JW Question

JW Question



26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
If your back is giving you trouble and affecting your quality of life you should go and get it sorted. It's Glasgow or therebaouts you live isn't it? I know of someone who has the number of a very good physical therapist in Glasgow (i think it's Glasgow he lives), if you're interested let me know.

I used to have a bad lower back, it used to give me te hered me again, it gets a little tight from time to time but nothing that can't be fixed.
the reason i never went initially was that i could not walk, plus i thought, what can
someone do for your back anyway? what works for one person might not necessarily
work for another. Its not so bad now but it has taken almost a year to subside,
inactivity is the worst, If i dont do anything, it kind of stiffens up.


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
I would simply like you to entertain the possibility that as a human being I might also be motivated by a sense of justice, or of decency or any other human trait as well as a willingness towards self sacrifice, not solely on its own merits as the spiritual equivalent of a blood sacrifice, which may be the case, but for a love of people and a willingness to r whole straw man hinges on you slipping that word in there and pretending that I used it.
no straw FMF, you never mentioned anything until held to ransom and because of your
insistence in highlighting a single aspect of the term 'sacrifice' and what it means for a
Christian were guilty of a gross distortion of the reality until shamed back to your
senses through ardent petition and example!

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I think the Gman has left because of statements like this, who can blame him.
He throws stones and I was throwing them back that's all.



26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
He throws stones and I was throwing them back that's all.

whut? yeah that will be shining bright, when did he state that your religion was an
abomination, your elders greedy materialists, your doctrines murderous, your
congregations filled with paedophiles, when? I said it about nominal Christianity, but
not the Gman as far as i can tell he tried to reason with you when i simply gave up, fed
up of the trash talk and in some instances outright lies, but the Gman took it.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
09 Dec 11

I swear this is for real two very pretty young women came into my store. They wanted to chat with me about "how to prevent Car accidents" They showed me the
article and lo and behold it was an "Awake" I was nice to them but explained I could not leave any of the literature in the store and they were like ok. I was asking them if they were indeed JW's and they said yes. I was like wow there changing tactics sending in hot women lol 😉 they we offering the stuff free however. lol



28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no straw FMF, you never mentioned anything until held to ransom and because of your
insistence in highlighting a single aspect of the term 'sacrifice' and what it means for a
Christian were guilty of a gross distortion of the reality until shamed back to your
senses through ardent petition and example!
Not at all robbie. I expressed personal interest [and participation] in voluntary work myself at the outset and a do-it-because-it's-the-right-thing-do attitude to tackling issues at the beginning of our discussion: and I did not waver from that stance at any time since. I never once criticized any of the other motivations for helping others - why would I? - so I confronted you on the blood sacrifice/vanity thing. I have always been very clear and very specific about what I have been criticising, robbie.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
whut? yeah that will be shining bright, when did he state that your religion was an
abomination, your elders greedy materialists, your doctrines murderous, your
congregations filled with paedophiles, when? I said it about nominal Christianity, but
not the Gman as far as i can tell he tried to reason with you when i simply gave up, fed
up of the trash talk and in some instances outright lies, but the Gman took it.
Honestly RC I'm thinking about really bowing out of the forum but It's hard it's like a
drug!!!! It is easy as you say to sit here and launch cyber bombs from the comfort of
my kitchen and I admit lately I've been a jerk but it's all kinda of silly. your never going to convince me and I you. The debates in this regard are pointless. The only other reason I keep posting is so there will be someone to challenge you and G-75 but I know others will keep on. All of these things you mention by the way are the human condition from unregenerate man. THese crimes know no boundaries as they really are the evil side of man.



26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by menace71
I swear this is for real two very pretty young women came into my store. They wanted to chat with me about "how to prevent Car accidents" They showed me the
article and lo and behold it was an "Awake" I was nice to them but explained I could not leave any of the literature in the store and they were like ok. I was asking them if they were indeed JW's and t ...[text shortened]... actics sending in hot women lol 😉 they we offering the stuff free however. lol

if two pretty young ladies speaking in a pleasant manner offering you free literature on
how to avoid catastrophe in the car cannot move you Manny, what will it take my
friend, what will it take?


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by menace71
Honestly RC I'm thinking about really bowing out of the forum but It's hard it's like a
drug!!!! It is easy as you say to sit here and launch cyber bombs from the comfort of
my kitchen and I admit lately I've been a jerk but it's all kinda of silly. your never going to convince me and I you. The debates in this regard are pointless. The only other reason ...[text shortened]... rate man. THese crimes know no boundaries as they really are the evil side of man.

we are all guilty of it, its just religious truth is such a personal thing and the discussions
which result are emotionally charged. Thje Gman wll be back, all he needs is a little
shepherding call from uncle Robbie and he'll be good as new 🙂


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Not at all robbie. I expressed personal interest [and participation] in voluntary work myself at the outset and a do-it-because-it's-the-right-thing-do attitude to tackling issues at the beginning of our discussion: and I did not waver from that stance at any time since. I never once criticized any of the other motivations for helping others - why would I? - so ...[text shortened]... ng. I have always been very clear and very specific about what I have been criticising, robbie.
Yes you never criticised it FMF, any mention of other aspects of the evangelical work
was simply conspicuous in their absence.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes you never criticised it FMF, any mention of other aspects of the evangelical work was simply conspicuous by its absence.
I took you to task for statements you made, robbie. You obviously did not like it. No amount of straw men will succeed in foisting a whole load of other criticisms and arguments onto me that I did not make. I criticised your "sacrifice"/vanity thing. I didn't expect you to like it or to agree with me. Nor has your response been particularly surprising, either. I have not tried to attribute anything to you that you did not say. If you want to beat your chest about other aspects of the evangelical work, please just do. I am not an evangelical person and I am not going to beat your chest for you.


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I took you to task for statements you made, robbie. You obviously did not like it. No amount of straw men will succeed in foisting a whole load of other criticisms and arguments onto me that I did not make. I criticised your "sacrifice"/vanity thing. I didn't expect you to like it or to agree with me. Nor has your response been particularly surprising, either. I ...[text shortened]... please just do. I am not an evangelical person and I am not going to beat your chest for you.
no FMF the reality is that you took a verifiable Biblical premise that is expressed in a
metaphorical sense , fed it into the cynicism of your mind and came up with the
completely distorted idea that I was motivated to help others through self
aggrandisement, chest beating, vanity and a whole host of other caustic diatribe, when
called to task on your understanding of the metaphorical use of the term sacrifice and
its meanings for Christians, you were found wanting, it turns out you didn't understand
anything at all about its use and resorted to the only option available to you,
vilification, your a religionist, the prism of your religionist thinking, that's disappointing,
unimpressive etc etc etc, quite pathetic really when you think about it.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no FMF the reality is that you took a verifiable Biblical premise that is expressed in a metaphorical sense , fed it into the cynicism of your mind and came up with the completely distorted idea that I was motivated to help others through self
aggrandisement, chest beating, vanity and a whole host of other caustic diatribe, when
called to task on ...[text shortened]... at's disappointing,
unimpressive etc etc etc, quite pathetic really when you think about it.
You said:

any unpaid voluntary work is a sacrifice of time and effort and yes it is the spiritual equivalent of a blood sacrifice, if you knew anything about the Bible you would know that, but i forget that at times I am dealing with ignorance and thus you are led to make the most of your ignorance by asserting that its chest beating, a classic example no less.

I am disappointed by your clear and unequivocal assertion that any unpaid voluntary work is the spiritual equivalent of a blood sacrifice. To me it is religionist dogma and vanity at the expense of the kind of spiritual positivity that I respect and admire. Your attempt to justify it - to me, a non-Christian - by referring to it as a "verifiable Biblical premise" simply has not worked for me, robbie.


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
1 edit

whether it works on you is not my concern, anyone can look up any Bible and read the
text for themselves, in fact, it was posted for your benefit three times and you could
not even bring yourself to recognise the simple metaphorical use of a term and instead
constructed a plethora of verbal diatribe in its wake. I did not write that text FMF, it is
not a product of my mind, if you think its dogmatic and vain to think of helping others
through acts of personal self sacrifice then that's your problem, not mine.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
whether it works on you is not my concern, anyone can look up any Bible and read the
text for themselves, in fact, it was posted for your benefit three times and you could
not even bring yourself to recognise the simple metaphorical use of a term and instead
constructed a plethora of verbal diatribe in its wake. I did not write that text FMF, ...[text shortened]... of helping others
through acts of personal self sacrifice then that's your problem, not mine.
The fact that it's in the Bible does not alter my estimation of your mindset with regard to this issue of "blood sacrifice", robbie.

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