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Intelligent Design as a respectable hypothesis

Intelligent Design as a respectable hypothesis


Digital Blasphemy


16 Feb 03
03 Oct 05
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Originally posted by sonhouse
Here is my main argument: I am making the assumption you
believe in god, a god, some kind of god, right?
If so, why do you insist on this god having to constantly tweek
evolutionary trends to get humans if in fact this god had that goal?
A god capable of creating a whole universe should have no trouble
setting up the rules of physics and chemistry su ...[text shortened]... ian version of god limits the powers of god to their
preconcieved ideas, and thin ones at that.
Your first sentence:
"Here is my main argument: I am making the assumption you believe in god, a god, some kind of god, right?"
Is agreeable with what I have written. Yes, I am a theist. Though I have not directly stated as much in this thread, I have other places so I shall grant you that.

The rest of your post, however, has nothing to do with my statements in this thread. If you wish to discuss the possible existence of a God, or the Christian God specifically, you are welcome to open up a thread regarding the matter and I will be happy to participate in it. I would like to point out afore that as you have already stated in this post that you refute the notion of my God, any endeavors to sway opinion of either of our parts will be inexorably futile. Concordantly, I fail to see how such a conversation can be constructive, but I will humor the endeavor if you believe otherwise.

To expound and in summary, if you wish to assert that the Christian God is inept due to the inherant lack of similarity between a swiss watch and the universe, such is your perogative. You may assert that a flying spaghetti monster created the universe or that there is no ID at all. The universe is not Burger King, we can't have it our way, no matter how much we may assert otherwise. It is your responsibility as a creature of existence to figure it out for yourself and I wish you success in finding your truths, spiritual or otherwise. If you are ever interested in re-examining the Christian take on things, I would be happy to offer you a more abstract discourse than is typically found in these forums. Till then, pax vobiscum.

Best Regards,

Digital Blasphemy


16 Feb 03
03 Oct 05
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Originally posted by sjeg
Interesting posts- thank you all very much.

Doesn't this come down to the fact that science and faith are irreconcilable?

Question: can one be a scientist and a religious man?

I remember my biology teacher in school- a staunch Methodist, of all things (you know, the fellows who can't gamble, and use blackcurrant cordial in their "Eucharist", as ...[text shortened]... ty around us, because either way, we are blessed.

That's my humble 2 farthings. What say ye?
I stongly believe so, yes.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
03 Oct 05
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Originally posted by Omnislash
Your first sentence:
"Here is my main argument: I am making the assumption you believe in god, a god, some kind of god, right?"
Is agreeable with what I have written. Yes, I am a theist. Though I have not directly stated as much in this thread, I have other places so I shall grant you that.

The rest of your post, however, has nothing to do with my ...[text shortened]... e than is typically found in these forums. Till then, pax vobiscum.

Best Regards,
All I am saying bottom line is people put words in gods mouth.
They insist on making god in THEIR image and that image means
their god has to constantly tweek evolution to get humans.
I say if there is a god who created the universe, it set things up so
it doesn't need to have its finger in every pie. Its a lazy god who
sets things up so no further help is needed.


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
03 Oct 05
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Originally posted by ivanhoe
[b]Sjeg: "Doesn't this come down to the fact that science and faith are irreconcilable?"

No, on the contrary. True Science and True Faith are both searching for the Truth.


Sjeg: "Question: can one be a scientist and a religious man?"

Oh yes, there are many religious scientists.

Joh ...[text shortened]... tp://www.templetonprize.org/

EDIT: Roman-Catholic teachings do NOT oppose evolution theory.[/b]
Thanks Ivanhoe- I'll have a look at what you linked in there and get back to you later.

I realise that your edit is important to state in these forums, repeatedly perhaps.

(My biology teacher wasn't quite a Catholic, though!)

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