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Permanent Members of Christ's Royal Family

Permanent Members of Christ's Royal Family


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Originally posted by FMF
And these latter ones ~ burning in agonizing torture for eternity and "forever separated from His presence" ~ are still "permanent members of Christ's Royal Family"?
Its like pulling teeth.
You will never get a straight answer.

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Originally posted by FMF
And these latter ones ~ burning in agonizing torture for eternity and "forever separated from His presence" ~ are still "permanent members of Christ's Royal Family"?
Perhaps I wasn't specific enough.
If you've been redeemed, you are permanent member of the Royal Family; that salvation wasn't exacted through your work so you can't do anything to erase it.
I know you might be thinking "I believed for salvation, can't I un-believe?"
No, friend, you cannot.
It's been likened to sitting in a chair, perhaps because the Christian life is said to be one of rest, of peace.
God beckons us to rest in Him, to sit down, take a load off.
He commands us to grow in that peace.
Some of us do, some of us don't--- meaning, some continue to sit in the chair and grow in a manner consistent with grace and His plan.
Others go to sit but add stipulations, remove themselves from the chair and get to the work they see as necessary for gaining salvation.
Still others (such as you describe your situation) wholly reject the chair they once sat in, either ignoring it for the rest of their physical lives or even make every effort to destroy the chair and all it represents.

At the end of the day, however, our names are not taken from the Book of Life if--- at any time in our lives--- we ever knowingly sat in that chair, regardless of our activity following that initial rest.

If such a reaction were even possible, some of the most sheepish folks in heaven will be those who finally come to the realization they did nothing for their salvation: they couldn't build it, nor could they tear it down.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Its like pulling teeth.
You will never get a straight answer.
The straight answer is that a person who has accepted the gift, the work of the Lord Jesus Christ done on the Cross, is saved--- one time, for all time.

They cannot be taken from His hand, even on their own power.
The saved are with God forever.
The unsaved are removed from His presence forever.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Perhaps I wasn't specific enough.
If you've been redeemed, you are permanent member of the Royal Family; that salvation wasn't exacted through your work so you can't do anything to erase it.
I know you might be thinking "I believed for salvation, can't I un-believe?"
No, friend, you cannot.
It's been likened to sitting in a chair, perhaps because the C ...[text shortened]... ation they did nothing for their salvation: they couldn't build it, nor could they tear it down.
Jesus Christ, Paul, James, John, Peter are all shaking their heads in disbelief. It must be incredible to them that after they clearly spelt out the fate of those who fall away you morons keep saying something different.


Originally posted by Rajk999
Jesus Christ, Paul, James, John, Peter are all shaking their heads in disbelief. It must be incredible to them that after they clearly spelt out the fate of those who fall away you morons keep saying something different.
I know we've had the conversation more times than is warranted, but I'll ask again: your salvation is a result of whose work?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
The straight answer is that a person who has accepted the gift, the work of the Lord Jesus Christ done on the Cross, is saved--- one time, for all time.
I do not believe that there exists a "gift" for me to accept or reject. I do not believe the claims Christians make about "the work of the Lord Jesus Christ done on the Cross". I am ~ in Christian terms ~ an "unbeliever". Grampy Bobby knows this full well and yet he has told me that [1] as an "unbeliever" I will, after death, be trapped in burning fires for all eternity, and [2] I "cannot lose [my] salvation" even though I am an "unbeliever" because I am "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family". These two things contradict each other.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
The straight answer is that a person who has accepted the gift, the work of the Lord Jesus Christ done on the Cross, is saved--- one time, for all time.

They cannot be taken from His hand, even on their own power.
The saved are with God forever.
The unsaved are removed from His presence forever.
Does this verse mean anything to you

For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
(2 Peter 2:20-21 KJV)

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I know we've had the conversation more times than is warranted, but I'll ask again: your salvation is a result of whose work?
Jesus Christ. But there is a part that YOU PLAY .. What is it? What did Christ say ?

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Originally posted by FMF
Grampy Bobby,

You still have not answered the two questions in the OP:

Can "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family", after dying, be tortured in agony by burning flames for eternity?

If this is what happens to them, are they still "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family"?
Thread 159413

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Thread 159413
I already looked at that link. It does not answer my two questions which arise specifically from things you have said to me.

Once more:

[1] Can "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family", after dying, be tortured in agony by burning flames for eternity?

[2] If this is what happens to them, are they still "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family"?

I am willing to accept a yes or no answer for [1] and [2].

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Thats it? I thought he was one of the Apostles in the Bible the way you refer to him as if he is some kind of authority.
"Please see the relevant salvation comments by FreakyKBH on Page two." ~gb

There's no biblical reference though he does know what he's talking about; sorry for the confusion.

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Originally posted by FMF
I already looked at that link. It does not answer my two questions which arise specifically from things you have said to me.

Once more:

[1] Can "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family", after dying, be tortured in agony by burning flames for eternity?

[2] If this is what happens to them, are they still "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family"?

I am willing to accept a yes or no answer for [1] and [2].
"At the moment of salvation, God imputes His absolute righteousness to every believer and having done so declares him/her righteous or justified. (Romans 3:21-28) If God subsequently excluded any believer from eternal salvation, He would have to deny Himself and contradict His own pronouncement of justification. A believer's salvation is anchored in the essence of God." Thread 159413 Therefore, no condemnation to those who have believed in Christ. 1. Nope. 2. N/A

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Originally posted by KellyJay
If you want to tell me that you were faking it, than got to the point that you had to reject faking it, than I'm telling you, YOU NEVER had a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ. What you were always doing was faking it!
No. I cannot tell you I was "faking it" ~ it would not be true if I told you that. What happened was that my beliefs changed. I lost my faith. You should perhaps be careful that the sheer strength of your personal convictions and your sincerity do not rob you of your ability to understand the human condition. You are a Christian (I take your word for it) and I was a Christian. You are a human. I am a human. Beliefs can change. I hope your beliefs haven't taken you to a place where you can no longer understand or accept such a basic human trait and fact of life.

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[1] Can "a permanent member of Christ's Royal Family", after dying, be tortured in agony by burning flames for eternity?

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
1. Nope.
So "unbelievers" ~ like me ~ are saved alongside "believers"?

This contradicts statements about "unbelievers" and "eternal torture" that you have made on this forum many times.

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Originally posted by FMF
No. I cannot tell you I was "faking it" ~ it would not be true if I told you that. What happened was that my beliefs changed. I lost my faith. You should perhaps be careful that the sheer strength of your personal convictions and your sincerity do not rob you of your ability to understand the human condition. You are a Christian (I take your word for it) and I w ...[text shortened]... a place where you can no longer understand or accept such a basic human trait and fact of life.
When you considered yourself a believer, what was your take on the topic?

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