 10:14-15
14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

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Originally posted by no1marauder
You're absolutely disgusting and hypocritical to defend and excuse someone who used the word "nigger" in these forums. Have you no shame at all, Ivanhoe?
This comment of yours shows your attitude and your motives why you are constantly harrassing RBHILL. He has made a mistake and you are the one who is constantly after him. He has to pay for this in your opinion. He has to be punished .... and you just love accusing and punishing people. He has to be punished ...... and not just for making that mistake with the n-word ... oh no ..... People who constantly accuse people and try to manipulate them by saying they will go to hell if they do not agree with them are actually and in essence doing the same disgusting thing as you are doing, marauder: accusing, judging and punishing people, except you do not use hell to frighten them, you use your insulting rants, your degrading actions and your constant accusations to make them angry and try to provoke them to make mistakes so you can once again jump on them and make anew accusations. Thát, Dear Marauder, is the name of the game you and your friends are playing.

You and your friends have managed to chase away many RHP members. I wonder when the admins finally decide that you are not a positive asset to this site. If you want proof of you being a negative asset to this chess-site, people can read your present avatar texts, which state:

"Cheats are OK! "

Location : Cheat Friendly RHP"

You are not only attacking RHP members, but in your zeal you also place the site itself in a very negative light. You just love doing this, don't you marauder. You are not a lawyer, you are a prosecuter.

EDIT: I wonder how long you will have that text up in your avatar box. It will probably be replaced by some other accusation/provocation/insult/ridicule, of course disguised by or wrapped in your usual sarcasm.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
When you become a Christian God gives you the right to point out others sins to help them find the truth that they need a savior.
Romans 10:14-15
14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15And how can they preac ...[text shortened]... ss they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
let he who is without sin, cast the first stone

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Actually, he seems quite proud of it.

RBHILL: But I was glad I went back to my old self for a day and said racist things to get you people off of my back and it worked.
You just continue your game, marauder .....

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
A lawyer should know better. I am not defending or excusing anything racist anybody said. YOU marauder, should be ashamed for even mentioning this. Accusing me in this way is unacceptable, How low can you go, marauder.

Your gutter tactics are becoming more and more obvious.

My question to Knightwulfe was how RBHILL pushed his beliefs on him. A very relevant and legitimate question.

I am not defending or excusing anything or anybody.

Everything is about how we must be saved and free ourselves from sin and so forth.... Admittedly, he is no where CLOSE to as bad as blindfaith101....but he still pushes the belief onto others. I dont need to be saved. I dont need to free myself from sin and I dont need someone telling me that I NEED to do anything.

That is how.

And you note - RBHILL turned me saying I thought HE was NARROWMINDED into me saying I said ALL Christians are CLOSED-MINDED.
Never said it never insinuated it, never infered it or even implied it. I dont even think it.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
This comment of yours shows your attitude and your motives why you are constantly harrassing RBHILL. He has made a mistake and you are the one who is constantly after him. He has to pay for this in your opinion. He has to be punished .... and you just love accusing and punishing people. He has to be punished ...... and not just for making that mistake with t ...[text shortened]... ight. You just love doing this, don't you marauder. You are not a lawyer, you are a prosecuter.
RB doesn't feel he made a mistake; he's quite happy about his comments as he indicated in his post in this thread. How, pray tell, can I "punish" him? I am a mere lowly poster on RHP just like he is. You obviously don't even know what happened but are perfectly willing to create the fiction that somehow I was the bad guy in all this. People who read the thread know better; RB started with insulting women's intelligence ("chess is a man's game"😉 and proceeded to racial epithets when people objected to his comments. But you can't be bothered to know the facts before you start with YET ANOTHER of your never ending attack posts against other members of the site. You are an utter and complete hypocrite.

EDIT: The thread is http://www.timeforchess.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=34277

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Originally posted by KnightWulfe

Everything is about how we must be saved and free ourselves from sin and so forth.... Admittedly, he is no where CLOSE to as bad as blindfaith101....but he still pushes the belief onto others. I dont need to be saved. I dont need to free myself from sin and I dont need someone telling me that I NEED to do anything.

That is how.

And you note ...[text shortened]... ?
Never said it never insinuated it, never infered it or even implied it. I dont even think it.
Knightwulfe: "Everything is about how we must be saved and free ourselves from sin and so forth.... "

How do you know RBHILL and others are constantly spreading this message?

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Originally posted by KnightWulfe

Everything is about how we must be saved and free ourselves from sin and so forth.... Admittedly, he is no where CLOSE to as bad as blindfaith101....but he still pushes the belief onto others. I dont need to be saved. I dont need to free myself from sin and I dont need someone telling me that I NEED to do anything.

That is how.

And you note ...[text shortened]... ?
Never said it never insinuated it, never infered it or even implied it. I dont even think it.
Knightwulfe: "And you note - RBHILL turned me saying I thought HE was NARROWMINDED into me saying I said ALL Christians are CLOSED-MINDED.
Never said it never insinuated it, never infered it or even implied it. I dont even think it.[/b]

I have taken good notice of that. Sue him .... NOW !

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
You are one...I can't think of the word. I think you need to go off to an island somewhere, work on a cruise ship or something, and get your mind right. Don't you ever want to just relax and have fun? I actually feel bad for you. I'm telling you - from the perspective of an outsider, you're full of fear, hate and confusion. Don't you ever want ...[text shortened]... saved, adn righteous and good - they often fear (or know) that deep down, the opposite is true.
I assume your post is addressed to RBHILL though a cruise ship doesn't sound too bad right now.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
RB doesn't feel he made a mistake; he's quite happy about his comments as he indicated in his post in this thread. How, pray tell, can I "punish" him? I am a mere lowly poster on RHP just like he is. You obviously don't even know what happened but are perfectly willing to create the fiction that somehow I was the bad guy in all this. People who read ...[text shortened]... ending attack posts against other members of the site. You are an utter and complete hypocrite.
marauder: "..... I am a mere lowly poster on RHP "




1 : in a humble or meek manner
2 : in a low position, manner, or degree
3 : not loudly

You do have a sense of humour, marauder .... ha ha hhahahau uhu uhuh ..... sorry, i'm almost pissing my pants ...

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Knightwulfe: "Everything is about how we must be saved and free ourselves from sin and so forth.... "

How do you know ?
Because I read the threads and he types that sort of thing. Occasionally, he does have something to say that is not a regurgitation of the say biblical quotation, but it is rare.

I am tending to agree with Sas....

Perhaps he doth protest too much!

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
[b]marauder: "..... I am a mere lowly poster on RHP "




1 : in a humble or meek manner
2 : in a low position, manner, or degree
3 : not loudly

You do have a sense of humour, marauder .... ha ha hhahahau uhu uhuh ..... sorry, i'm almost pissing my pants ...[/b]
That's me.

There are treatments for your bladder problem, Ivanhoe.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
I have taken good notice of that. Sue him .... NOW !
Yea, just jump on the litigation bandwagon...nah, I think I will pass.

I think an apology, public or private would suffice....

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