Originally posted by RJHindsSo now you agree with Darwin? Or is it just using science as a weapon just like all the rest of the so-called 'creation scientists'?
You wouild have to move the goal post of time again for there is not enough time for even a bacteria to change into another kind much less change into a worm. Read the last chapter of Darwin's Origin of the Species to see what he said about a common ancestor. You can find it on the web.
Originally posted by sonhouseI have always agreed with part of what Darwin said. That is, when he stayed with the science. It is when he started speculating about a common ancestor that he went bonkers.
So now you agree with Darwin? Or is it just using science as a weapon just like all the rest of the so-called 'creation scientists'?
Originally posted by RJHindsThat's how science works, you go with the evidence and that is exactly what the evidence shows, as much as you would want to tear it down in your anti evolutionary hate.
I have always agreed with part of what Darwin said. That is, when he stayed with the science. It is when he started speculating about a common ancestor that he went bonkers.
People have been trying to do that for 150 years with no success and you can't do any better.
Sure, you can cut and paste all you want of so-called creation science but you yourself have nothing to contribute to the argument, being blinded by your religion and therefore have self cauterized your brain.
In short you have given up the right to think in your religious zeal and you think that is great because you think you know the truth. In fact all you know is what you have been told and read in a 2000 year old book.
Which of course means you know nothing, but are willing to participate in the attempted destruction of a legitimate science all based on your bogus belief's.
Originally posted by sonhouseScience would have been better off, it Darwin had kept his speculating to himself until he knew the truth. Because of his speculating, many numbnuts thought he was revealing more truth and now they believe the lie of evolution.
That's how science works, you go with the evidence and that is exactly what the evidence shows, as much as you would want to tear it down in your anti evolutionary hate.
People have been trying to do that for 150 years with no success and you can't do any better.
Sure, you can cut and paste all you want of so-called creation science but you yourself ...[text shortened]... cipate in the attempted destruction of a legitimate science all based on your bogus belief's.
Originally posted by RJHindsHere is an example of how real science works:
Science would have been better off, it Darwin had kept his speculating to himself until he knew the truth. Because of his speculating, many numbnuts thought he was revealing more truth and now they believe the lie of evolution.
The standard model of particle physics has a new kink and now the theory boys are hard at work to explain it:
This shows how real science works. They find an anomaly in their research but instead of trying to force that into an agenda they try to find the fundamental physics going on underneath the standard model and if the standard model has to be re-written so be it.
As opposed to that oxymoron creation science which comes in with a publicly avowed agenda and then tries to force that down the throats of real scientists studying evolution.
Creationist have close to ZERO chance of upending evolution. FACT JACK.
Originally posted by RJHindswould you shut the fuk up with darwin already? the theory of evolution in the present is just as darwin as genetics is mendel.
Science would have been better off, it Darwin had kept his speculating to himself until he knew the truth. Because of his speculating, many numbnuts thought he was revealing more truth and now they believe the lie of evolution.
we have come a long way since then. evolution has improved. unlike the horror that is genesis, scientists have improved upon darwin's work constantly.
evolution is considered FACT (i have a caps lock too)
the only things that are up for debate are some of the details of HOW evolution happened.
Originally posted by sonhouseEvolutionists to not perform real science, because they come with the agenda to make it agree with the evolution model. That model is is actually a hypothesis masquerading as a theory. There is too much evidence against that model being true.
Here is an example of how real science works:
The standard model of particle physics has a new kink and now the theory boys are hard at work to explain it:
This shows how real science works. They find an anomaly in their research but instead of trying to force that into ...[text shortened]... s studying evolution.
Creationist have close to ZERO chance of upending evolution. FACT JACK.
Originally posted by RJHindsYou mean bogus evidence foisted on an unsuspecting public in the hope that they won't look closely at such trumped up evidence masquerading as real science, ANYTHING to try to defeat evolution. You mean THAT science?
Evolutionists to not perform real science, because they come with the agenda to make it agree with the evolution model. That model is is actually a hypothesis masquerading as a theory. There is too much evidence against that model being true.
Originally posted by ZahlanziScientist have not improved on evolution because evolution is just a figment of the imagination.
would you shut the fuk up with darwin already? the theory of evolution in the present is just as darwin as genetics is mendel.
we have come a long way since then. evolution has improved. unlike the horror that is genesis, scientists have improved upon darwin's work constantly.
evolution is considered FACT (i have a caps lock too)
the only things that are up for debate are some of the details of HOW evolution happened.
Originally posted by RJHindsYou really mean creationism is a figment of your non imagination, not able to actually reason your way out of a paper bag due to the self cauterization of what used to be your brain.
Scientist have not improved on evolution because evolution is just a figment of the imagination.
Originally posted by humyIntelligent design is very credible except for people like you who believe only in the creation and not the Creator.
Scientist have not improved on evolution because there really isn't a credible alternative.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man— who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
(Romans 1:18-23, 25 NKJV)
Originally posted by RJHindsIntelligent design is only reputable within the narrow confines of the fundamentalist community. It seems to me just humans designing god, that is where the intelligent design comes from. You can stake out whatever claim you want on the man made god of your choice. There are less and less of you fundies left as time goes by so enjoy it while you can.
Intelligent design is very credible except for people like you who believe only in the creation and not the Creator.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the c ...[text shortened]... erved the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
(Romans 1:18-23, 25 NKJV)