Originally posted by Conrau KThis document was published in the Acta Apostolica Sedis -- the official journal of the Roman Curia. It was also put up on the website a short while later.
Just out of interest, remind me, it was a Catholic priest who revealed the existence of this document, wasn't it?
No one had to "reveal" its existence or anything.
Originally posted by lucifershammerI thought that the problem here was that the document was confidential.
This document was published in the Acta Apostolica Sedis -- the official journal of the Roman Curia. It was also put up on the website a short while later.
No one had to "reveal" its existence or anything.
EDIT: Not wait, I think I've confused this with something else. Isn't this old news?
Originally posted by Conrau KIt can't be confidential if it was published in the official journal, can it? 😉
I thought that the problem here was that the document was confidential.
EDIT: Not wait, I think I've confused this with something else. Isn't this old news?
This is old news (which the Good Doctor likes to dig up to show his affection for the Church) but recently made it back to the front pages (in some countries) due to a BBC Panorama "investigation".