FMF: And how are non-believers supposed to "realize" this?But the stuff you say is far-fetched and your joyless vanity is alienating. Your god figure's plan to "save" humanity" surely does not consist of you peddling your morally incoherent claims about torture/revenge and conjuring up immortality with your mind on the internet? That surely isn't part of your god figure's plan, is it? How on earth do you think the stuff you come out with here is going to make a non-believer feel he needs to be "forgiven" by your god figure?
Originally posted by sonship
Listen to people like me is one way.
Originally posted by sonshipYou are the first Christian I have ever encountered who has contended that, to be a Christian, one needs "great intelligence". And you're going to stick with this claim are you?
I believe [this reply] is adequate to help someone (who wants it) to see great intelligence is not the only thing a man needs to obtain the most important truth.
Originally posted by FMFI think that you look at sentences and contemplate how you can exploit them to insert into the mouth of people what you want them to say and emphasize.
You are the first Christian I have ever encountered who has contended that, to be a Christian, one needs "great intelligence". And you're going to stick with this claim are you?
This is like the serpent questioning if God really told Adam and Eve that they could not eat from any tree in the garden.
This was a subtle exploitation of these words -
" ... Of every tree of the garden you may eat, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.'' (Gen. 2:16,17)
Satan's twisting was like your twisting. The Devil honed in on the words to exploit God's word, slanderously misrepresent God's heart and to insert a half truth into Eve's mind.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than every other animal of the field which Jehovah God had made. And he said to the woman,
Did God really say, You shall not eat of any tree of the garden?" (Gen 2:1)
You took me saying not only great intelligence is needed to exploit those words to portray me as teaching great intelligence is indispensable in contacting God as a Christian.
Your feigning surprise, I suppose, is an attempt to portray me as the first Christian you ever met making "great intelligence" the most significant qualification for salvation.
No need to fake innocence. This is the trickery of your subtlety.
Do you want some kind of Forum reward for being so clever?
Some of us are here in search for the truth not to show off how clever we can munipulate people's words like a unethical, seasoned, high paid Mafia lawyer.
You are the first Christian I have ever encountered who has contended that, to be a Christian, one needs "great intelligence". And you're going to stick with this claim are you?
In other words you are bending over backwards to misunderstand me for an opportunity to claim I teach the strawman argument of your choosing.
You're rather sick FMF. But I already wrote that. Some are "diseased with questionings and contentions of words". You didn't like it then. Why provoke me to have to repeat it?
08 Mar 17
FMF: You are the first Christian I have ever encountered who has contended that, to be a Christian, one needs "great intelligence". And you're going to stick with this claim are you?I am responding to exactly what you said. If you have expressed yourself in a way that you now realize misrepresents what you actually meant to say, you should just go and correct yourself. There are at least two other posters who have commented on the strange claim you have made.
Originally posted by sonship
I think that you look at sentences and contemplate how you can exploit them to insert into the mouth of people what you want them to say and emphasize.
08 Mar 17
Originally posted by sonshipI think you have simply misstated what you believe. And then misstated it again. I don't see why you need to start talking about "Satan" and "The Devil" simply because you have been confronted with your error.
Satan's twisting was like your twisting. The Devil honed in on the words to exploit God's word, slanderously misrepresent God's heart and to insert a half truth into Eve's mind.
08 Mar 17
Originally posted by sonshipSatan's twisting was like your twisting. The Devil honed in on the words to exploit God's word, slanderously misrepresent God's heart and to insert a half truth into Eve's mind.[...] You're rather sick FMF. But I already wrote that. Some are "diseased with questionings and contentions of words". You didn't like it then. Why provoke me to have to repeat it?
Originally posted by FMF
And how are non-believers supposed to "realize" [they need to be "forgiven" by god]?
Originally posted by sonship
Listen to people like me is one way.
So I have to 'listen to people like you' if I want to be "forgiven" and "saved" and "immortal"?
08 Mar 17
Originally posted by sonshipThe meaning of your words is that "great intelligence is needed to contact God' but not only great intelligence; other things are needed too. There have been at least three posters who have alerted you to the meaning of what you wrote.
You took me saying not only great intelligence is needed to exploit those words to portray me as teaching great intelligence is indispensable in contacting God as a Christian.
Originally posted by sonshipI asked you this on page 1: "So, if you believe it is not the only thing that is needed to "come forward to the living God", then you believe it is only one of several things needed to come forward? You need "sheer cerebral ability" but you need other things too, is that it?"
That's right.
Your answer was "That's right".