Originally posted by FreakyKBHIt had been going on for a week or two beforehand so you're either trying to fib your way out of this one or you weren't aware. The offending threads, with - among others - news links to child rape cases and questions about why I was living in a hot spot for child rapes addressed directly at me, have been removed. You're still convinced you have acted decently in all this. Well. Whatever floats your boats, FreakyKBH. I had loads of supportive PMs from friends in this community while you were the only one to join in Seitse's trolling. You are who you are, I suppose.
You have already said that he started his trolling and accusations after that thread...
Someone is insinuating - very "seriously", as you described his approach - that I might be living where I live so that I can rape children... and all this based on my avatar! My avatar?? You admit you joined the thread late and so you knew exactly what was going on. And your advice - retrospectively, no less - is 'tell the person who is trolling me with child sex smears about my children'? Good grief. Whatever floats your boats, I suppose.
Originally posted by epiphinehasEpiphinehas, please note that these accusations/insinuations have still not been withdrawn yet. FreakyKBH continues to justify the child rape/pedophilia trolling, retrospectively. A page or two ago he said that there was justifiable "serious doubt/confusion" about whether or not I am a child rapist. Still no apology, apparently. Oh well, not to worry. But, no, I will not be giving out any information about my children on a thread where FreakyKBH is participating.
I understand your reticence in light of those types of accusations...
Originally posted by epiphinehasAlthough your answer sounds incoherent to me (and also seems not wholly satisfying to you, although possibly overcome by faith), I agree with the rest of your post.
The reason it probably sounds incoherent to you is that you don't share my convictions about reality. To 'protect the sanctity' of my daughter's mind means, to me, allowing her the freedom to doubt and form beliefs accordingly. If she asks a question about God, I'm going to give her the best answer I can in that context—why wouldn't I? If your child a to abandon your own beliefs, or remain silent on the issue. Similarly in my case.
The idea that a parent should let a kid decide is not some chimera of absolute neutrality that can never be achieved. What I find most important is to teach and encourage your children to think about their beliefs and skepticism about your own beliefs. This does not mean that you shouldn't answer when asked. I'd probably ask first if she has a possible answer and then give her my view on the issue. Then finally ask her if she thinks my view makes sense. I think if the parents want to teach free-thinking about certain subjects they should try to actively make the children think about the answers you give them (and give them you should) and not just hope they do.
(of course I understand that parents may not always have the time to do that on many occasions, but simply a rule of thumb)
Originally posted by FMFMaybe you can also stop bringing about the issue. I understand that it was unpleasant, but now it seems you're using it as a weapon.
Epiphinehas, please note that these accusations/insinuations have still not been withdrawn yet. FreakyKBH continues to justify the child rape/pedophilia trolling, retrospectively. A page or two ago he said that there was justifiable "serious doubt/confusion" about whether or not I am a child rapist. Still no apology, apparently. Oh well, not to worry. But, no, I ...[text shortened]... be giving out any information about my children on a thread where FreakyKBH is participating.
Originally posted by FMFApologize... for what, I don't rightly get. Nonetheless, in the spirit of reconciliation, and, more importantly, because I respect you otherwise, I apologize for the offense.
The only weapons in play are the guns FreakyKBH is sticking to. If I were him I would have apologized a few months ago. 😀
Originally posted by FreakyKBHWell then, any apology you might make rings hollow. Let's just leave it at that. Suffice to say, I am not a child rapist, FreakyKBH, despite your insinuations and despite what you might think of my avatar. Look, I don't need an insincere, carefully worded "apology". But I would appreciate if you would refrain from addressing me directly about my children or my family in future. As I say, let's just leave it at that.
Apologize... for what, I don't rightly get.
Originally posted by bbarrIt is sad that you haven't gotten over it.
I was 8, and went to church with my Baptist grandmother. The sermon was fire and brimstone stuff, and we were told to look around at the people near to us; our loved ones, and realize that some of them would be going to Hell. God seemed monstrous. But the world was too good for God to be a monster, and the world was too bad for God to be truly loving. So, ...[text shortened]... bag, then He is not deserving of worship. So, the whole question just became irrelevant to me.
Originally posted by PenguinYou should have been taught some respect at that time.
And coming back to this now I am home and at the computer, I don't ever recall really believing in Saint Nick or the tooth fairy so I guess any belief must have been gone by 6 or 7. I do remember refusing to go to a church service (probably Christmas or Easter since those were the only ones we tended to have to go to) when I was around 8 or 9.
--- Penguin.
Originally posted by FMFYou don't see a lot of good things because your mind's eye is blinded
You filled the head of a 6 year old with speculations and hopes-for-immortality that you yourself decided to subscribe to only in your mid-20s? I don't see how trying to simplify your theories about the supernatural, and feeding them to her, squares with your desire to "protect the sanctity of her mind".
by Satan.
Originally posted by twhiteheadNot anything goes in Christianity as I have pointed out to the JWs.
I think we all need to learn to admit when we don't know the answer. Too many parents just make up a lie rather than admit not knowing the truth. I know I have done it in the past and often have to fight the urge to do so, but I do try to avoid it.
Interestingly this behavior is not restricted to Adult / Child relationships. Many theists will rarely ad ...[text shortened]... estioner is a child, or if the topic is religion since anything goes when it comes to religion.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHI'm coming to realize, quite of a sudden, that you really have to be among the Top Five most despicable louts who frequent the forums of RHP.
Apologize... for what, I don't rightly get. Nonetheless, in the spirit of reconciliation, and, more importantly, because I respect you otherwise, I apologize for the offense.
Originally posted by bbarrI don't remember how old I was, much less the magical "A-ha!" moment, when I stopped believing in God. I do remember going through a period when I was five or six years old when I was deathly afraid of the devil and going to hell. I remember crying and having nightmares about it. That was also the time when I was first being taken to Sunday school, so draw your own conclusions.
I was 8, and went to church with my Baptist grandmother. The sermon was fire and brimstone stuff, and we were told to look around at the people near to us; our loved ones, and realize that some of them would be going to Hell. God seemed monstrous. But the world was too good for God to be a monster, and the world was too bad for God to be truly loving. So, bag, then He is not deserving of worship. So, the whole question just became irrelevant to me.
Then, was I was about eight, I remember gazing at the church from across the parking lot one Sunday and recalling something They had told me: "God built this church." And then a reply came from within me somewhere: "No He didn't. Men built the church."
My fear of the devil was gone by then.
Religion quite often rapes a child, mentally and emotionally. It is, often, a form of psychological abuse.
Originally posted by SoothfastA little slow on the uptake, eh? I thought you were a bit sharper than that, but no matter: at least you've finally got the players straight. Bully for you!
I'm coming to realize, quite of a sudden, that you really have to be among the Top Five most despicable louts who frequent the forums of RHP.