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Position of women in religion

Position of women in religion


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Originally posted by josephw
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

It's a matter of role. Men and women are equal in sole. But as I said before, it's about orderly maintenance.

Notice though that the greater accountability is placed upon the man. As such the man is really a servant to his wife!
Let's make this easy. Based on your reading of the Bible, if a married couple have a dissagreement about shich pricate school to send their kid to...who gets the final say?

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Originally posted by josephw
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

It's a matter of role. Men and women are equal in sole. But as I said before, it's about orderly maintenance.

Notice though that the greater accountability is placed upon the man. As such the man is really a servant to his wife!
Orderly maintenance?? I can't for a minute imagine that my brother would make a decision and expect his wife to follow it. Because he loves her, they talk about things and reach a consensus. If he got a great job offer in Texas and she wanted to move to Florida, they wouldn't move to Texas because that's his wish. They'd discuss it, and perhaps even decide together not to move at all until they could find a move that would meet both their needs. That is true love, and orderly. They are equals.

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"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."
(I Corinthians 14:34-35)

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Originally posted by josephw
Notice though that the greater accountability is placed upon the man. As such the man is really a servant to his wife!
Yes, the master is wholly accountable for his slave.....?

The manager is always to blame... ever heard that?

I understand that the roles are distinct and are not meant to confer superiority one way or another, but the subtle thing is that the man has the final word, ie is the *more* important.

Please also note I don't necessarily think this is a wholly problematic area re the *equality* of the sexes.... more later

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Originally posted by PawnChop
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."
(I Corinthians 14:34-35)
ahhh...I love the smell of equality in the morning!

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Originally posted by TheSkipper
Let's make this easy. Based on your reading of the Bible, if a married couple have a dissagreement about shich pricate school to send their kid to...who gets the final say?
That's easy, the husband.

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Originally posted by TheSkipper
ahhh...I love the smell of equality in the morning!
Do you want to be led around by a woman? Are you a man? Tell me someone. Who here knows the answer? Should women be in control?

Yes it's true. The Bible teaches that men are in the position of leadership both in the family and in the church. If you don't like it then go to a church where they have reinterpreted the Biblical instruction and let a woman teach you what the truth is.

But don't try to tell me that women are unequal in respect to their humanity. We are equal in soul but not in role. It's that simple.

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Originally posted by josephw
That's easy, the husband.
Okay, well that does not jive with any idea of equality I have ever heard of.

If the husband's idea is better he should be able to convince his wife of its superiority and then they can both move forward. Simply being able to dismiss (with respect) his wife's counter-idea, in favor of his own denotes a hierarchy. Basically, it puts the husband in the role of CEO while the wife is some sort of upper level executive. This is not the way my marriage is run!

Finally, what about situations where the husband is an idiot like in my marriage with my wife? It would be foolish beyond reason for me to insist that my choices win out over hers when she is, in fact, head and shoulders smarter than I am.

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Originally posted by snowinscotland
Yes, the master is wholly accountable for his slave.....?

The manager is always to blame... ever heard that?

I understand that the roles are distinct and are not meant to confer superiority one way or another, but the subtle thing is that the man has the final word, ie is the *more* important.

Please also note I don't necessarily think this is a wholly problematic area re the *equality* of the sexes.... more later
I'll be waiting.

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Originally posted by pawnhandler
Orderly maintenance?? I can't for a minute imagine that my brother would make a decision and expect his wife to follow it. Because he loves her, they talk about things and reach a consensus. If he got a great job offer in Texas and she wanted to move to Florida, they wouldn't move to Texas because that's his wish. They'd discuss it, and perhaps even ...[text shortened]... a move that would meet both their needs. That is true love, and orderly. They are equals.
Of course. But in the final analysis the husband has the final word. Orderly maintenance. Even in human institutions someone has conferred on Him/her the authority to make the call. The rule of law and all that. It's a no-brainer!

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Originally posted by josephw
Do you want to be led around by a woman? Are you a man? Tell me someone. Who here knows the answer? Should women be in control?

Yes it's true. The Bible teaches that men are in the position of leadership both in the family and in the church. If you don't like it then go to a church where they have reinterpreted the Biblical instruction and let a woman tea nequal in respect to their humanity. We are equal in soul but not in role. It's that simple.
I'm "led around by a woman" all the time! My wife is a lawyer, she went to some of the best universities in the country and is by all measure the smartest person I have ever known. However, even acknowledging that she is better prepared to lead our family forward we operate as equals because it takes more than intelligence to run a successful family.

We function in the market place of ideas, and no idea is weighted heavier than another because some sexist, ancient book (written entirely by men, mind you) claiming to be the word of God tells us it should be so.

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Originally posted by josephw
Do you want to be led around by a woman? Are you a man? Tell me someone. Who here knows the answer? Should women be in control?

Just what do you mean by the above anyway?

Are you seriously suggesting that men should not be "led around" by women?

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Originally posted by TheSkipper
Just what do you mean by the above anyway?

Are you seriously suggesting that men should not be "led around" by women?
Unless they're Amazons.

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Originally posted by josephw
Do you want to be led around by a woman? Are you a man? Tell me someone. Who here knows the answer? Should women be in control?

Yes it's true. The Bible teaches that men are in the position of leadership both in the family and in the church. If you don't like it then go to a church where they have reinterpreted the Biblical instruction and let a woman tea ...[text shortened]... nequal in respect to their humanity. We are equal in soul but not in role. It's that simple.
Neither should be "in control." It is not a parent-child relationship. One is not leader over the other. Geez, no wonder fewer and fewer women are getting married! Too many like you think you should be the daddy instead of the partner.

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Originally posted by TheSkipper
I'm "led around by a woman" all the time! My wife is a lawyer, she went to some of the best universities in the country and is by all measure the smartest person I have ever known. However, even acknowledging that she is better prepared to lead our family forward we operate as equals because it takes more than intelligence to run a successful family.
...[text shortened]... (written entirely by men, mind you) claiming to be the word of God tells us it should be so.
"Are you a mister mom?" Maybe you bought into the whole androgyny thing and have been emasculated.

Like I said, someone will be in control at some point in any human institution just as it has always been and always will be. Men rule. Always have, always will. Quit thinking like a feminist.

I'm quite sure this will piss you all off, but that's too bad. It's a fact of life. It's in your DNA. You can role over and let someone else tell you what to do, or take charge of your life and make the decisions that determine your own destiny. Act like a man!

By the way, congratulations to your wife for her accomplishment. It must provide a great deal of security for you since I'm sure she makes alot of money. And if you didn't like to hear that then you shouldn't have told me about it.

My wife, on the other-hand, is a home maker and teacher of my children. She is very good at it, and very glad her husband works so hard to provide a home where she can be all that God designed her to be. Of course this is not acceptable to all you self made types that believe in your own self determination. Automatons. Products of the environment.

Insulting today aren't I! 😠

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