Originally posted by Rajk999The natives, being those we today call the Indians?
Thats incorrect. The British did not give up anything. They were forceably removed by the natives in all the overseas territories which they wrongly claimed were theirs.
Unfortunately they were evicted only long after they pillaged and plundered and stole the jewels, wealth and heritage of the locals and after they treated the locals like garbage.
"after they treated the locals like garbage.", you mean the way Israel treats their locals?
Originally posted by FabianFnasThe natives are anyone living in the territories.
The natives, being those we today call the Indians?
"after they treated the locals like garbage.", you mean the way Israel treats their locals?
Does the wrong done by the Jews justify the wrongs of the British Empire?
Are you right in your head FF?
Originally posted by FabianFnasyou are a great nation, the Vikings never gave up Scotland, we have a proud Nordic
It's a pity you, the Brittish, gave up the New World.
It's also a pity that the Vikings gave up the British Islands.
If you didn't, and we didn't, Sweden might be a great nation by now!
tradition! Heck we even burn a longboat every New Year, still!
Originally posted by Rajk999"The natives are anyone living in the territories."
The natives are anyone living in the territories.
Does the wrong done by the Jews justify the wrongs of the British Empire?
Are you right in your head FF?
Thank you for the answer. Then the Palestines are natives in the territories east of Mediterranea.
"Does the wrong done by the Jews justify the wrongs of the British Empire?"
Where did I say so? Did I ever mention Jews i that posting? You know how to read, don't you? From a 5-year old you cannot expect that, but someone in your age?
"Are you right in your head FF?"
Originally posted by KellyJayPersonally I think the polarization is purposeful because it creates interest, as sick as that may sound. In other words, what motivates you to show up at the polls? You vote because you like a particular candidate or hate them. With politicians like "W" and Obama, who do pretty much the same things, having voters show up because you like them becomes problematic because of their policies. Instead, both parties create the illusion that the one candidate/party is the cause of all our ills and even though you may not like our party the other party is far worse. Otherwise, you are faced with the possibility that the populace simply does not show up at the polls because no one really likes either party due to the fact that voting for either party achieves basically the same results. At this point you are faced with a "democracy" in which their is very little voting. It would then look bad and create a government without legitimacy of sorts due to lack of repreesntation. As it stands now, it is hard enough to get people to show up at the polls, especially during non-presidential elections. Sadly, the presidential elections are all that people seem to care about any more. They have conditioned the populace to look to the president for pretty much everything. In fact, ask a voter who is running and odds are they only come up the the name of the president. As a result, it is the presonna of the president that represents both parties by in large. For example, after "W" in the 2008 elections the entire GOP took a nose dive in. Likewise, after the Obama presidency in the 2010 elections the entire Democrat party took a nose dive in historic proportions. So the question begs, what will happen in 2012? If my theoery is correct, then people will continue to vote GOP due to Obama's policies. Then when a GOP candidate is elected in 2012, the cycle will reset and people will run back to the democrat party. My only question is, when will people wake up if at all? You might even argue that this is by design as well. If the push is for a more centralized authoritative government, then looking to the president to solve all your problems is one of but many steps.
I dislike the way America is becoming so polarized politically. I believe that it is
only going to become worse, I also think that that the polarization will also
drag religion into it which I think Is going to make things even more dangerous
as people start thinking more in terms of us against them verse one nation.
I think entertainment will start t ...[text shortened]...
No, this isn't a vision just an observation on my part nothing more than an
Of course, "waking up" may seem as a threat of sorts to the establishment. What would the reaction be? My guess is that it would not be pleasant at all, and with all the economic uncertainty it might be argued that the establishment is moving to "reset" the system in some way that would increase it's centralized control over the populace to offset any potential challenges. In fact, you might even argue that the current economic problems are by design in this regard. If you create a crisis, then drastic action must be taken that could easily reshape everything in the twinkling of an eye. After all, no one likes change so the best way to get people to go along with it all is to take the role as their savior via a crisis of some sort.
So I guess my vision of the future are globalists who join forces to centralize the economic system globally even further than it is now, as hard as that may be to grasp. Perhaps a cashless system will be created with a regulatory body like the IMF or Fed, only it will have full global control.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou're right, he is really a loser.
I have a higher in history obtained from North Glasgow college, but then again, I was
only in higher education at the time, suck it up you loser!
If he thinks that being offensive is a major part of being a Christian, then he is dead wrong. He is an example of why people dislike christians. Thanks god there are not many of his kind in real world.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou dont have a clue what higher education is. North Glasgow college is what we call a Community College where the not so bright students attend.
I have a higher in history obtained from North Glasgow college, but then again, I was
only in higher education at the time, suck it up you loser!
For you information, the British Empire was the initiator of the most horrific acts of greed and cruelty in the history of the world.
Originally posted by FabianFnasIm a loser because I have deprived you of an opportunity to try to discredit Christianity ??? 😀 You atheists have insulted and discredited Christians on this site over and over.
You're right, he is really a loser.
If he thinks that being offensive is a major part of being a Christian, then he is dead wrong. He is an example of why people dislike christians. Thanks god there are not many of his kind in real world.
Originally posted by Rajk999Again you call me an atheist? Why? Read my postings again and tell me where I say I'm n atheist. Don't go trolling.
Im a loser ...
I cannot discredit christians, only those with a weak faith. And they are well seved to think about their faith once in a while. Are you such a christian?
You on the other hand use insults to show that you don't know the answers. Because you don't have any. You're ignorant, nothing more.
Originally posted by Rajk999LOL, sure thing the lecturers there fished their diplomas out of the Clyde, you lose
You dont have a clue what higher education is. North Glasgow college is what we call a Community College where the not so bright students attend.
For you information, the British Empire was the initiator of the most horrific acts of greed and cruelty in the history of the world.
again, such a loser, as for horrific acts of cruelty, i do not deny it, but we ruled you and
it was good for you!
Originally posted by Rajk999Erm, no it really really wasn't.
You dont have a clue what higher education is. North Glasgow college is what we call a Community College where the not so bright students attend.
For you information, the British Empire was the initiator of the most horrific acts of greed and cruelty in the history of the world.
Back up with facts, or retract.
The British Empire was probably the least oppressive and cruel empire in history.
While there were certainly atrocities committed, claiming them to be the most horrific
in history is just plain idiotic.
Originally posted by Rajk999The Queen still claims her power in Australia, only in the last 2 years did the whities apologize for the white australia policy and the genocide before that.
Thats incorrect. The British did not give up anything. They were forceably removed by the natives in all the overseas territories which they wrongly claimed were theirs.
Unfortunately they were evicted only long after they pillaged and plundered and stole the jewels, wealth and heritage of the locals and after they treated the locals like garbage.
They are hardly giving Australia back to the aboriginies, despite making many positive gestures in public.