07 Nov 20
-Removed-Just because you start a thread doesn't mean everybody needs to drop what they're doing and reply all at once.
I can see you up on the stage in a 500 dollar suit ranting on and on and on 'can you hear me' ' can you hear me' 'can you hear me' in a hyper-stressed voice at the top of your lungs while the collection plate is passed umpteen times. 🤖
@rajk999 saidYou're the only source you have, and all you hear is your own voice echoing in your head the same line you've been pasting in this forum since you got here.
I heard from a reliable source these people are born again Christians and they cannot sin.
07 Nov 20
-Removed-I would but I graduated from that kind of hyperbolism back in the eighties.
It's exactly indicative of how far the commercial "church" has drifted from the gospel over the last hundred years. Lights, sounds, smoke machines and emotional and sensational entertainment for the flesh has trumped the Spirit.
07 Nov 20
It seems, more than ever, at least to my way of perceiving the struggle between "light and darkness" relative to the influence of the church on the world, that time is running out, or better yet, the world is running out of room.
I can't help thinking of 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,..
"Falling away" - apostasy.
"That day" in verse 3 refers back to the phrase "day of Christ" in verse 2.
The "day of Christ", in my opinion, begins with the resumption of the prophetic timetable, the start of the "seventieth week" of the prophecy of Daniel, and runs through the "millennial reign" of Christ on earth.
A Hugh topic of debate even within the church.
Question is, is the apostasy upon us?