-Removed-Because they do not understand what they read, The Word, is also Jesus. It never says in the scripture you need to have knowledge of who Jesus is. But it does say in the scripture, you must receive Jesus in your heart.
When a person reads the Word, and receives it into their heart, they receive Jesus whether they know it or not.
Originally posted by PudgenikGood post. I can add that there are many who need not read anything but their conscience guides them to do the right thing. These people already have God in them.
Because they do not understand what they read, The Word, is also Jesus. It never says in the scripture you need to have knowledge of who Jesus is. But it does say in the scripture, you must receive Jesus in your heart.
When a person reads the Word, and receives it into their heart, they receive Jesus whether they know it or not.
Originally posted by PudgenikOh really? So since you don't understand what you read means that we don't? How do you come to that conclusion? Because you simply do not agree or understand the bible yourself?
Because they do not understand what they read, The Word, is also Jesus. It never says in the scripture you need to have knowledge of who Jesus is. But it does say in the scripture, you must receive Jesus in your heart.
When a person reads the Word, and receives it into their heart, they receive Jesus whether they know it or not.
If so why are you missing out? Why is God not letting you see and understand?
It almost sounds like you don't care or don't want to take the time or trouble to really ask God to understand and then use a cop out excuse to just recieve Jesus in your heart as so many here do and then don't do much else then sit at their church and let their priest or preacher tell them "that's ok, don't worry, that's all there is to it". If he does this then it's because he doesn't know the Bible and can't explain the deeper things and get his flock off their butts and do as Jesus commanded us.
The Bible is very clear that one MUST be fully compentent and prepared to defend the Bible and to be able to teach ALL that is in it.
The Bible is also very clear that as the end draws closer that the "light would get brighter and brighter" in respect to knowing the bible fully and not to be stuck as "babes" with their level of knowledge.
We have progressed from the dark ages as most religions are and still to this day teach ancient paganistic teachings and have never progressed beyond them.
It seems you are the one who is still the "babe" in not ever progressing spiritually but are willing to just sit back and float along. Right?
The point of this thread is to discuss what Jehovah has planned for us all in the future if that is what we want. It is clear by many in the earth that they do not want this but there are many that do.
This is what was lost by our first parents Adam and Eve but God with the cooperation of his son Jesus have put into action all the framework to bring the planet and the ones who want to be directed by God to help bring this earth back to the beautiful place it was meant to be.
So far no one here seems interested in this beautiful thing God is doing for us that evewryones Bible describes.
Instead most here have wanted to argue about whatever they can come up with and even as devegeester is so good at, which is trying to kill anything that is good, meaningful and that gives hope for the future.
So extreemly sad to be that negative with their spirituality and then try every chance they get to pull anyone down that they can.....
Sounds just like what satan thrives on.
Originally posted by galveston75Actually the point of this thread is to force down peoples throats some more WatchTower propaganda, which we already established has nothing to do with God's plan.
The point of this thread is to discuss what Jehovah has planned for us all in the future if that is what we want. It is clear by many in the earth that they do not want this but there are many that do.
This is what was lost by our first parents Adam and Eve but God with the cooperation of his son Jesus have put into action all the framework to bring th ...[text shortened]... chance they get to pull anyone down that they can.....
Sounds just like what satan thrives on.
Smart Christians are rightly wary of your doctrine and will shy away from it.
Originally posted by Rajk999So I see by your negative answer you are not at all interesed in speaking about the wonderful future God has in store that is yes, even in your bible? In fact I've never seen you make any kind of upbuilding or positive comment about anything much less to do with what he has instore for any in the future that want to be there and be a part of the peaceful and happy life it will offer.....
Actually the point of this thread is to force down peoples throats some more WatchTower propaganda, which we already established has nothing to do with God's plan.
Smart Christians are rightly wary of your doctrine and will shy away from it.
You probably don't even believe in that do you? Must not as you never speak about it or share that with anyone here who doesn't know about it.
Originally posted by galveston75How are you positive? Is it by telling everyone that only JWs make up the 144000 and the rest of the world will all be killed in Armagedeon while JWs will be saved?
So I see by your negative answer you are not at all interesed in speaking about the wonderful future God has in store that is yes, even in your bible? In fact I've never seen you make any kind of upbuilding or positive comment about anything much less to do with what he has instore for any in the future that want to be there and be a part of the peacefu ...[text shortened]... ? Must not as you never speak about it or share that with anyone here who doesn't know about it.
It is enough to know that Christ promised eternal life to those who follow him. Your view of that is twisted by Watchtower garbage.
Where does this verse fit into your doctrine:
2 Cor 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Can you see everything on this earth? Yes? Then it is all here today and gone tomorrow. It is NOT ETERNAL. The only things that are eternal are heavenly things. Everything on this earth will be destroyed.
2 Pet 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
So you see you ignore these passages in favour of what the Watchtower tells you. Your doctrine is therefore not telling people what is Gods plan but what is Watchtower's plan. Thats why Im not interested.
Maybe there are others who are interested so you keep prattling.
Originally posted by PudgenikIf so then it means that Jesus will be coming not long after 🙂
The limitations of some churches teachings is caused by the need to explain everything. Example, using logic. The J.W.'s i admire for a number of reasons, yet they too have fallen into the trap. To logically figure out everything. It is written, 'that God's ways are far different than our own.'
This being said. To say flesh and blood can not go to heaven ...[text shortened]... s. They look alike spiritually, yet they are opposites. And all of what God is, is between them.
Originally posted by Rajk999Yeah it's clear you are not interested in the future of this planet at all...
How are you positive? Is it by telling everyone that only JWs make up the 144000 and the rest of the world will all be killed in Armagedeon while JWs will be saved?
It is enough to know that Christ promised eternal life to those who follow him. Your view of that is twisted by Watchtower garbage.
Where does this verse fit into your doctrine:
[i]2 Cor ...[text shortened]... hats why Im not interested.
Maybe there are others who are interested so you keep prattling.
How can you read all the scriptures about the new world after armegeddon and all the good that will come to mankind and answer as you just did? Amazing to be so deep and dark in your beliefs and outlooks and can't see the light and goodness of the future is unbelievable.
As I said even leaving the JW's out of your issues, you never have anything good and upbuilding and positive to say about God, the bible, spiritual matters or to anyone here.
Now if you don't mind leave this thread and spread your gloomyness else where. Maybe devegeester will get the hint too.
Originally posted by galveston75You tell me ?? Bible scholar 😉 I mean that half joking but why does the Apostle Peter makes such a big deal about the new heavens and earth? and the elements being burning up with intense heat ? I don't think he meant that to be metaphor ......You leave no room for the power of God as He could indeed burn up this universe and earth and create a new one right before our eyes
*************Simply question. If all we know is literally going to be burned up with fire and destroyed.......where do we "humans" all go in the meantime as well as all the spirit beings, you know God and the angels as well as satan and the demons?*******************
It seems many know and understand that many things described in the Bible are not re ...[text shortened]... l stand forever" with no hint in that and other scriptures that the earth will ever be replaced?
G-Man where we split is on our understanding of the bible but I do indeed believe in a future paradise and in an odd way it does not matter whether it is this earth reborn or God creating a new earth from nothing as long as He is King and righteousness and peace reign !! I think however you put God in a box sometimes with JW doctrine as You must remember God spoke things into existence which were not and He can destroy anything as he created it. Somewhere it says that all things hold together by the power of His Word imagine that. Scientist are just now barely able to figure out why atoms / Matter has mass and what holds them together as they should not even hold together. If God is holding the universe together.... billions of Stars and Galaxies together by the very power of His command it would be nothing for God to release the bonds of all of the Atoms in the universe and We'd be witness to the biggest nuclear explosion ever LOL of course in a second command He can say let all things be new and the curse is gone!! No more pain or death or tears and really there would be no need for a sun or moon if as in Revelation
Revelation 21
22 I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb. 24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. 25 In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed; 26 and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it; 27 and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
God was a Light ( A Pillar of Fire ) by Night for the Isrealites and a Cloud by day to protect Them .....How much more then could He be a literal light for His people in the New Jerusalem ?
Originally posted by galveston75Is there some part of the Bible that says to be interested in the future of the planet?
Yeah it's clear you are not interested in the future of this planet at all...
How can you read all the scriptures about the new world after armegeddon and all the good that will come to mankind and answer as you just did? Amazing to be so deep and dark in your beliefs and outlooks and can't see the light and goodness of the future is unbelievable.
As ...[text shortened]... eave this thread and spread your gloomyness else where. Maybe devegeester will get the hint too.
The light and goodness of the future is not on this earth.
Everyone killed except JWs ? Now thats light and goodness 😀
Originally posted by galveston75You've shown us yourself that you do not comprehend what i wrote. Need i say more.
Oh really? So since you don't understand what you read means that we don't? How do you come to that conclusion? Because you simply do not agree or understand the bible yourself?
If so why are you missing out? Why is God not letting you see and understand?
It almost sounds like you don't care or don't want to take the time or trouble to really ask God ...[text shortened]... e" in not ever progressing spiritually but are willing to just sit back and float along. Right?