Originally posted by robbie carrobiePerhaps you wouldn't know content if it bit you in the face?
Lol, yeah like you would know! Please be a good fellow and post something with content
You were trying to dismiss - in an earlier post - people you don't agree with by describing them as clinging doggedly to tradition and a refusal to examine beliefs which may be erroneous, and in many cases an individual seeks to establish his own thoughts and ideas which ultimately supersede and eventually invalidate the word of God. This is stuff that cuts close to the bone because there are many people here who probably think you might as well be talking about yourself.
And so I asked: Perhaps this applies to the likes of you and jaywill. Who's to know? Brief. To the point. Directly addressed to you and what you posted. A substantial accusation, even. And it really needs an answer from you, as opposed to your 'humorous' brush off.
Originally posted by FMFi was not describing people who do not agree at all, my friend black beetle is an atheist, i do not agree with him in many regards but he remains a friend and there is undoubtedly much to learn from him, also this has nothing to do with biblical translation, so please try to stay focused while you are searching for the illudium p-36 explosive space modulator next time.
Perhaps you wouldn't know content if it bit you in the face?
You were trying to dismiss - in an earlier post - people you don't agree with by describing them as clinging doggedly to tradition and a refusal to examine beliefs which may be erroneous, and in many cases an individual seeks to establish his own thoughts and ideas which ultimately supersede and ion, even. And it really needs an answer from you, as opposed to your 'humorous' brush off.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieOk, fine. Don't answer the question. As I said, it was perhaps a little too close to the bone.
i was not describing people who do not agree at all, my friend black beetle is an atheist, i do not agree with him in many regards but he remains a friend and there is undoubtedly much to learn from him, also this has nothing to do with biblical translation, so please try to stay focused while you are searching for the illudium p-36 explosive space modulator next time.
Originally posted by FMFtoo close to the bone for whom, surely only those to whom it applies in the matter of translation FMF, if you would like to broaden it to include others then who am i to stifle your creativity?
Ok, fine. Don't answer the question. As I said, it was perhaps a little too close to the bone.
Originally posted by FMFI do, for it is well established that the spirit will guide those in the way of TRUTH! a word to be banded about like a crucifix in the presence of a vampire in your case FMF!
Whose to say the Holy Spirit isn't guiding my interpretation of the Book of Revelation's authenticity?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou lamented that some Christians are "clinging doggedly to tradition and a refusal to examine beliefs which may be erroneous, and in many cases an individual seeks to establish his own thoughts and ideas which ultimately supersede and eventually invalidate the word of God." Who's to say that you aren't one of these Christians?
too close to the bone for whom
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThis flippant post of yours doesn't answer the question. Who's to say the Holy Spirit isn't guiding my interpretation of the Book of Revelation's authenticity?
I do, for it is well established that the spirit will guide those in the way of TRUTH! a word to be banded about like a crucifix in the presence of a vampire in your case FMF!
Originally posted by FMFme! i am to say, for in many instances i have rejected traditional christian dogma when it contravenes what is written in scripture, next question....
You lamented that some Christians are "clinging doggedly to tradition and a refusal to examine beliefs which may be erroneous, and in many cases an individual seeks to establish his own thoughts and ideas which ultimately supersede and eventually invalidate the word of God." Who's to say that you aren't one of these Christians?
Originally posted by FMFI told you, i am saying it, for the Holy spirit has a certain 'fruitage', in its adherents, a 'friutage', which is well documented in scripture and one of these 'fruits', is truth, now that is established we can, given the content of your posts, readily deduce that you are not a recipient of the Holy Spirit, for they contain but a semblance of something resembling truth!
This flippant post of yours doesn't answer the question. Who's to say the Holy Spirit isn't guiding my interpretation of the Book of Revelation's authenticity?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieMy posts contain things that you don't agree with. So that is what determines whether I am "a recipient of the Holy Spirit" or not? This is what your christian scholarship has led you to believe: that you decide who or what the Holy Spirit favours? Is this some kind of christian self-deprecating humour?
I told you, i am saying it, for the Holy spirit has a certain 'fruitage', in its adherents, a 'friutage', which is well documented in scripture and one of these 'fruits', is truth, now that is established we can, given the content of your posts, readily deduce that you are not a recipient of the Holy Spirit, for they contain but a semblance of something resembling truth!
Originally posted by FMFno not what does not agree with me, but does not agree with the word of truth! dont feel too bad you bad ol putty cat, all you got to do is clean up your life, repent of your sinful course, turn around and seek meekness, seek justice and seek truth and you may become a recipient, not too tall an order for someone as erudite as you, i am sure.
My posts contain things that you don't agree with. So that is what determines whether I am "a recipient of the Holy Spirit" or not? This is what your christian scholarship has led you to believe: that [b]you decide who or what the Holy Spirit favours? Is this some kind of christian self-deprecating humour?[/b]
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIs claiming to speak on behalf of the Holy Spirit an indication of meekness on your part?
no not what does not agree with me, but does not agree with the word of truth! dont feel too bad you bad ol putty cat, all you got to do is clean up your life, repent of your sinful course, turn around and seek meekness, seek justice and seek truth and you may become a recipient, not too tall an order for someone as erudite as you, i am sure.