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Just coincidences?

Just coincidences?


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Originally posted by flyUnity
Im not the smartest thing around, could you give me some reference where it says differently?

I read a book awhile back where a guy said that Jesus is coming in at a certain year, he showed everyone how he found it in the bible, that year came and passed, Hes the Guy that started "7th day adventist"
William Miller revised his date no less than three times before determining that he had read the prophecy too literally.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
William Miller revised his date no less than three times before determining that he had read the prophecy too literally.
Yea thats who I was talking about, Thx

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
William Miller revised his date no less than three times before determining that he had read the prophecy too literally.
Is it a coincidence that the first time I read a Darfius post I passed gas?

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Originally posted by Darfius
Paul, if Jesus returns in 10 years, would that make it seem like the Bible was the Word of God?
You aren't asking me, but if I were sure it were the same Jesus, sure.

How would I know though?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
... it were the same Jesus, sure.

How would I know though?
He would be a Democrat, and all the leading church leaders would reject him. He would befriend prostitutes, abortionists, pornographers, and crack dealers.

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Darfius, I just saw your answer (in the form of a question) to my answer. I can do no better than to echo AThousandYoung.

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

I'm interested to know what makes you think the second earthquake should have generated a tsunami? Many earthquakes occur beneath the sea-bed. Some generate tsunamis, some do not, depending on how the sea-bed is deformed.

As to whether the dates are are coincidences, I wholly and fully believe they are. I'm willing to go out on a limb here and assume that you believe otherwise? I may be wrong here, but do you think the 9.0 earthquake is something to do with Christ's birth, and the 8.7 earthquake something to do with his "resurrection"? I'm making these assumptions based on your contributions to this and other threads.

If you do believe that these are some kind of "sign from God", that's your opinion to which you're entitled. Surely it's more like the work of Satan, brutally killing over 300,000 people, mainly women and children, and devastating entire comunities?
(I'm not saying "Satan" did this - I believe it was exactly what it was - a terrible human catastrophe caused by natural phenomena).

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a feeding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?

IMO, of course this is a coincidence. If you don't think they are, why not? Is there any reference in your scripture to these events? Ignore this comment, I'm sure you already have the reference at your fingertips and are waiting with glee to throw it back at me.

Seriously though, I can understand where you're coming from re the earthquake disasters (although I wholly disagree with you), but what on earth are you on about re Schiavo and the Pope?

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?

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Originally posted by PawnCurry
I'm willing to go out on a limb here and assume that you believe otherwise? I may be wrong here, but do you think the 9.0 earthquake is something to do with Christ's birth, and the 8.7 earthquake something to do with his "resurrection"? I'm making these assumptions based on your contributions to this and other threads.
Wait just a minute.

Jesus was born in August, and there is no reason to believe that he was crucified in the spring.

The dates that have become Christian celebrations correspond to the winter solstice and the spring equinox, both traditional pagan celebrations. Inasmuch as these celebrations were rooted in the earth's cycles, while Christianity has sought to divorce people's beliefs from their connections to such cycles, any symbolic sigificance should stem from an understanding of our ancient, and largely abandoned beliefs.

Of course, if you believe that God killed all those folks in Indonesia to demonstrate his glory and purpose, then you have an opportunity to say so clearly and logically in bbarr's thread.

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Saturn's moon Mimas was at some point almost shattered by a collision with an asteroid or a small Saturnian moon.


Darfius, how long ago do you think that impact occurred, and what was God trying to tell us by guiding those two bodies together? Or does God stay out of mega-high-energy events as long as they are located somewhere other than Earth?

When a distant star goes supernova and vaporizes its planets, is God giving us a sign?

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
Saturn's moon Mimas was at some point almost shattered by a collision with an asteroid or a small Saturnian moon.

That's no moon. It's a space station.... 😵

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
You aren't asking me, but if I were sure it were the same Jesus, sure.

How would I know though?
He will come in "power and great glory."

It will be at the end of the most horrific 7 years in Earth's history. If you're still alive (hopefully Christian), you'll see Him coming.

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Originally posted by Darfius
He will come in "power and great glory."

It will be at the end of the most horrific 7 years in Earth's history. If you're still alive (hopefully Christian), you'll see Him coming.
Did Jesus come back after the first world war? I must of missed him.

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Originally posted by Darfius
He will come in "power and great glory."

It will be at the end of the most horrific 7 years in Earth's history. If you're still alive (hopefully Christian), you'll see Him coming.
If the Tribulation as described in Revelation actually occurs, we will all figure it out pretty quickly.

Of course, nothing of the sort is happening now, but as long as you don't put an upper bound on its occurence you could always be right.

I'll keep my eyes peeled. 😵

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Originally posted by telerion
If the Tribulation as described in Revelation actually occurs, we will all figure it out pretty quickly.

Of course, nothing of the sort is happening now, but as long as you don't put an upper bound on its occurence you could always be right.

I'll keep my eyes peeled. 😵
Are you claiming we're not moving towards a one world government, economy and religion as described by John 2,000 years ago?

Are you claiming the world is not yearning for peace between Israel and the Arab world as described by Daniel 2,500 years ago and John 2,000 years ago?

Are you claiming the world is not moving towards a cashless society as described by John 2,000 years ago?

Are you claiming the Jews are not attempting to build the 3rd Temple as described by John 2,000 years ago?

Are you claiming The European Union hasn't called itself "The Revived Roman Empire", which is the empire Daniel said the Antichrist would come from 2,500 years ago?

Are you claiming their building isn't modeled after an artist's painting of the Tower of Babel with the motto "Many Nations: One voice"?

Are you claiming one of their coins doesn't have a "woman riding on a beast" as John described 2,000 years ago?

Because if you are, sir, I'd have to respectfully disagree.

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