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Hmmm . . .

19 Jan 04
30 Jan 13
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Originally posted by sonship
What is the short Internet Discussion style explanation of non dualism ?

I will not count it as too indepth.
Well, you know that I might be your only competition on here (speaking historically, of course) for writing longer posts than anyone else! 😉 And I never thought that anything I said had too much depth for you—we have gone into the debating deeps with one another too many times! 🙂

Nondualism: Reality is one inseparable whole, in which and of which everything is. It can be synonymous with pantheism or monism, but those terms are sometimes also used with different shades of meaning, and I take nondualism as the more neutral term.

Nondualism versus dualism seems to be the great divide of religious philosophy, to which other divides such as exclusivism/inclusivism and naturalism/supernaturalism might most often be related. Zen Buddhism and Taoism are generally nondualist, as is a large portion of “Hinduism”; Christianity is mostly dualist (though there are exceptions, such as Meister Eckhart); Judaism is a mixed bag, but nondualism is a main (if not the main) stream, and is considered “orthodox” a small “o” there).

That’s pretty brief. 🙂 But in my “recovery mode” that I noted, I am not back to the point where I can make too many extended posts (even though writing stuff like this does help me to clarify my thinking), let alone one of our old extended discussions . . .

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