@KellyJay saidDiscussing these matters with some here is futile.
From Isaiah 30
For they are a rebellious people,
lying children,
children unwilling to hear
the instruction of the Lord;
who say to the seers, “Do not see,”
and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right;
speak to us smooth things,
prophesy illusions,
leave the way, turn aside from the path,
let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.”
The question posed is in the thread's title. Did God keep His promise to Abraham, as written in Genesis 22? "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore.
Since Moses is given the credit for writing Genesis, Moses also wrote that God kept his promise as given in Deuteronomy 1:10: "The Lord your God has increased your numbers so that today you are as numerous as the stars in the sky." However, Moses does not address the part of being as numerous as the number of sand grains on the seashore.
In Numbers, which precedes Deuteronomy, Moses took a census of Abraham's offspring, and which is given in Numbers 1:46: "The total number was 603,550."
Based on the above references, the number of offspring is as numerous as the stars in heaven? How many stars are visible in the night sky with the naked eye? Approximately 2,000 stars under the best viewing conditions and with 20/20 vision.
Why would God also reference the grains of sand on the seashore, along with the number of stars in the sky? Perhaps to give us a small idea of what could not be seen back then? The billions times billions of stars there are in the sky.
Some can't see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes.
Can any count those who now belong to the Lord through faith which is what Abraham is the father of? I don’t believe that you can come up with a number or anyone else. So the question is what God said occured.
@KellyJay saidReally? That's what I initially proposed as a possibility, the Abrahamic religions.
Can any count those who now belong to the Lord through faith which is what Abraham is the father of? I don’t believe that you can come up with a number or anyone else. So the question is what God said occured.
But now I'm sorry I asked.
@PettyTalk saidI don't always feel the need to say I agree when someone says something I agree with.
Really? That's what I initially proposed as a possibility, the Abrahamic religions.
But now I'm sorry I asked.
@KellyJay saidUnfortunately, many fit this description.
From Isaiah 30
For they are a rebellious people,
lying children,
children unwilling to hear
the instruction of the Lord;
who say to the seers, “Do not see,”
and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right;
speak to us smooth things,
prophesy illusions,
leave the way, turn aside from the path,
let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.”
In Israel there are gay parades, the baby killing factories, euphemistically known as 'abortion clinics', are in high gear, the shabbat is desecrated in many places.
But we are going in the right direction. Soon the religious will have a majority in Israel, en then we'll see miracles happening.
@Carnivorum saidFrom Romans 11
Unfortunately, many fit this description.
In Israel there are gay parades, the baby killing factories, euphemistically known as 'abortion clinics', are in high gear, the shabbat is desecrated in many places.
But we are going in the right direction. Soon the religious will have a majority in Israel, en then we'll see miracles happening.
So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather, through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!
@PettyTalk saidWhy do you hold God to such exacting standards as you are not willing to hold yourself to? Do you not petition God to have mercy upon you? How dare you to ask more from God than you yourself are willing to give?
Discussing these matters with some here is futile.
The question posed is in the thread's title. Did God keep His promise to Abraham, as written in Genesis 22? "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore.
Since Moses is given the credit for writing Genesis, Moses also wrote that Go ...[text shortened]... lions of stars there are in the sky.
Some can't see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes.
@Suzianne saidHow dare I? I am the daredevil, asking everything of God, the Father and Creator of everything. How dare God create us in a state of wantonness?
Why do you hold God to such exacting standards as you are not willing to hold yourself to? Do you not petition God to have mercy upon you? How dare you to ask more from God than you yourself are willing to give?
If God is so perfect, how dare He create anything not worthy of perfection? God is The Perfect Sophist, because He makes us believe that we are all anything but perfect. However, the truth is that when He made our souls in His image, we are actually perfect images of His original perfection outside of our physical bodies.
As our sophist friend, Paul, was made to say: "Behold I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
A metamorphosis: when our inner souls will be worn on the outside, the mystery of God will be over, and we'll see our perfection through the shedding of the body.
@PettyTalk saidAnd people ask me, a psychology major, why I'm not fond of philosophers. I tell them "because while psychologists see people as they are, philosophers see people as they want them to be."
How dare I? I am the daredevil, asking everything of God, the Father and Creator of everything. How dare God create us in a state of wantonness?
If God is so perfect, how dare He create anything not worthy of perfection? God is The Perfect Sophist, because He makes us believe that we are all anything but perfect. However, the truth is that when He made our souls in His i ...[text shortened]... see our perfection through the shedding of the body.
@Carnivorum saidYou make a mockery out of religion.
Unfortunately, many fit this description.
In Israel there are gay parades, the baby killing factories, euphemistically known as 'abortion clinics', are in high gear, the shabbat is desecrated in many places.
But we are going in the right direction. Soon the religious will have a majority in Israel, en then we'll see miracles happening.
@Suzianne saidI'm a psychology general while you are only a psychology major. Therefore I outrank you. And since I rank also with the philosophers, I can plainly see that you haven't the faintest idea that Jesus was a philosopher....a philosopher king, mainly. But like his Father, Jesus was also a Sophist, because he had to back his Father's philosophy and sophism used by them in the reality game we all made to play. Granted, unbeknown to 99.99999999999% of all people that physical existence is just a game.
And people ask me, a psychology major, why I'm not fond of philosophers. I tell them "because while psychologists see people as they are, philosophers see people as they want them to be."
You also need to keep in mind the kind of philosophy which Jesus prescribed to, which is the one and only True philosophy. True philosophers are after the truth, and not what seems. You need to make a distinction between true philosophers and the sham ones. True philosophers are a like a rare flower, and possibly extinct by now, whereas the sham ones grow like weeds, and they are everywhere, even flowering as seeming psychology blossoms.
@PettyTalk saidWhen it comes to sheer stench, your posts outrank most here. 😛
I'm a psychology general while you are only a psychology major. Therefore I outrank you. And since I rank also with the philosophers, I can plainly see that you haven't the faintest idea that Jesus was a philosopher....a philosopher king, mainly. But like his Father, Jesus was also a Sophist, because he had to back his Father's philosophy and sophism used by them in the rea ...[text shortened]... sham ones grow like weeds, and they are everywhere, even flowering as seeming psychology blossoms.