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Habemus Papam

Habemus Papam


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Originally posted by lucifershammer
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For many women, the times of high fertility coincide with the time of highest libido.




The woman at mid-cycle states has the highest testosterone levels
and consequently has more sensitive 'equipment.' Not surprisingly,
this coincides with ovulation: it's the human equivalent of being 'in

I recognize that there are other external factors, but these are the
most basic, biological and natural. These are 'internal' factors
which are modified by society. For the RCC to claim that their method
is sensitive to 'natural' phenomena is disingenuous.


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Originally posted by royalchicken
What do you think, personally, about his selection, bridgebuilding aside? You're the most vocal Catholic on RHP (which I don't intend as a slur of any kind), and I'm interested to see what your reaction is.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: 'Rebel with a cause'

One of the three pillars of the new Pope's pontificate will be the understanding between the different world-religions. He is one of the main architects of this policy that began to bloom during the pontificate of his predecessor John-Paul II.

The other two pillars adress the following:

Firtsly, "Faith then cometh by hearing; and hearing by the word of Christ." [Rom. x:17]

Secondly, an extended quote from the Encyclical "In Hac Tanta" (1917) from Pope Benedict XV.


"2. In these dark times, the memory of St. Boniface, who brought salvation to Germany twelve centuries ago, is a ray of light and a messenger of hope and joy. We commemorate the ancient union of the German people with the Apostolic See. This union planted the first seeds of faith in your country and helped them grow. After the Roman See entrusted Boniface with this legation, he ennobled it by the exceptional glory of his deeds and, finally, by the blood of martyrdom.

3. Now twelve centuries later, we think you should plan as many celebrations as possible to commemorate this new era of Christian civilization. This era was begun by the mission and the preaching of Boniface, and then carried forth by his disciples and successors. From these came the salvation and the prosperity of Germany."

In my view, above two quotes together with the reaching out to the other world-religions describe the three main pillars of Pope Benedict XVI's pontificate, his "program" so to say.

The first (Bible) quote may seem very self-evident, but it is not. If you listen to Christians and non-Christians in our days they very often speak about the Faith as a "feeling" or an "experience". They refer to the Faith as "my truth", "your truth" or "not my truth" as if we can establish for ourselves what is true according to our own feelings and experiences. In short: the plague of "Moral Relativism" and the "Autonomous Human Person". There isn't anymore a "Truth" with a capital T in the minds of many unbelievers ánd believers.

The Scripture tells us:

"Faith then cometh by hearing; and hearing by the word of Christ." [Rom. x:17]

The Faith, the Truth, has to be taught, it has to be learned. Accepting the Faith doesn't have anything to do with all kinds of personal "feelings" and "experiences". These are notions taught to us by modernism and New age. The Roman-Catholic Faith has nothing to do with magic or other forms of irrationality. Our Faith is a Faith were Reason has a prominent place. Having said that the above doesn't mean that feelings and experiences do not play a role in a person's "Living the Faith", on the contrary. What I want to say, is that the Faith, the Truth, does not find its fundaments in religious feelings and experiences. The fundament of the Faith is the "Word" that has to be spread ànd heard. The fundament is Jesus Christ, who is the Word and who gives us His Father's Message. It is brought to us by men who were and are inspired and motivated by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, men like St. Boniface, patron of Europe, who brought the Word to a region that is now known as Germany and is looked upon as one of the "Founding Fathers" of European civilisation.

Bringing the Faith is introducing God to the people, the real God, not the god people want to "feel" or "experience". Bringing the Faith is bringing salvation to people, bringing a message of hope, joy, peace and prosperity.

The present Pope is very motivated to re-evangelise Europe and he will tell us all that modernism is not the way to true happiness, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: 'Rebel with a cause'

One of the three pillars of the new Pope's pontificate will be the understanding between the different world-religions. He is one of the main architects of this policy that began to bloom during the pontificate of his predecessor John-Paul II.

The other two pillars adress the following:

Firtsly, "F ...[text shortened]... ll that modernism is not the way to true happiness, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Understood. What I asked was whether you, Ivanhoe, support this attitude?

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Understood. What I asked was whether you, Ivanhoe, support this attitude?

I am very happy with this new Pope.

Needless to say that allowing modernism (liberalism) to penetrate the Church's teachings will destroy the Faith and the Church in the end.

I cannot say I will agree with everything he will do, but I have confidence in him.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

May God bless Pope Benedict XVI.
I would have thought that this request is unnecessary as by definition Pope Benedict has been chosen by God?

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
He was an AA gunner in WWII for the Wehrmacht. (Conscripted, not a Nazi)
Looks like more of the same, only more so ...
He's in a 12 Step program? I know those Germans love their beer.

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Originally posted by Maustrauser
I would have thought that this request is unnecessary as by definition Pope Benedict has been chosen by God?
Chosen - yes. But he's still going to need blessing in his work forward.

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It's ironic how they seem to be saying "We want a short term Pope, not one that will live a long time" That would rather put me off if I was Pope Benedict.

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Originally posted by lucifershammer
Supporting evidence?
I'll assume that you've reviewed the literature in the 'secular' scientific
circles and concede that the RCC's position is unNatural with respect to
the woman's libido as defined by her sexual cycle.

The evidence is incontrovertable, in any event. The hormones and their
effects are well-documented. It's only in the past few decades that anyone
has been paying attention to whether or not women want to have sex;
before it was a 'wifely duty,' and her desires were considered fundamentally
immoral (as they are, for example, in many places in Africa where you
find a very high incidence of 'female circumcision,' or the removal of the


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Originally posted by elvendreamgirl
It's ironic how they seem to be saying "We want a short term Pope, not one that will live a long time" That would rather put me off if I was Pope Benedict.

"They" are journalists ...... and as a result of that you will notice the appearance of the famous Parrotchoir.

The journalists tell people what to think .....

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Originally posted by lucifershammer
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Frigid wives?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
The Nigerian Cardinal might have leaned even further to the arch-conservative side, but naming a black man as the Pope would have been an incredibly historic moment.
Hey, you can always hope the new Pope will be like Lyndon Johnson on civil rights and say " I'm free, I'm free,,,I'm free at last"

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

"They" are journalists ...... and as a result of that you will notice the appearance of the famous Parrotchoir.

The journalists tell people what to think .....

...... and next they will be interviewing the many members of the Parrotchoir to "prove" they, the journalists, are right. Polls are often used for this purpose ...... the things you can do with sience, statistics in this case, really baffles the mind.

"Truth" is produced nowadays .... by the media.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

...... and next they will be interviewing the many members of the Parrotchoir to "prove" they, the journalists, are right. Polls are often used for this purpose ...... the things you can do with sience, statistics in this case, really baffles the mind.

"Truth" is produced nowadays .... by the media.
Surely you don't think that a 78 year old man in questionable health is going to be a "long term" Pope? Maybe you could try actually answering the points raised rather than using your usual attacks on institutions you don't care for. Obviously media analysts "analyze"; that is their job. If you disagree with their analysis state why.

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Originally posted by lucifershammer
Supporting evidence?

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