@secondson saidAnd you seem to be waist-deep in word salad.
You're stuck in irrational circular logic.
@fmf saidYou formulated the terminology encapsulating the content of an ideology, and propagated it on these boards accusing Christians of believing it.
It's a description of the ideology propagated and not an "accusation". Having had the relevant discussions umpteen times in public on this forum for upward of 10 years, I really do not have to prove anything to you. If you don't like the terminology, so be it.
That's all you did. You've proved that, but you can't prove that any of the Christians you are accusing of believing it have said they do.
And now, at the critical moment of truth, you want to sluff it off by claiming to have had "umpteen" "relevant discussions" about it here for years.
It is an unsubstantiated accusation. In my view, given the nature of the discussion, even slanderous.
If you really expect me to believe you, without hard evidence to support your accusation, and take your word for it, then I suspect you have an overinflated ego problem.
Why don't you PM the Christians you named, and any others you claim believe in the "torturer god ideology" you have propagated in this forum, and ask them to please step forward.
25 Dec 18
@secondson saidI don't mind if you don't take my word for it.
If you really expect me to believe you, without hard evidence to support your accusation, and take your word for it, then I suspect you have an overinflated ego problem.
@philokalia saidCross over to the Debates Forum and start a thread about it, if you want. See what people there say.
It's also certainly curious that you never cross over to the "Debates" forum. My guess is that it was so populated that no one gave a crap about what you were saying & your shtick grew thin very quickly.