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Heaven Or Not

Heaven Or Not



Let's say a man murder's an innocent non Christian. The murderer repents in prison and accepts Jesus. Does this mean the murderer will go to heaven while the non-believer will go to hell?


Originally posted by 667joe
Let's say a man murder's an innocent non Christian. The murderer repents in prison and accepts Jesus. Does this mean the murderer will go to heaven while the non-believer will go to hell?
Not all pennants go to heaven Joe. Infact no one prior to Jesus went to heaven.

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. - John 3:13 NIV

Your statement relies for its efficacy on a false premise, that Hell is a Biblical teaching. Clearly it is not.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Not all pennants go to heaven Joe. Infact no one prior to Jesus went to heaven.

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. - John 3:13 NIV

Your statement relies for its efficacy on a false premise, that Hell is a Biblical teaching. Clearly it is not.
I don't see that this is as clear as you make out for Jesus also spoke of a place of reward and punishment. There is another way that this has been translated as we see below:
John 3:13 New Living Translation
No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven.

In context, I think Jesus may be pointing out to Nicodemus that since Nicodemus was not willing to believe Him on earthly things, then there was no reason to expect Nicodemus to believe spiritual things since no one had gone up into the spiritual heaven and returned to tell about it.

This would not be excluding a spiritual paradise heaven or a spiritual place of torment like hell. After all Jesus did speak of such a place or condition in his parables.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't see that this is as clear as you make out for Jesus also spoke of a place of reward and punishment. There is another way that this has been translated as we see below:
John 3:13 New Living Translation
No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven.

In context, I think Jesus may be pointin ...[text shortened]... e of torment like hell. After all Jesus did speak of such a place or condition in his parables.
The portion you cite is not a translation, its a paraphrase. The fact of the matter is no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ. I don't know why this should be so difficult for you to grasp and the fact that its not entirely clear to you has relevance to no one but you.

Now if no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ as the Bible clearly teaches, where did they go? Clearly loyal servants of God like Moses and the prophets would be unlikely to go to hell, real or imagined.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The portion you cite is not a translation, its a paraphrase. The fact of the matter is no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ. I don't know why this should be so difficult for you to grasp and the fact that its not entirely clear to you has relevance to no one but you.

Now if no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ as the Bible clearl ...[text shortened]... l servants of God like Moses and the prophets would be unlikely to go to hell, real or imagined.
Only 144000 of your lot are going.(the brothers)
The rest get to frolic on earth.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The portion you cite is not a translation, its a paraphrase. The fact of the matter is no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ. I don't know why this should be so difficult for you to grasp and the fact that its not entirely clear to you has relevance to no one but you.

Now if no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ as the Bible clearl ...[text shortened]... l servants of God like Moses and the prophets would be unlikely to go to hell, real or imagined.
Sometimes a direct word for word translation of a language does not present as good a meaning as does a paraphrased translation. In this case we have reason to believe that Enoch and Elijah were taken up into heaven and did not return.

2 Kings 2:1 NASB
When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal.

Genesis 5:24 NASB
Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.

Hebrews 11:5 NASB
By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death; AND HE WAS NOT FOUND BECAUSE GOD TOOK HIM UP; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God.

Notice in Genesis 5 of the book of the genealogy of Adam that it mentions that each person died except Enoch. But Enoch was no more because God took him because he pleased God. So it seems obvious that Jesus did not mean to say no one was ever taken up into heaven.

And I am sure you remember the parable of the begger and the rich man as well as those other parables of Jesus that I referred you to about the existence of a paradise heaven and a tormenting hell as well as what is mentioned in Revelation.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The portion you cite is not a translation, its a paraphrase. The fact of the matter is no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ. I don't know why this should be so difficult for you to grasp and the fact that its not entirely clear to you has relevance to no one but you.

Now if no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ as the Bible clearl ...[text shortened]... l servants of God like Moses and the prophets would be unlikely to go to hell, real or imagined.
I'm pretty sure the New Testament has Jesus go up a mountain and have a chat with Moses and Elijah who came down from heaven to do it. So this seems to contradict the notion that no one before Jesus went to heaven.


Originally posted by 667joe
Let's say a man murder's an innocent non Christian. The murderer repents in prison and accepts Jesus. Does this mean the murderer will go to heaven while the non-believer will go to hell?
According to the Bible, if the murderer did truly repent and accept Jesus while in prison, then yes, he goes to Heaven. Also, the non Christian would go to hell. To me, this scenario would be absurd, which is why I have said months ago that I am beginning to modify which parts of the Bible...and Christianity that I am capable of believing. To some people of faith, it is not 'allowed' to doubt anything in the Bible, and that all of it should be believed as written.

But for me, an Almighty God would not set up such a flimsy set of 'rules' when He decided to send Jesus to the cross. Currently, my belief is that once Jesus made the sacrifice......it was ALL INCLUSIVE......everybody goes to Heaven. This is the only option that makes sense to 'me'.

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Originally posted by 667joe
Let's say a man murder's an innocent non Christian. The murderer repents in prison and accepts Jesus. Does this mean the murderer will go to heaven while the non-believer will go to hell?
According to the Bible, if the murderer did truly repent and accept Jesus while in prison, then yes, he goes to Heaven. Also, the non Christian would go to hell. To me, this scenario would be absurd, which is why I have said months ago that I am beginning to modify which parts of the Bible...and Christianity that I am capable of believing. To some people of faith, it is not 'allowed' to doubt anything in the Bible, and that all of it should be believed as written.

But for me, an Almighty God would not set up such a flimsy set of 'rules' when He decided to send Jesus to the cross. Currently, my belief is that once Jesus made the sacrifice......it was ALL INCLUSIVE......everybody goes to Heaven. This is the only option that makes sense to 'me'.

Edit: Not sure why or how this was double posted...it happens to me sometimes when sending PM's as well. Anyway, sorry.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The portion you cite is not a translation, its a paraphrase. The fact of the matter is no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ. I don't know why this should be so difficult for you to grasp and the fact that its not entirely clear to you has relevance to no one but you.

Now if no one went to heaven prior to Jesus Christ as the Bible clearl ...[text shortened]... l servants of God like Moses and the prophets would be unlikely to go to hell, real or imagined.
Youall are arguing about a place that is not clearly defined in the Bible, and therefore there is no point in being dogmatic about it. Paul referred to a place he visited, called the third heaven and which he also called paradise. Other non-biblical writings of the Jews are useful in deciphering some of these mysteries but Christianity in general does not seem to read anything other that the 66 books of the 1611 KJV.

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Originally posted by Captain Strange
Only 144000 of your lot are going.(the brothers)
The rest get to frolic on earth.
The 144,000 are the Jews. Jews here being defined as direct offspring of the children of Jacob.

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Originally posted by chaney3
According to the Bible, if the murderer did truly repent and accept Jesus while in prison, then yes, he goes to Heaven. Also, the non Christian would go to hell. To me, this scenario would be absurd, which is why I have said months ago that I am beginning to modify which parts of the Bible...and Christianity that I am capable of believing. To some people ...[text shortened]... w this was double posted...it happens to me sometimes when sending PM's as well. Anyway, sorry.
This double posting and odd behavior, like jumping to Public Forums after I post, has been happening to me too. I figured RHP changed something and it is no longer compatible with IE9.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
This double posting and odd behavior, like jumping to Public Forums after I post, has been happening to me too. I figured RHP changed something and it is no longer compatible with IE9.
I created a post on the Help Forum about this and was advised to send a message on 'Send Feedback', which I did. I will let you know what they tell me if you want?


Originally posted by chaney3
According to the Bible...
Why exactly are you concerned with anything "according to the Bible" or what Christianity and Christians have to say about anything when you have also claimed ~ on this forum, not so long ago ~ that "the Bible is BS" and "man made" and "Christian beliefs are insane" and "Christians don't know anything about God"?

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Originally posted by FMF
Why exactly are you concerned with anything "according to the Bible" or what Christianity and Christians have to say about anything when you have also claimed ~ on this forum, not so long ago ~ that "the Bible is BS" and "man made" and "Christian beliefs are insane" and "Christians don't know anything about God"?
Am I not allowed to give an opinion FMF? Do you not realize that a person's perspective and/or opinion on a subject can change?

Let me now ask you a question pertaining to the OP. If a Christian believes in a Heaven, and certain ways on how to get to such a Heaven.....where do you think they get their information?

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