Maybe it's Jupiter warning America that it has bedded down with the harlot for too long. Repent of your Xtian ways and return to your Roman roots.
Maybe Loki's finally broken loose and is doling out malicious tricks.
Maybe it's Yahweh playing his manipulative game, forgiving and punishing, forgiving and punishing ad nauseam.
Or maybe somewhere a butterfly went KERCHOO!
Whatever the hell it was, it most likely had nothing to do with you or with me. So, get over yourself. The universe doesn't revolve around you or your pathetic guilt/sanctimony complex.
Originally posted by UncleMickyes uncle... yes it is a coincidence. hurricanes hit and destroy places all over the world from time to time and they don't discriminate.
Look at the Hurricane, it can't be co-incidence.
let's say you were god, and you were going to punish america who would you pick? the predominatly white, fatcat, yuppy ,richy rich, limo riding stock brokers of new york who exploit every resourse and disaster on the planet to make themselves and there clients richer and richer dispite the conseqenses....
or the predominatly black, unemployed, uneducated, disenfrachized and impoverished blues players of new orleans? which group do you think would be best removed from god's point of view?
by the way it's your move, happy vacation. beware the hurricane!
Originally posted by cavanYou been reading from that copy of OBL's chapbook you picked up in the trash again?
let's say you were god, and you were going to punish america who would you pick? the predominatly white, fatcat, yuppy ,richy rich, limo riding stock brokers of new york who exploit every resourse and disaster on the planet to make themselves and there clients richer and richer dispite the conseqenses....