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Question to RJHINDS

Question to RJHINDS


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Originally posted by Agerg
Shame on anyone who has seen this yet still gives him benefit of the doubt 😞

[hidden]ellipses or not there is no contextual supplementation that would make this s**t palatable[/hidden]
Trust me, the rest was just as bad......

I never thought I would hear a Christian defend his kind of stuff.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
He not only said Dasa called for "Genocide" which was a lie; but also
said that I was calling for "Genocide" another lie, when I tried to explain
to him what Dasa meant. Even when Dasa told him he did not use the
word "Genocide" and was referring to the "elimination" of all the Muslim
terrorist groups of the religion of Islam, FMF repeated the lie that we
were calling for "Genocide".
Dasa did call for "genocide"
FMF did not say you were calling for genocide. He asked you if you agreed with Dasa,just another question you dodged. You could not have explained what Dasa meant as you did not see his post. Dasa did not use the words terrorist groups in his Dec 19 post. There was no lie in the first place, so there can be no repeated lie

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Removing the SS Nazis from society is not what I would call "genocide".
You are missing the point. The Nazis advocated and carried out genocide against people of a specific religion - the Jews - just as Dasa advocated genocide against people of a specific religion - the Muslims. You say you think Muslims - whose religion you claim is Satan inspired religion - should be "removed from society". There were Christian Nazis who believed and claimed that the Jews were Satanic and Satan inspired. Dasa talked about removing the Nazis in 1940; this was ironic because he clearly has more in common with those Nazis than he does with the people who opposed them. As Agerg says, "shame on anyone who has seen [what Dasa wrote and] yet still gives him benefit of the doubt".

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I am glad to hear that you are intrigued. Maybe, that will give you the
incentive to read and study the scriptures to see if what I have said about
them is backed up in the Holy Bible. If not, forget what I say and start
your ridicule.
I don't think 'backed up' is the proper phrase, more like duplicate opinion.

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