Originally posted by ivanhoeDoctor Scribbles proposed "crucifixion"; that would seem to be a fitting punishment for child endangerers. Perhaps "re-education" camps where they could be tortured into recanting their evil ways? There's still an Office of the Inquistion in the RCC maybe they could give some technical assistance and/or an iron maiden or two for such a worthy cause.
I havent got a clue. What do you propose ?
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesRB must have other souls to save, so:
RBHILL, does the Catholic Church currently staff an Office of the Inquisition?
On July 21, 1542 Pope Paul III, with the Constitution Licet ab initio, established the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition, staffed with cardinals and other officials whose task it was "to maintain and defend the integrity of the faith and to examine and proscribe errors and false doctrines".
This body was renamed Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office in 1908 by Pope Pius X. It was changed to Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on December 7, 1965, at the end of the Second Vatican Council. In 1983, with the new code of canon law, "Sacred" was dropped from the names of Vatican Congregations. It has become the supervisory body of local Roman Inquisitions.
For PR reasons, they changed the name in the 20th century but the purpose remains the same (sadly, they won't let the boys use the racks anymore :'(). Bonus points if you can guess who was the most recent head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (i.e. Inquistion) until he got a better gig.
Originally posted by lucifershammerNo RBHILL has extensively studied the precepts and canons of the Catholic faith and has been gracious enough to share his wisdom with us. See the "Bowing to Mary is a Sin" thread:
Don't you mean ivanhoe?