Originally posted by KellyJayOne has scientific evidence in its favour. The other doesn't. Neither should be taken on faith. If the evidence doesn't convince you, don't take it to be true. If you want to convince someone else of its truth, be prepared to provide evidence.
You think either of one can be proven or do they both have to be believed and taken on faith?
Originally posted by apathistThis is very possible.
Since you see that, surely you see that there are hundreds and thousands of faith beliefs going on.
Everybody is seeing the same thing, just through cultural lenses.
Perhaps those cultural lenses just need the diopters increased a bit.
If I looked at an eye chart from 100 feet away, I can't read the smaller lines either.
Originally posted by avalanchethecatFaith DOES save people from destruction, though.
That's a bit of a stretch. Faith doesn't cure disease, improve crop yields, enable blood tranfusions, purify water, facilitate practically instantaneous communication over vast distance, allow us to fly, put men on the moon, develop vaccines, allow production of lenses to correct failing eyesight, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Actually, the proper application of faith is nothing like as powerful as the proper application of science.
Not to mention allowing people to lead fulfilling lives and find purpose that could not have been discovered through their own efforts. Faith has the power to find the lost, to heal trauma, to mend broken hearts and broken lives and broken families. It brings the water of life to those who have only known unquenchable thirst.
How is that not easily as powerful?
Originally posted by wolfgang59Look past the obvious.
Theists always want to equate religion with science.
As equals.
As alternatives.
As different "kinds of Truth"
They use scientific words such as power, energy and force.
Religion has NOTHING
Faith is not equal to science.
They are both branches from the same tree, though.
Religion has something. The power to change the lives of ALL men, from every socioeconomic background. Rich and poor, strong and weak. Though dead, they can ALL live. Can science do that?
Originally posted by SuzianneOn this we mostly agree although I don’t think we can categorically know that people leading fulfilling lives and finding purpose through faith could not have discovered these things through their own efforts if they settle for religion and stop making "their own efforts".
Faith DOES save people from destruction, though.
Not to mention allowing people to lead fulfilling lives and find purpose that could not have been discovered through their own efforts. Faith has the power to find the lost, to heal trauma, to mend broken hearts and broken lives and broken families.
16 Apr 17
Originally posted by SuzianneI lost my faith and yet I still have purpose and a fulfilling life (and I have encountered many ex-believers who have had a similar life arc), so while faith can create meaning for people it is not necessarily indispensable.
Faith DOES save people from destruction, though.
Not to mention allowing people to lead fulfilling lives and find purpose that could not have been discovered through their own efforts. Faith has the power to find the lost, to heal trauma, to mend broken hearts and broken lives and broken families. It brings the water of life to those who have only known unquenchable thirst.
How is that not easily as powerful?