Originally posted by eagleeye222001but i only ask for something when it is very important to me which is not often, maybe once a year or even more, and they are not stupid things like money
IS that being selfish?
Ever see the film "Bruce Almighty" where everyone wins the lottery and gets like a dollar when everyone's prayer gets answered.
Originally posted by josephwI don't know if you can call it a 'training'. But yes, I am (was?) a Catholic... namesake only. I am what you might say a non-practicing Catholic. I have long abandoned the belief. The more I searched, the further away I got from the teachings of the bible. Of course those so-called religious people around me made it worse.
By any chance did you recieve your religious training in the Catholic church?
Originally posted by ckoh1965just because a religion is not a good one to you or people do not practice it the way you think they should doesnt mean there is anything wrong with the beliefs.
I don't know if you can call it a 'training'. But yes, I am (was?) a Catholic... namesake only. I am what you might say a non-practicing Catholic. I have long abandoned the belief. The more I searched, the further away I got from the teachings of the bible. Of course those so-called religious people around me made it worse.
Originally posted by EcstremeVenomI never said that I expect the religious systems and teachings must agree with my ideals. If it works for other people, and if it results in the betterment of the human race, then I suppose I should encourage it to continue. But more often than not the reverse is true. Religions make people fight against each other, for example Christians fight with Muslims and vice versa etc.
just because a religion is not a good one to you or people do not practice it the way you think they should doesnt mean there is anything wrong with the beliefs.
Originally posted by ckoh1965it is not the religion, it is the people that practice it.
I never said that I expect the religious systems and teachings must agree with my ideals. If it works for other people, and if it results in the betterment of the human race, then I suppose I should encourage it to continue. But more often than not the reverse is true. Religions make people fight against each other, for example Christians fight with Muslims and vice versa etc.
Originally posted by EcstremeVenomYou could insert any group that are hated by any other group in your example, it is a human trait and get the same type of thing, but the bottom line is God loves us all; however, that does not mean that he will accept us if we end up before him in our sins.
dont you agree? some people are hypocrites about their religion. for ex: "God loves everyone and he forgives you for your sins, but he hates fags"
Originally posted by EcstremeVenomHave you ever considered that no-one may be listening?
if you are a Christian, what is the proper way to pray? i have prayed a lot and never have been answered. do you have to talk outloud or can God hear your thoughts? do you have to kneel down or anything like that?