Originally posted by sumydidThis is the first I have heard of this story, unbelievable! But I am not surprised by the media. This bias has been ongoing for a long time now. Like when Bush was President they claimed this was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Now, a record number of people are out of work but the media reports "the economy is getting better". Go figure.
Abortion "Doctor" Kermit Gosnell, a true, bona fide serial murderer, is on trial as we speak for the murder of 7 (formerly living) babies and 1 female patient. I'll post a link to the grisly practices of this "doctor" but suffice it to say he is a truly evil sick man who took pleasure in the killing of babies. He got creative in how he would execute living ...[text shortened]... www.newsmax.com/TheWire/kermit-gosnell-trial-abortion-killings/2013/04/12/id/499245
Originally posted by JS357and the fact that he wants more media coverage on a psychopath that is in no way more deserving than any other psychopath.
You seem to be implying that "pro-Gosnell" people, it there are any such people who think he should be ruled innocent, are "almost completely" atheists, and that "anti-Gosnell" people are "almost completely" Abrahamic religious people.
I would call that approach demagoguery, because it is an appeal to the emotions, prejudices, and ignorance of less-educated ...[text shortened]... ple.
I think the flak you are getting has a lot to do with this apparent demagoguery.
all serial killers get their news fame. it comes and it goes. fmf has shown that this case received a normal amount of attention. the sumydude thinks it is not enough, and we should all be ashamed we are not demanding that this story be repeated over and over again, until something.
Originally posted by ZahlanziNo, what you say is not true, his point was the bias. It does not compare with many of the other news articles.
and the fact that he wants more media coverage on a psychopath that is in no way more deserving than any other psychopath.
all serial killers get their news fame. it comes and it goes. fmf has shown that this case received a normal amount of attention. the sumydude thinks it is not enough, and we should all be ashamed we are not demanding that this story be repeated over and over again, until something.
Originally posted by RJHindsSolid proof. The mainstream media has swept the story under the carpet and therefore, many *US CITIZENS* have no idea the issue is out there.
I am not a news junky, but this is the first I have heard of this story. I asked my wife and she says she has not heard of it on the news either. Perhaps, it is a made-up story. If it was true, I can't believe it would not be on all news networks.
P.S. Perhaps the Jodi Arias trial is more interesting to the media. If it is real and gets past the grand jury, the mews media will have to cover it.
RJ, yes the story is real; it is not made up; but you wouldn't know that because all the mainstream TV networks and major newspapers are silent about it -- again, because they have a pro-abortion agenda to uphold. They don't dare seriously report on an issue that casts abortion in a bad light, or puts pressure on the Obama agenda.
Originally posted by ZahlanziNo, the story did *not* receive "normal attention," unless you are willing to say that the new normal is to ignore serial killers on trial. I went far enough, comparing this story to what IS popular (Jodi Arias' brutal slaying of her boyfriend and the actions of serial killers in the past). The media is infatuated with gruesome, shocking stories and they know it gets them ratings to report on it. However, THIS story has gone largely ignored.
and the fact that he wants more media coverage on a psychopath that is in no way more deserving than any other psychopath.
all serial killers get their news fame. it comes and it goes. fmf has shown that this case received a normal amount of attention. the sumydude thinks it is not enough, and we should all be ashamed we are not demanding that this story be repeated over and over again, until something.
As far as FMF's so-called refutation, showing that several organizations have touched on the subject -- his point is irrelevant. FMF has no idea (living in Australia) WHO the mainstream media is that I've called into question. He cited folks like NewsMax and Huffington Post. These are the complete opposite of mainstream media. He cited The Telegraph, which isn't even a US company. The only major US organization giving this story the attention it is due is FOX News, and even FOX doesn't qualify as mainstream media because it is a cable channel, as are MSNBC, CNN, etc.
Um.. I've lived in the US for almost 50 years. I think I know what the mainstream media looks like. It's laughable that folks who've hardly (or never) set foot in America would challenge my point without having a single CLUE what they are talking about.
CBS News as of the time I wrote the article, is the only mainstream news organization to put the story (albeit briefly) on TV. They did it once, and never touched it again, except to post some internet blog articles about it that the vast majority in this country don't even know exist.
The point stands and has not been satisfactorily refuted. And the reason the mainstream media has blacked out the story is completely obvious to every FOX viewer in the country. The mainstream media is agenda-driven, and is too busy focusing on pushing gun control laws, etc.
As an aside, and on a sad note: with the bombings in Boston today, I can't help but assume the mainstream media and Obama will "not let a tragedy go to waste," and will ramp up their efforts on "ending violence" by systematically removing more of our rights and privileges. But that's another story, and it's coming, so get out your popcorn and watch it unfold.
Originally posted by checkbaiterYep. Just like I said. Checkbaiter, aren't you disturbed by the fact that you didn't even know about this?
This is the first I have heard of this story, unbelievable! But I am not surprised by the media. This bias has been ongoing for a long time now. Like when Bush was President they claimed this was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Now, a record number of people are out of work but the media reports "the economy is getting better". Go figure.
It clearly belongs on the front pages. And I'm not grandstanding or pushing the pro-life agenda. I'm talking about the fact that there is a bona fide serial killer on trial... and many (perhaps half?) the citizens in the US don't even know the story is out there. That's an obvious and unconscionable effort by the mainstream media to sweep it all under the carpet, because it doesn't "fit the preferred narrative." Clearly. Obviously. High-level people in the mainstream media organizations made a conscious decision to avoid the story. This isn't even debatable. The only thing debatable (if you call it that) is why.
AMERICANS: Let's put this in the proper light. Imagine if the doctor shot the babies dead with an AR-15 rifle. You think the media would shy away from the story then? Absolutely not... what a golden opportunity to push for gun control. Or, imagine if the serial killer doctor was a Tea Party activist with an axe to grind against Liberal welfare recipients. The story would be splashed all over the front pages on a daily basis, and there would be exhaustive TV coverage.
Originally posted by sumydidIrrelevant? In your Op you claimed "the US Mainstream Media is COMPLETELY silent on the issue. The case has been completely "blacked out" so as to keep the public from knowing about it". This is patently false.
As far as FMF's so-called refutation, showing that several organizations have touched on the subject -- his point is irrelevant.
Originally posted by FMFFOX News is the frontrunner of the whole story. The fact that they were absent in the photo could easily be explained away by them taking a bathroom break. As for the host of other *US MAINSTREAM* news organizations, it can't be explained away because they have not provided mainstream coverage of the trial.
Why are you not critical of Fox News for not being in the media box in the courtroom?
Why are you using a line of questioning that is completely refuted in about 10 seconds using the same mouse and keyboard you used to post the question?
Originally posted by FMFNo, it's not. Your accusation is baseless and unnecessarily inflammatory.
Irrelevant? In your Op you claimed "the US Mainstream Media is COMPLETELY silent on the issue. The case has been completely "blacked out" so as to keep the public from knowing about it". This is patently false.
Originally posted by checkbaiterYes, it is flagrantly obvious to those of us who LIVE HERE, that the mass media has an agenda, and their footage is cherry-picked in order to further their agenda.
This is the first I have heard of this story, unbelievable! But I am not surprised by the media. This bias has been ongoing for a long time now. Like when Bush was President they claimed this was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Now, a record number of people are out of work but the media reports "the economy is getting better". Go figure.
We heard almost daily body counts out of Iraq and Afghanistan when Bush was president. The instant Obama stepped into office, the mainstream media coverage of the war effort did a 180 degree turn.
What we are seeing here is a taking over by the Liberals of the vast majority of our educational institutions, and the mass media. The public has now been thoroughly indoctrinated, starting at elementary school, with pro-Liberal, anti-Conservative propaganda for the last couple of generations. The effort is now paying off, as the older, more Conservative citizens retire and die off.
Originally posted by sumydidWho else took a "bathroom break"? You've used the purportedly empty media box to criticize some media outlets but not Fox.
FOX News is the frontrunner of the whole story. The fact that they were absent in the photo could easily be explained away by them taking a bathroom break.
Originally posted by sumydid
FOX News is the frontrunner of the whole story.
One obvious question was why Fox News has not dedicated more air time to this story. Kelly addressed that issue, saying, “we have not been covering this story in great detail because it’s so horrific.” She added, “It’s just too dark to talk about the murder of all of these babies and the testimony has been so gruesome. It’s a hard subject to put on the front page or in your program every day.” But, she concluded, “there’s a responsibility as a member of the media… to cover even the hard stories and the viewers, to some extent, they have a responsibility to consume this.”
Originally posted by FMFThanks for that. At least I now know this is real even though I still don't know exactly what happened or if there is going to be any effort by the government to prevent it from happening again or why it was allowed to continue for so long after knowing of problems.
[quote] [b]One obvious question was why Fox News has not dedicated more air time to this story. Kelly addressed that issue, saying, “we have not been covering this story in great detail because it’s so horrific.” She added, “It’s just too dark to talk about the murder of all of these babies and the testimony has been so gruesome. It’s a hard subjec ...[text shortened]... blackout-of-abortion-doctor-kermit-gosnells-trial/