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Lets be serious:THERE IS NO GOD

Lets be serious:THERE IS NO GOD


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Originally posted by daveed
who says that there is evidence for evolution?!?!?!And no i haven't had my head in the sand! last i knew evolution was still on the same level as any faith!
First learn to capitalize things.
Second, learn to read and get your head out of the sand that you claim doesn't exist.
Evolution is not on the same level with any faith, there is evidence favoring evolution and it explains many things and has some predictive power, any faith does not.

We observe micro evolution all the time, it is not a big stretch to think that macro evolution can happen just as easily, it seems illogical to assume otherwise in fact. On the other hand, we have never seen a micracle happen, we just have to take myths passed down orally for hundreds of years, then translated over and over, at face value to find a good example of a miracle.

There is fossil evidence, genetic evidence, phylogeny, and actually quite a few example of speciation that we have actually observed now that I think about it, so yes, we have seen macroevolution happen.

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Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
First learn to capitalize things.
Second, learn to read and get your head out of the sand that you claim doesn't exist.
Evolution is not on the same level with any faith, there is evidence favoring evolution and it explains many things and has some predictive power, any faith does not.

We observe micro evolution all the time, it is not a big stre ...[text shortened]... we have actually observed now that I think about it, so yes, we have seen macroevolution happen.
Textbook stuff from the evolutionist camp - open up the debate with a barrage of ad hominems. Where do you guys get your training?

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Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
First learn to capitalize things.
Second, learn to read and get your head out of the sand that you claim doesn't exist.
Evolution is not on the same level with any faith, there is evidence favoring evolution and it explains many things and has some predictive power, any faith does not.

We observe micro evolution all the time, it is not a big stre ...[text shortened]... we have actually observed now that I think about it, so yes, we have seen macroevolution happen.
excuse me .i didn't know that there were english teachers out there.second for the most part i don't put capitols ON PURPOSE!so please don't judge my intel. or info by my english.i'm kind of in a rush.have a good day ,and while your at it why don't you look up every thing on the subject before you reply.

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Originally posted by Halitose
Where do you guys get your training?
From a textbook.

But seriously, your reply is 100% ad hominem where as mine had some actually information and argument towards the topic at hand as well.
You are a complete hypocrite. How is that for ad hominem?

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Originally posted by Halitose
Textbook stuff from the evolutionist camp - open up the debate with a barrage of ad hominems. Where do you guys get your training?
At these wonderful places called universities. And you? Where did you get your training?

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Originally posted by daveed
who says that there is evidence for evolution?!?!?!And no i haven't had my head in the sand! last i knew evolution was still on the same level as any faith!
No evidence for evolution? Evolution is a THEORY. A theory is an idea which has stood up to repeated attempts to disprove it. Evolution has been an idea for 150 years and no-one, I repeat NO-ONE, has ever been able to disprove it.

Faith is something a person has, it is an belief, which IS NOT FOUNDED IN FACT. If it were founded in fact it would no longer be a belief, it would merely be.

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Originally posted by daveed
in reply to: "I can proove the existance of a hammer by smashing your kneecaps wih it.

Hit me with god"

can you prove the existence of an atom the same way?
Yes, these wonderful things called particle acceleraters.

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Originally posted by daveed
excuse me .i didn't know that there were english teachers out there.second for the most part i don't put capitols ON PURPOSE!so please don't judge my intel. or info by my english.i'm kind of in a rush.have a good day ,and while your at it why don't you look up every thing on the subject before you reply.
Excuse me but I was not aware that there were english teachers out there.

That is because you are very very new to the site. We aren't teachers, but watch yourself, you will be corrected more often than not.

For the most part I do not use capital letters ON PURPOSE! Please don't judge my meager intellect by my poor use of English. I am kind of in a rush.

A CAPITOL is a building, a CAPITAL is a letter or any of the other definitions of the word.
There is no good reason not to use capital letters, it makes your writing look worse and does not greatly affect the speed of your typing. If it does, add "Third, learn to type" to my earlier post.
People will always judge you by the way you present yourself and your argument. In a debate, both parties dress well, you should not use sloppy grammar here when it is easily avoided. It just looks bad and is quite annoying.

Why don't you look up every thing on the subject before you reply?

I'm not sure what you are implying here. It is not possible to read everything on any subject. But it is possible and important to be well informed before entering a debate. I have read the bible and a large number of science books and papers. I am an atheist who was formerly a christian. I know about the evidence behind evolution and the lack of evidence for God. I would say that I am eminently well qualified to reply in this subject, unlike you, as you are apparently under the impression that there is no evidence in support of evolution.

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Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
[b]Excuse me but I was not aware that there were english teachers out there.

That is because you are very very new to the site. We aren't teachers, but watch yourself, you will be corrected more often than not.

For the most part I do not use capital letters ON PURPOSE! Please don't judge my meager intellect by my poor use of Eng ...[text shortened]... u, as you are apparently under the impression that there is no evidence in support of evolution.
gets my rec!

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Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
From a textbook.

But seriously, your reply is 100% ad hominem where as mine had some actually information and argument towards the topic at hand as well.
You are a complete hypocrite. How is that for ad hominem?
You are a complete hypocrite. How is that for ad hominem?

Lol. I'll take that.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
At these wonderful places called universities. And you? Where did you get your training?
Kindergarten. 😛

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Originally posted by Halitose
Kindergarten. 😛
ha ha! come on Halitose, i know you're more dialectually astute than that!!!

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The proof that God does exist is evident in life itself.All living things no matter how simple they may seem are very comlex.Something as comlex as the human being or even mold cannot just happen let alone sustain itself by mere accident.One miss calculation and life does not exist,there must be a God and his name is Jesus the Christ.Give the bible a read and you will see the truth reveald,its Gods love letter to you and every one.

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If I may interject my two cents......

I have always found it funny in that evolutionist and creationist have a similar enemy within their own camps. This enemy being special interests. The common fallacy in humanity is the desire to BE right over BECOMING right. People would rather be correct RIGHT NOW than be amiable to their perception being altered as new information becomes available. Thusly, we have a rather large conundrum. Creationists constantly pressuring against the current science, and the current science constantly pressuring against the creationsist ideas. How much theology is warped to counter science? How many scientific findings have been warped to counter theology?

Science answers questions by allowing us observe. Theology answeres questions by allowing us to believe. Both have value, and neither need conflict with the other. Both are conjecture and nothing more. Certainly, I have my beliefs. However, that does not blind me to other venues of information. I am happy to believe as I do today not expecting to have my perception swayed, but neither do I ignore or disagree with things simply because they do not seem to be in accordance with my current beliefs.

Thus far, I have seen nothing in science which contradicts the concept of intelligent design, including the Christian take on origins. Those aspects of evolutionary theory which have been proven and are observable are wonderous to know indeed, but have nothing of substance to argue against creation.

Obviously, there are advocates on both sides who would vehemently disagree with me. That is fine; They have every right to their opinion. I simply find their sources for their perception to be.......lacking. Specifically, I find their sources conclusions to be fallible, suspectedly (assumedly) biased and based upon their special interests (i.e. need to oppose the other).

Best Regards,


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Originally posted by scottishinnz
ha ha! come on Halitose, i know you're more dialectually astute than that!!!
I'm betting he got passed the 2nd grade. I could of swore I saw
him the year I was there, or was it the years I was there? 🙂

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