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30 Nov 08
25 Feb 09
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no i in no way was suggestive that you are disabled my friend, lets just say i have a certain sympathy for those who suffer, as we all do no doubt, and i think its time the forum could do with spreading a little compassion. why should i go to a website when all the scriptures one could hope to possibly need are in the Bible? also it is not a case o ...[text shortened]... all, but its a case of what is true, for we are Christians and truth is paramount, or should be.
OK, I can dig this....thanks.


02 Aug 06
06 Mar 09
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Affirmation and Critique on the Triune God.



02 Aug 06
02 Apr 09
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Abraham rescued his nephew Lot from the capture of Sodom. He came back from the slaughter of the kings who had captured Sodom and Lot, one of the backslidden people of God who had gone to live in Sodom. Melchisedek, Priest of the Most High God, the King of Ringteousness, the King of Peace met Abraham on his return from his victory. See Genesis 14.

"Melchisedec's coming signified that Christ had come. Our victory always makes Christ manifested. The people in our environment may find it difficult to see where Christ is. However, if we gain a victory, that victory will declare Christ to them. Our victory will bring Christ in a new aspect. How interesting it is to see that suddenly, in chapter fourteen of Genesis, Melchisddec, whose name means the king of peace, appeared. What does this signify? It signifies that Christ will be declared to people and brought to them by the overcoming ones. One day the whole earth will be surprised by Christ's appearing. The people in the world do not even believe that there is a Christ, calling such belief nonsense. But after we have slaughtered all the kings, Christ will suddenly appear. Christ will be made manifest by our slaughter of the kings, and the whole world will be surprised by His coming. To us, the overcomers, Christ's second appearing will not be a surprise, but to the worldly people it will be a great surprise. They may say, "Who is this one? What is his name and where does he come from?" We may answer, "His name is Christ, the real Melchisedec, and He caomes from the heavens where He has been interceding for centuries."

We all need to echo the Lord's intercession. If we turn to our spirit and contact Him, there will always be some echoing. If we go according to that echoing, forgetting our environment, enemies, and even ourselves, we shall gaiin the victory and slaughter the kkings. At the end of our slaughter of all the kings, our Melchisedec will appear to us. That will be the second coming of Christ. When Christ comes in, the whole earth will know the Most High God. Then all the earth will realize that God is the Possessor of heaven and earth. The earth is not possessed by any king, president, statesman, or politician, it is possessed by the Most High God, the Possessor of heaven and earth. How can this fact be declared to the earth? Only by our slaughter of the kings."

[Abraham, Called by God, Witness Lee, Living Stream Ministry, pg.86,87]


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09
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Originally posted by ale1552
I think this person has caused more pondering than anyone else in the Bible. He seems shrouded in mystery. The most baffling statement regarding him comes in Hebrews chapter 7. What do some of you serious Bible-scholars think?
Melzi-who?? I've read the Bible (Hebrew and New Testament), being the dedicated Muslim that I am, but I don't remember a guy named Matzo-edict or whatever.


02 Aug 06
02 Apr 09
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Originally posted by scherzo
Melzi-who?? I've read the Bible (Hebrew and New Testament), being the dedicated Muslim that I am, but I don't remember a guy named Matzo-edict or whatever.
You should start by reading Genesis chapter 14.

Then Psalm 110.

Then Hebrews chapter 7.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09
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Originally posted by jaywill
You should start by reading Genesis chapter 14.

Then Psalm 110.

Then Hebrews chapter 7.
OK thanks.


02 Aug 06
04 Apr 09
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Melchisedek was the priest of the Most High God before the Levitical priesthood of Aaron. He is a type of Christ.

Christ is the center of the whole Bible. Melchisedek is a pre-figure of Christ. Having no geneology he seems to come out of nowhere. In typology this signifies the eternal pre-existence of the Son of God.

Melchisedek must have been behind the scenes interceding for Abraham as he fought against Chedolamor in Genesis 14. The four kings defeated and captured the five kings in an international war. This war caused the city of Sodom to be defeated and captured. Lot, the backslidden saint of God was captured also.

This is all very significant. Christ is behind the scenes interceding to the Father concerning all the affairs of the earth. His saints, His believers have much to do with Christ's high priestly intercession. We may not know exactly what Christ is praying in His intercesory prayers to the Father for the affairs of nations. But I am sure that it has something to do with His plan for His people on the earth, for they are the ones who are to inherit the earth.

They need many lessons and they need transformation. Misfortunes and trials drive God's believers into dependence upon Him. Being in God's hands He can sanctify them and transform them preparing them for the day when Christ establishes the whole globe as His kingdom.

The Most High God, in genesis 14, is the "Possessor of heaven and of earth". Melchisedek was the High Priest and king by and for this Most High God, the Possessor of heaven and earth. He was interceding for Abraham's overcoming and victory.

That is why after Abraham's victory and recapture of Sodom and its inhabitants, that Melchisedek came to offer nourishing bread and wine to Abraham. This signfies that the great High Priest Christ is dispensing the prepared and processed God into His saints for their spiritual sustanance, spiritual nourishment and digestion of feeding. Christ is the Son of God, the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace ministering God Himself into His saved people.

This is all in preparation for Christ and His saints to reign over the earth. This is also that His saints may be filled with the processed Triune God to manifest God and represent God on the God ruled earth in Christ's kingdom.


26 Aug 07
04 Apr 09
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Originally posted by jaywill
Melchisedek was the priest of the Most High God before the Levitical priesthood of Aaron. He is a type of Christ.

Christ is the center of the whole Bible. Melchisedek is a pre-figure of Christ. Having no geneology he seems to come out of nowhere. In typology this signifies the eternal pre-existence of the Son of God.

Melchisedek must have been behi ...[text shortened]... Triune God to manifest God and represent God on the God ruled earth in Christ's kingdom.
This is also that His saints may be filled with the processed Triune God -

ahem, why would they be filled with a triune God?, because of your adherence to the pre christian trinity you are going beyond the things that are written, the scriptures indicate that a person may be the recipient of Holy spirit, or that Christ may dwell in/with them in a figurative sense , but the triune God, no way, not written jaywill nor can it be substantiated, you have 'gone beyond the things that are written'.😀


rural North Dakota

31 Oct 07
05 Apr 09
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Thanks to Jaywill for explaining this in keeping with scriptures and the way I have thought must be the truth. Christ appeared in several different forms before he came as a baby in Bethlehem. We are even told that the rock that gave water to the Israelites in the desert, actually followed them and was Christ. This is even harder to fathom than the personage of Melchisedec. But I have wondered how he first appeared on the scene. Hebrews chapter 7 says he had no mother and father and no beginning. And when did he leave, since he "had no end".


02 Aug 06
05 Apr 09
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
This is also that His saints may be filled with the processed Triune God -

ahem, why would they be filled with a triune God?, because of your adherence to the pre christian trinity you are going beyond the things that are written, the scriptures indicate that a person may be the recipient of Holy spirit, or that Christ may dwell in/with them in a ...[text shortened]... ten jaywill nor can it be substantiated, you have 'gone beyond the things that are written'.😀
Please excuse me if I am not big on noticing the little faces. I am old fashion at Internet.

ahem, why would they be filled with a triune God?,

The Scriptures tells us that as a corporate entity, the church, has a destiny to be filled "unto all the fulness of God".

"And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God." (Eph. 1:19)

Filled unto all the fullness of God is being filled with God. And it is no wonder because the church is in the process of God building a living house as a vessel to contain Himself - God dwelling in the redeemed corporate man:

"In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; In whom you also are being built into a dwelling place of God in spirit." (Eph. 2:22)

So we see that God is "building" a holy temple to be filled with Himself as His dwelling place.

Now this God is the Triune God, Who is doing the filling. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:

1.) The Father is filling this corporate vessel - "One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." (Eph. 4:6)

The Father ... is in all. That is all the members of the mystical Body of Christ.

2.) The Son, Christ as the Second of the Triune God is also filling this corporate vessel:

" ... the church, which is His [Christ's] Body, the fullness of the One Who [that is Christ] fills all in all." (Eph. 1:23)

" ... or do you not know this about yourselves thta Jesus Christ is in you unless you are disapproved?" (2 Cor. 13:5b)

"In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." (John 14:20)

"... the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27)

"But if Christ is in you ..." (Rom. 8:10)

"But when it pleased God ... to reveal His Son in me ..." (See Gal.1:15,16)

"My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)

Christ is dispensed into each member of His mystical Body and Christ is to fill the corporate Body.

3.) The Spirit as the Third of the Triune God is also in the corporate entity, even in each constituent of it:

"In this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, that He has given to us of His Spirit" (1 John 4:13)

"And in this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He gave to us." (1 John 3:24)

"And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you ..." (Rom. 8:11a)

"The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are the children of God." (Rom. 8:16)

The Third of the Triune God dwells in the believers.

Therefore to be filled with God is certainly to be filled with the Father and to be filled with the Son and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God is working to wrought the Triune God into His corporate vessel.

or that Christ may dwell in/with them in a figurative sense , but the triune God, no way, not written jaywill nor can it be substantiated, you have 'gone beyond the things that are written'

I have just showed you that the Three of the Trinity - Father and Son and Holy Spirit are all said to be in the constituents of the living house of God and the corporate Body of Christ. So it is not going beynd the Scripture but exactly affirming the Scripture. In fact it is quoting the Scripture, except that the word triune does not appear in Scripture.

Furthermore, John 14:23, speaks of the Divine "We" - meaning Father and Son, Who will come to make an abode in the believers:

"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23).

So the First and the Second of the Triune God, as the Divine "We" will come to make an abode within the lovers of Jesus.

Lastly, "in a sense" as you wrote, is your theology. The Scripture does not say that Christ is in the believers "in a sense". It simply says that Christ is in them.


26 Aug 07
05 Apr 09
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Originally posted by jaywill
Please excuse me if I am not big on noticing the little faces. I am old fashion at Internet.

ahem, why would they be filled with a triune God?,

The Scriptures tells us that as a corporate entity, the church, has a destiny to be filled "unto all the fulne in a sense". It simply says that Christ is in them.
Jaywill you are a blether!

for a start the cornerstone has been laid, which was rejected, Christ Jesus, yes the individuals within the church are the bricks, love is the mortar, and a Holy temple is being built. infact the scriptures describe it as a 'new creation', a 'holy nation', 'a royal priesthood', etc etc

it is the love of Christ that is filling persons up, based on accurate knowledge of that one and his father, no where is it possible that God or Christ literally dwells within a person, no chance, they are in heaven, the famous misapplication of scripture that trinitarians are often want to quote, christ says to the Pharisees, 'in your midst', tell why would Christ be in the Pharisees, persons who wanted to kill him, 'what a strange place for the kingdom of God, don't you think. no no, the kingdom of God is a heavenly reality, the King James version terms it a government, it does not reside in a persons heart, no let us be quite clear, its is a heavenly entity!

Now this God is the Triune God, Who is doing the filling. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:

no chance mate, not even a remote chance, this is your interpretation and interpolation!

no way Christ can be in a person in a literal sense, in spirit yes, in mind yes, literaly no way!

The Spirit as the Third of the Triune God is also in the corporate entity, even in each constituent of it:

no way! your interpretation and another interpolation!

as for the rest im not buying that either my friend, no way!

Christ is son, God is Father, Holy Spirit a supernatural entity (force i suppose), that God uses to accomplish his purposes, not a person, no mystery, no ambiguity, crystal clear theology!



02 Aug 06
05 Apr 09
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Jaywill you are a blether!

for a start the cornerstone has been laid, which was rejected, Christ Jesus, yes the individuals within the church are the bricks, love is the mortar, and a Holy temple is being built. infact the scriptures describe it as a 'new creation', a 'holy nation', 'a royal priesthood', etc etc

it is the love of Christ that i ...[text shortened]... h his purposes, not a person, no mystery, no ambiguity, crystal clear theology!

for a start the cornerstone has been laid, which was rejected, Christ Jesus, yes the individuals within the church are the bricks, love is the mortar, and a Holy temple is being built. infact the scriptures describe it as a 'new creation', a 'holy nation', 'a royal priesthood', etc etc

The believers are symbolized as stones and not bricks. Bricks are man-made. Stones appear naturally in God's creation. So the saved are depicted as stones, even living stones to build up the living temple of God.

The other things you mentioned I concur with. The point I am making is that the Triune God is the One dispensing Himself into the vessel of God's living building.

The different descriptions of this corporate entity emphasize different aspects of the same salvation.

it is the love of Christ that is filling persons up,

That is true. But the Scripture says that Christ Himself is making His home in the hearts of the believers, by faith. So it is not simply an attribute of Christ as the indweller, but Christ Himself.

I gave you plenty of references to substantiate that. I don't think more are needed to verify that. The Bible says Christ Himself comes to dwell in the saved, not simply an attribute OF Christ.

That is all I have time for tonight. But the issue of the Spirit being a "Person" and not simply a "force" is well borne out in the Bible.


26 Aug 07
05 Apr 09
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Originally posted by jaywill
for a start the cornerstone has been laid, which was rejected, Christ Jesus, yes the individuals within the church are the bricks, love is the mortar, and a Holy temple is being built. infact the scriptures describe it as a 'new creation', a 'holy nation', 'a royal priesthood', etc etc
============================ he Spirit being a "Person" and not simply a "force" is well borne out in the Bible.[/b]
But the issue of the Spirit being a "Person" and not simply a "force" is well borne out in the Bible.

no chance!


02 Aug 06
06 Apr 09
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
But the issue of the Spirit being a "Person" and not simply a "force" is well borne out in the Bible.

no chance!
Robbie, I take "no chance" to that mean there is no chance that you will believe that.

But First Corinthians 15:45 says "the last Adam became a life giving Spirit."

This is why I refer to Processed Triune God. For the livng Person of Jesus Christ to become the living life giving Spirit is a kind of process. And it does not mean that Christ losses His personhood in the process.

The Man became in a form in which He is available for us to receive into our beings. The last Adam [Christ] became a life giving Spirit.

And 2 Corinthians 3:17 states "Now the Lord is the Spirit."

As long as the Lord is a Person, the Spirit who is the Lord is also one. And that would be for eternity.

You should know that Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10) Then you should also realize that the way He begins to give us life and life more abundantly is by giving us Himself as the life giving Spirit.


26 Aug 07
06 Apr 09
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Originally posted by jaywill
Robbie, I take "no chance" to that mean there is no chance that you will believe that.

But [b]First Corinthians 15:45
says "the last Adam became a life giving Spirit."

This is why I refer to Processed Triune God. For the livng Person of Jesus Christ to become the living life giving Spirit is a kind of process. And it does not mea ...[text shortened]... us life and life more abundantly is by giving us Himself as the life giving Spirit.[/b]
yes Jaywill, Christ does become a life giving spirit, after his ascension and resurrection to heaven, he is clearly once again, a life giving spiritual being, thus the reference that you give pertain to the Christ himself, not the Holy Spirit, as I understand it!

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