Now my first caveat.
To say "It is Easy to be Saved from Hell" is not meant by me that it was EASY for the Savior or it esd easy for God to provide salvation.
For the perspective of the saving God it COSTS something to Him.
From the perspective of the saved it is a gift which easily was paid for by Someone else.
One more preliminary post.
The New Testament says that the word of this salvation is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. In other words it is not hard to obtain.
"But what does it say?
The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that is the word of faith which we proclaim. That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED; For with the heart there is believing unto righteousness, and with the mouth there is confession unto salvation.
For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes on HIm shall not be put to shame." (Romans 10:8-11)
The title and OP are - "It is Easy to be Saved from Hell"
It is not - "God only wants you to be saved from Hell and nothing else." That is what some people are going to READ INTO my thread title.
That is people like Rajk999.
@sonship saidIt may be easy, but as Jesus said at Matthew 7:13
The title of this thread is It is Easy to be Saved from Hell.
This is what the words read.
We will see how long it takes for someone to READ into the title this:
"All God Wants is for you to be saved from hell"
Rajk999 may be the first to READ the OP title but make it mean what he sees.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
(Berean Study Bible)
I think that it would be more accurate to say that God wants people to chose life.
I was on the broad way. Then I believed in my heart in the present, availaible, risen Son of God. And I called on the Lord and was saved.
This thread as far as I am concerned has as its central theme "the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart."
For saving from eternal perdition the word is near and not far far away.
Growth, discipline, discipleship, kingdom living are indeed important.
THIS thread is about the ease of which a man, woman, boy, girl may be saved from eternal punishment.
Can you find "few get saved" as a phrase in the Bible?
When the disciples asked Jesus if few will get saved, He gave them no statistics.
He gave them a directive - YOU enter in through the narrow gate.
That is not a statistic.
That is an instruction.
We know what the directive is.
The statistic is still God's business and an unknown to us.
Read it. Luke 13:24-30
"And someone said to Him, Lord, are there only a few who are being saved?
And He said to them, Struggle to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to enter, yet will not be able. "
This is answering with instructions.
"YOU do THIS . . . "
Now some may say that it is an indication that few will be saved for eternal life.
However, reading the rest of the passage the narrow gate seems related to the millennial kingdom of the time when the reward of the kingdom is restored to Israel.
"Once the Master of the house has risen and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, Lord, open to us, then He will answer and say to you, I do not know you, nor where you are from.
Then you will begin to say, We ate in Your presence anddrank, and You taught in our streets. And He will say, I tell you, I do not know where you are from. Go away ffrom Me, all you workers of unrighteousness."
Here is an important part. Pay attention.
"There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you beingt cast outside. And they will come from the east and the west, and from the north and the south, and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. And behold, there are some last who will be first, and there are some first who will be last."
The scene described by Jesus is more related to the millennial kingdom of Christ reigning from Jerusalem in Israel.
And we know that Paul said some saved will be rewarded to participate in this and some will be disciplined instead yet still be saved.
"If anyone's work which he has built upon the foundation remains, he will receove a reward;
If anyone's work is consumed, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire." (1 Cor. 3:124,15)
The entering into the narrow gate which Jesus speaks of in Luke 13:24-30 could pertain to the reward of participating with the few who share in the millennial kingdom. For it is a priority that His disciples be transformed to participate in reigning with Him.
I take the verse Luke 13:24-30 to be an instruction not to take the broad way of losing the reward but the narrow way of being rewarded. The actual statistics of who is eternally saved and eternally lost seems His business and not ours.
There are unknowns. And there are directives as to how we should respond to Christ's teaching and Lordship. I find the Bible to be both significant in what it SAYS and also in what it DOESN'T say.
Think of Luke 13:24-30 somewhat in this way.
"Dad will there be many divorces?"
"Son, learn to love and forgive your wife. Many won't practice this."
What's he matter with you Son? We either have half a dozen concurrent threads where you are trying to bash us over the head with a non biblical trinity doctrine in various disguises, or we have six threads where you are simultaneously not so covertly trying to preach a hell fire and torment that again is not scriptural?
When you are dead you are dead. God (if you believe in him) is scripturally a god of love and justice.
If you look into the old testament when people upset him then get zapped (e.g. pillar of salt) there non of this roasting over an eternal spit while somebody sticks a red hot poker up your jaxi.
If it’s “easy to be saved from hell”, one would think that your version of Jesus the saviour would be better at it then.
You have used the phrase "your version of Jesus" many times.
To me that comes across as "my [sonship's] version of Jesus" is the version where everything said by Jesus is taken as His words.
Or "my [sonship's] version of Jesus" is the version in which what the apostles and writers of the New Testament about Jesus is not reliable and prophecy uttered by them is not to be taken as truthful.
If you do that, then it indicates to me that YOUR [Divegeester's] version of Jesus is choosing which whole portions of His words and other parts of the New Testament may be discarded and tossed out as untrustworthy false represntations of Christ.
You do this without a basis for explaining why you have discarded sections of the NT cannon.
Now you may argue -
"No, my version of Jesus is where the interpretation of certain things in the New Testament, including words of Jesus, mean other than what you believe."
You have every right to say some things you interperet from Jesus better.
But you are going to have to work really hard to not give this impression:
Some interpretations of the words of Jesus are suspiciously appearing to be twists to make them mean the exact opposite of what they plainly appear to mean.
Ie " I will tell you whom you should fear . . . " you labor to convince that they mean "I will tell you who not to fear at all . . . " .
Your version of Jesus sometimes artificially forces words to be interpreted OPPOSITE to what appears as the obvious meaning.
You believe with Divegeester that the "Son of Man" does not have an eternal dominion according to Daniel 7:13,14 ?
"One like the Son of Man . . . And to Him was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages might serve Him.
His dominion is an eternal dominion . . . "