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Persecution of Christians by Rome

Persecution of Christians by Rome



Originally posted by RJHinds
[b]ISIS Declares War On ‘The Cross': 21 Christians Beheaded in Barbaric New Video from the Islamic State

First, the Christians are forced to their knees. Then, the spokesperson for the terrorists holds up his knife, declaring:
[quote] “Today, are on the south of Rome, on the land of Islam, Libya, sending another message. Oh crusaders, safety for you ...[text shortened]... jreview.com/2015/02/251741-isis-terrorists/

This has to do with the op how? It's really funny how you fundies can with a straight face respond to someone clearly more intelligent and much more educated than you, just dismissing all of their arguments with 'Goddidit'. All you do is make yourself look ever more ridiculous in reality.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
This has to do with the op how? It's really funny how you fundies can with a straight face respond to someone clearly more intelligent and much more educated than you, just dismissing all of their arguments with 'Goddidit'. All you do is make yourself look ever more ridiculous in reality.
Laugh if you wish, but I don't see anything funny about what the Muslim terrorist cutting off the heads of Christians. What the Romans did is in the past. The Muslim caliphate is far more dangerous to Christians today.



Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Free from the bible, i have the luxury of alternative history. I'm currently toying with the idea that the universe was created in a test tube by a chap named Bernard.

His name was Gerald.


Originally posted by wolfgang59

His name was Gerald.
Sorry, but if you want to hold that belief you will have to form a breakaway denomination and will not be allowed entry to the paradise foretold by Bernard in his book of Wigwams and Cauliflowers.

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Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Sorry, but if you want to hold that belief you will have to form a breakaway denomination and will not be allowed entry to the paradise foretold by Bernard in his book of Wigwams and Cauliflowers.
You atheists seem to me to be a wacky, mentally deranged bunch of lunatics.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Yes, I know, but they have said similar things to me. I just like to get a punch or two in myself. I have never claimed to be perfect in character or morality.

I believe God knows our faults better than we know them ourselves. People are expecting too much, if they expect every person that says he believes in God or His Christ should be morally as good as God. That is why, we as Christians, don't put fairth in our own good works, but put our faith in the work of Christ.

I alone do not expect to convert anyone. I believe that can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit. I only attempt to introduce them to the Savior and what happens after that is up to them. I can't save anyone and only respond to their acceptance or rejection in the way it makes me feel at the time. I am not saying the Holy Spirit is feeling the same way for I don't really know.

Other people have told me that they don't like my methods before, especially Suzianne, but she is not perfect either. I can only honestly be me. I am not going to try to be someone that I am not. So everyone is going to have to get used to it or just ignore me if you wish.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Yes, I know, but they have said similar things to me. I just like to get a punch or two in myself. I have never claimed to be perfect in character or morality.

I believe God knows our faults better than we know them ourselves. People are expecting too much, if they expect every person that says he believes in God or His Christ should be morally as goo ...[text shortened]... one that I am not. So everyone is going to have to get used to it or just ignore me if you wish.
But in any case, conversions or not, you will continue in your present MO, more bible verses which are supposed to prove the deity nature of the bible and more bullshyte video's 'proving' evolution is a fantasy. That would be because you are a one trick pony, unable to change course in spite of overwhelming evidence of evolution or age of Earth.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
But in any case, conversions or not, you will continue in your present MO, more bible verses which are supposed to prove the deity nature of the bible and more bullshyte video's 'proving' evolution is a fantasy. That would be because you are a one trick pony, unable to change course in spite of overwhelming evidence of evolution or age of Earth.
Qverwhelming evidence of evolution?

Biologist Exposes Lie of "Overwhelming Evidence for Evolution" - Part 1

The age of the earth?

DNA is the Greatest Enemy of Evolution Theory

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Originally posted by whodey
Persecution is second nature to mankind. Whoever is in power persecutes those whom they perceive to be threats.
For example, only when Constantine turned the Christian religion around as a means to conquer with the sword and persecute others for his own power did the Christian persecution end. Constantine must have seen the success of the spread of the religion despite the persecution, and just reckoned it would be a good religion to use.
And the ensuing step was for the Christians to begin persecuting the Mithrans. Then the Christians began persecuting any Christians who did not follow their doctrine in the same manner. Then came the Inquisition, etc, etc. You Christians should stop this poor, poor pitiful me approach and admit that your religion is certainly just as bad as any which persecuted Christians. The atrocities committed by the Spaniards in the Americas in the name of Christianity certainly ranks near the top of genocidal acts in all of human history. All done in the name of Jesus. Ain't that just precious. 🙄🙄🙄

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Originally posted by caissad4
And the ensuing step was for the Christians to begin persecuting the Mithrans. Then the Christians began persecuting any Christians who did not follow their doctrine in the same manner. Then came the Inquisition, etc, etc. You Christians should stop this poor, poor pitiful me approach and admit that your religion is certainly just as bad as any which perse ...[text shortened]... al acts in all of human history. All done in the name of Jesus. Ain't that just precious. 🙄🙄🙄
This is quilt by association meant to deceive many into believing your false report.

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

(Matthew 5:11-12 NKJV)

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Qverwhelming evidence of evolution?

Biologist Exposes Lie of "Overwhelming Evidence for Evolution" - Part 1


The age of the earth?

DNA is the Greatest Enemy of Evolution Theory

I rest my case.

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