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Is evolution a religion?

Is evolution a religion?



Originally posted by josephw
Evolution is a theory of how the universe came into existence and evolves through time.
Wikipedia is free and available to anyone lucky enough to have internet access, so you clearly have no excuse whatsoever for this level of ignorance.
Please take the time to look it up before you next post:


Originally posted by josephw
Evolution is a theory of how the universe came into existence and evolves through time.

Why do I still bother?


Originally posted by C Hess

Why do I still bother?
Trust me, don't. I realised a while ago, after having the same conversations with the same people you are now, that it is impossible. You can't have a reasoned discussion with someone who is bonkers. Simple as that.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Wikipedia is free and available to anyone lucky enough to have internet access, so you clearly have no excuse whatsoever for this level of ignorance.
Please take the time to look it up before you next post:
I guess evolution is what the name implies.

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Originally posted by josephw
Evolution is a theory of how the universe came into existence and evolves through time.

It's science, not religion.

Yet some adhere to it religiously.
How did evolution all of a sudden get entangled with cosmology and the big bang and all that? You have to know evolution as it is studied here on Earth is all about how LIFE changes, right? It has nothing to do with whatever happened before life ever existed.

You can talk about the evolution of the universe but that is not what Darwin or anyone else had in mind, that is just extending the definition of evolution to cover all of existence which makes it that much easier for creationists to disregard since of course we don't KNOW exactly how the universe got here, we have theories that match fairly well with what we observe but we have no smoking gun so that means creationist can pounce on that saying, AHA, you don't know something (kind of forgetting that the entire history of modern science is less than 300 years old) and that would be like putting down a 10 year old for not knowing calculus.

It is a bogus argument to say, see, you don't know EVERYTHING so you in fact know NOTHING.

That is their basic argument.

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Originally posted by C Hess

Why do I still bother?
Why do I?

You guys fall off topic so fast one never knows what you'll say next, except you keep saying the same things.

For example: you say there is no God, yet can provide no evidence, and when one says that what exists is evidence for a creator God you say it isn't, even in the face of the fact that what exists is the evidence for anything at all.

It's not the absents of evidence that disproves the existence of a creator God. It's the existence of everything that proves God created it all.

Why do I still bother? 😵


Originally posted by josephw
I guess evolution is what the name implies.
Don't just rely on guesses, read the Wikipedia page! Educate yourself for a change.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
How did evolution all of a sudden get entangled with cosmology and the big bang and all that? You have to know evolution as it is studied here on Earth is all about how LIFE changes, right? It has nothing to do with whatever happened before life ever existed.

You can talk about the evolution of the universe but that is not what Darwin or anyone else had ...[text shortened]... ay, see, you don't know EVERYTHING so you in fact know NOTHING.

That is their basic argument.
You don't know how life got here either, but I do.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know how life got here either, but I do.
Really RJ
tell us

was it mailorder?

As you may

have noticed

I have found
a new way

of entertaining


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Originally posted by josephw
...one never knows what you'll say next, except you keep saying the same things...
LOL! You didn't really think that one through, did you? 🙂

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Originally posted by C Hess
LOL! You didn't really think that one through, did you? 🙂
I knew you'd catch that, that's why I said it that way. lol

Look Hess, you asked a question in the OP and I answered, but as usual two posts into the thread and I get vilified just because I gave a generalized definition of evolution. You all do the same thing when it comes to the Bible. I try to explain what this or that may mean and you screw it all up with your own brand of ignorance.

Besides that, it's ignorant to say that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence. Just plain stupid to think otherwise. Evolve. Point A to point B in the process from the beginning, 13.5 billion years ago to present, whether innate or organic, it's all the same to me. I'm not a scientist, but I've been fed evolution from grade school like everyone else.

All you fellas want to do is obfuscate and belittle so as to make yourselves feel better about yourselves. That's obvious, otherwise you wouldn't do it. High minded arrogance is what's on display to one degree or another in virtually every post you make.

None of you has any real balls. You're chicken sheet. Can't address the points I made, no, you have to jump on the weak spot and split a hair to avoid discussing something you know that you know nothing about. God!

But you'll act like you do, which is obtuse in the extreme since you deny God's existence.

Fact is, you should all be banned. Can you read that line just below? It says, "please edit quoted text responsibly. Making modifications which misrepresent the original post will result in a forum ban".

Obfuscation is for the spiritually weak and insecure.

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Originally posted by josephw
Besides that, it's ignorant to say that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence. Just plain stupid to think otherwise.
Au contraire.

You are calling people ignorant because they do not subscribe to your own
personal definition of the word evolution. You choose to be ignorant of its
definition which is widely accepted, you choose not to look up terms and
facts on Wiki or else where, you choose to remain in the dark. Complete
ignorance, the attitude of a small frightened man who cannot defend his
medieval superstition from logical debate.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
Au contraire.

You are calling people ignorant because they do not subscribe to your own
personal definition of the word evolution. You choose to be ignorant of its
definition which is widely accepted, you choose not to look up terms and
facts on Wiki or else where, you choose to remain in the dark. Complete
ignorance, the attitude of a small frightened man who cannot defend his
medieval superstition from logical debate.
Just more obfuscation from the high minded.

I don't give a rip about the definition of the word evolution, but I would like to see if one of you evolutionary superior humans can reply to my original post.

Doubt that will happen. There's not a drop of intellectual honesty between all of you combined.

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Originally posted by josephw
I don't give a rip about the definition of the word evolution,.....
But given that, surely it is therefore unwarranted for you to call other people ignorant for making statements about evolution, and trying to tell them what evolution is and is not?
You can't even be bothered to read the first sentence of the Wikipedia page, yet you feel you can preach to people with a scientific education about what evolution is or is not. Of course you are going to get flack. And well deserved flack it is too.

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Originally posted by josephw
I knew you'd catch that, that's why I said it that way. lol

Look Hess, you asked a question in the OP and I answered, but as usual two posts into the thread and I get vilified just because I gave a generalized definition of evolution. You all do the same thing when it comes to the Bible. I try to explain what this or that may mean and you screw it all up ...[text shortened]... l post will result in a forum ban".

Obfuscation is for the spiritually weak and insecure.[/b]
Look josephw. I have two things to say about all that. It's important that when we
communicate we understand each other. The theory of evolution is only about changes in
life. I didn't decide that that's what it is, I'm merely pointing this fact out. I think it's
important to make the distinction, or we can't have a serious discussion about it. But you
know that, and you don't want the discussion to take any reasonable form, because the
arguments for evolution are now so strong that you can't easily dismiss them anymore
with silly statements like: "If we evolved from monkeys, how come there are still
monkeys?", or "I've never seen a chimpanzee give birth to a human, but maybe your
grandparents were chimps?", or "I haven't seen a dog evolve into anything other than a dog,
so therefore I declare it can't happen.". The fact that the evolutionary theory is perfectly
capable of explaining most every question you can think of now (relating to changes in
life), threatens your particular brand of religion, and so you want to always steer clear of it
by trying to divert the topic into something that is still not fully understood by science,
such as how life started. Talk about obfuscating, and then having the nerve to try and put
it on me. It's pathetic, really.

Second, when I respond to a post I'd like to make clear exactly what it is I'm responding to.
I don't misrepresent the post I'm quoting, unless I'm kidding around. Usually that's obvious
from the fact that the post I'm quoting is right before my reply, and I use the 😛 smiley. If
that's against the forum rules I of course won't do that anymore, but it seems a bit silly,
since the post I'm quoting is always right there in the same thread, for anyone to read.

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