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"I quit being a Christian...."


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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Well, there's been several rounds of posts where you've shown your hypocrisy time and again which I've documented above. This latest is no different. From what I can tell it is this type of ongoing HYPOCRISY that has "caused a falling away from not only the Catholic church, but from Christiandom all around the globe."

What's really ridiculous is that i hypocrite that no amount of documenting your hypocrisy will be enough for you to see it.
Tell me where my logic fails you TOO.

1. All are sinners
2. This means that all have been hypocrites at some point in time.
3. Calling others hypocrites is then problematic because you have at some point been a hypocrite yourself. Callling someone a hypocrite would then become hypocritical in and of itself.
4. All are then on the same level of unrighteousness.
5. Yes TOO, this means that you are no better than Whodey and vice versa.

1. Christ came to deliver us from our sins and hypocrisy.
2. He showed mercy to those who were living in sin by asking them to repent by turning from their sin and be delivered from their sins.
3. Although we still may sin at times due to our siin nature, we are called to overcome such sins in our lives through the power of one Jesus Christ through repentence.
4. If we do not choose to repent, this is not possible.
5. If those in leadership do not repent, what then are the leading their flock towards?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[quote] For those who care, and I understand if you don't: [b]Today I quit being a Christian. I'm out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being "Christian" or to being part of Christianity. It's simply impossible for me to "belong" to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten ...years, I've t ...[text shortened]... Anne Rice has had her eyes opened to the hypocrisy that is Christianity.

She's an idiot!

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Originally posted by josephw
She's an idiot!
takes one to know oneπŸ˜›

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Originally posted by duecer
takes one to know oneπŸ˜›
So you say.

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Originally posted by josephw
She's an idiot!
Really? She sounds down to Earth to me. Sounde like she's trying to allign herself with the teachings of christ rather than the sycofantic christian church.
(This is based on the OP. Perhaps you have some more information which would back up your claim?)

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Originally posted by whodey
Tell me where my logic fails you TOO.

1. All are sinners
2. This means that all have been hypocrites at some point in time.
3. Calling others hypocrites is then problematic because you have at some point been a hypocrite yourself. Callling someone a hypocrite would then become hypocritical in and of itself.
4. All are then on the same level of unri ...[text shortened]... ble.
5. If those in leadership do not repent, what then are the leading their flock towards?
Before I address your "logic", seems like there is finally an acknowledgment, albeit unspoken, of your ongoing hypocrisy. Is this true?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Before I address your "logic", seems like there is finally an acknowledgment, albeit unspoken, of your ongoing hypocrisy. Is this true?
What I am saying is that I have sinned. So have you. We are both on equal footing considering this. Does that then disable us from following the example of Christ which is to call out the sin of the religious leaders who openly sin?

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Originally posted by whodey
What I am saying is that I have sinned. So have you. We are both on equal footing considering this. Does that then disable us from following the example of Christ which is to call out the sin of the religious leaders who openly sin?
This response does not answer the question. As I've shown time and again, YOUR hypocrisy continues and is on-going. You do so "openly" and "willfully". Do you acknowledge it or not?

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I say she's 100% correct, face it, CHRISTAINS ARE NOT THE SAME AS THEY USED TO BE IN BIBLE TIMES! We need to STOP being so foolish, we should anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. anti-Democrat. anti-secular humanism, anti-science, what are we thinking?!?!?! Christains are not souposed to be politicains, we are souposed to be JESUS FREAKS!!! Not souposed to communist, WE ARE SOPOSED TO BE GOD LOVERS! Not anything else, do you see? PEOPLE ARE LEAVING CHRISTAINITY BECAUSE OF WHAT WE ARE DOING! You know somthing? "Christains" are now ASKING FOR MONEY ON TV! They are polluting the faith, there are of course, still some who truly beleive, and they are Christains, but it's "The Christains" that are the problem, we need to stop being so foolish, stop polluting Christainity, GET REAL ABOUT THIS!!! It's time to stop asking for money in all our sermons, it's time to stop being "for the people", one pastor ACTAULY promised, to make his sermons 7 minutes longer, and no more! We need to be MORE "for the ONE and ONLY God".

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Originally posted by chesser321
I say she's 100% correct, face it, CHRISTAINS ARE NOT THE SAME AS THEY USED TO BE IN BIBLE TIMES! We need to STOP being so foolish, we should anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. anti-Democrat. anti-secular humanism, anti-science, what are we thinking?!?!?! Christains are not souposed to be politicains, we are souposed to be JESU ...[text shortened]... ermons 7 minutes longer, and no more! We need to be MORE "for the ONE and ONLY God".
first of all it's "supposed", "Christians", "Actually" and "politicians" you said "I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. anti-Democrat. anti-secular humanism, anti-science, what are we thinking?!?!?!" I don't know what you're thinking but I know that's wrong. "Christains are not supposed to be politicians", we are supposed to be JESUS FREAKS!!!" ok why can't we be both? "Not supposed to communist" Well what you said above sure sounds communist to me

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
no, she thinks being a christian has over the years become synonim with following the christian religion rather than following jesus christ. and she feels the christian religion has so distanced itself from the teachings of christ that it would be immoral and a sin to call oneself a christian.

i dissagree. just because in the 30's and early 40's nazi's w ...[text shortened]... out, not the good people that still adhere to the original intent of that said organization.
well said

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
By that argument Muslims are Christians.
I don't follow the analogy, but I don't question it. I'm getting old and things that used to be obvious to me are now hard to grasp πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by whodey
Yes. As I said, I am talking about correction involving those in leadership positions. Those who accept correction, like your Jim Bakers, should be allowed to resume their positions. However, despite the fact that they truly repent and turn from their behavior, the damage is done in large part concerning their ministry and the ministry of the church for wh ...[text shortened]... t receive correction? In fact, what if they promote their "sinful" behavior to their flocks?
I can't speak for whodey (and would NEVER presume to!), but I am a Christian and it is NOT central to my beliefs that we (human beings) are evil, horrid, nasty entities. The Bible teaches that we sin, yes. It also is replete with instances of individuals performing great acts of charity and kindness. And not just in the Bible---Mother Teresa (as good as she was) was not the only person who exhibited an altruistic personality. People ARE good. Maybe not always, and maybe not all people, but to say that my religion centers around "the evil that men do" would be false.

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Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I don't follow the analogy, but I don't question it. I'm getting old and things that used to be obvious to me are now hard to grasp πŸ˜‰
Muslims acknowledge Jesus' status as the Christ.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Muslims acknowledge Jesus' status as the Christ.
If that's the case, they clearly don't understand what "the Christ" refers to.

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